"You can also invite the undead to take over your body, making people feel like they are possessed by the undead."

Speaking of this, Hailey couldn't help but glance at the priest's eyes, but all she saw was a thoughtful look.

"Invite the undead to come up?"

Looking at Hailey, York's eyes were a little cryptic: "Hailey, you haven't tried it yet, have you?"

To be honest, these young people are really not afraid of tigers, so they dare to play this on Halloween.

Maybe she felt something, Hailey quickly denied it.

"No! How could I be so stupid to try this thing?"

As she spoke, she looked at the priest in front of her and said weakly:

"Bridget's matter is the consequence, I know it very well..."

The voice trailed off, and it was clear that Bridget wasn't hiding anything from Haley about the incident at Reed's apartment complex.

Yorks shook his head and waved to her to come over and sit down.

"Tell me how they invite the undead to take possession of them."

Hailey looked cool on the surface, like a disobedient cool boy, but she still sat down obediently.

This scene made her girlfriend, who was a few meters away, raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"It's very simple. After shaking hands, you can see the undead. Then just say something to the undead you see, and I will allow you to possess it."

Hailey stirred the candy in her mouth while slurring her words.

"That way, the undead can get on top of you..."

Hearing this, Yorks was a little speechless and didn't know what he should think about this kind of thing.

The definition of possession is exactly what Haley says it is.

There is a portal for people. If possession is not allowed, the undead or evil spirits need to take the second step of harassment, slowly consuming the possessed person's mind and trying to open the portal.

And as Hailey said, what's the difference between telling the undead that they can possess you and opening the door to a potentially dangerous stranger at home late at night?

"Why do you play this game?"

Yorks subconsciously asked this stupid question, but it was too late to accept it.

Hailey switched the candy to the other cheek, a small bump formed on the left cheek, and replied obediently.

"It's exciting. I heard them say that being possessed by the undead can give you a very novel feeling, a feeling of being out of body and ecstatic.

You can also see the things you want to see, dead relatives, etc., although it is only a high probability and not 100% successful. "

With that said, Hailey waved to her girlfriend.

"Come here, Ann."

The blonde girl seemed surprised and pointed at herself.


After receiving Hailey's nod of confirmation, Anxi walked over cautiously under the gaze of the priest who had made her restrain herself subconsciously and not dare to be presumptuous when they first met.


When she walked over to Hailey and sat down, she still had a bit of self-respect and maintained her little girl style.

"Show that video to the priest."

"Oh." Anxi subconsciously glanced at the priest on the other side of Hailey who was neither sad nor happy, and obediently took out her mobile phone from her handbag and handed it over.

Hailey took it, found the video with familiarity, and then sent it to Yorks.

"Father York, take a look, this is a video taken while they were playing. It seems very exciting."

Yorks still doesn't understand the purpose of Haili coming here, but now that he has encountered such a thing, he is still a little curious.

It's not that I'm curious about this game, but I'm curious about what the sculptural hand that can only be used to summon spirits is.

Soon, Yorks learned all this from the video on his cell phone.

Inside is a very supernatural party.

The people at the party were all young people, from college to high school.

There's even a host in there.

The host will first take out a sculptural hand full of patterns and some fonts.

His introduction was no different from what Hailey said before, putting candles, inviting ghosts and so on.

However, this game has a time limit, and the possession process cannot exceed ninety seconds, because once the time is exceeded, the undead will not want to leave.

"So within ninety seconds, let go and blow out the candles, and you can safely experience a feeling that transcends life and death."

Yorks listened to the introduction and turned to look at the two people on the right.

Under their gaze, the two people immediately sat down obediently without realizing it.

"Is this game the most popular among young people now?"

"No, no, no! It's only popular in our school, and the details haven't been spread out yet."

Hailey immediately shook her head, shaking her head like an onion.

"After all, the soul must be summoned through the sculptural hand."

Yorks squinted his eyes and shifted his gaze to the video that was still playing. At this time, the person who appeared on the screen was a girl.

Yorks was certain that the girl was possessed by the undead because her eyes had black pupils.

The girl was lying on the sofa, her dark pupils dilated and struggling, her whole body trembling, as if she had lost her soul.

Seeing this, Yorks turned off the video and returned the phone to Hailey, looking at her unnatural look and said calmly.

"Tell me, Hailey, why you're telling me this."


Hailey's voice stopped here, and she took a deep breath to muster up her courage.

"Father, I know you are a man of great ability. Bridget has told me all about it."

Yorks frowned subconsciously.

Hailey, who had been looking at the priest's eyes with all her heart, quickly added a sentence when she saw the priest's expression.

"It's confidential and I haven't told anyone."

Yorkist disagreed and said calmly: "Let's get down to business."

Hailey silently glanced at her girlfriend curled up on her arm and whispered.

"Father, Ann's brother Kelly is out of time."

Timeout means exceeding the ninety seconds mentioned above. Of course, it cannot exceed the timeout. As long as you try to play with powers and things that you don't understand well, there will always be danger.

Hearing this, Yorks couldn't help but laugh, and he shook his head.

"So Hailey, are you asking me to wipe your butts for you?"


As soon as these words came out, Hailey became a little anxious, and even Anxi behind her was at a loss and didn't know what to say.

"I just……"

Before Hailey could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Yorks.

"Why is it more than ninety seconds? I saw in the video that you controlled this time very accurately."

Hailey was silent for a moment: "Because Kelly seemed to have met his father and he refused to let go.

The host inside and several participants took a lot of effort to take the sculpture hand from his hand, so it timed out..."

Hearing this, Yorks instantly generated a related picture in his mind. A child wanted to see his dead father, and he happened to see him just like this.

Putting aside the discussion of exceeding the allotted time, he had some doubts about the undead soul of his father. Is this undead soul really the father of the other party?

Somewhere in the air, Yorkist smelled a very familiar scent.

Because this matter is very confusing.

Is there a high probability of seeing what you want to see?

In addition to transcending life and death, enlivening the party atmosphere and feeling like poison, this is probably one of the factors of temptation.

"It's a very familiar technique." Yorks thought of the sculpted hand. The lines and fonts on it were not clear in the video, and he couldn't see any information at all.

There is only one thought now, and that is where did this hand that can only summon souls come from?

How did it get into the hands of these students?

Thank you for the reward. Thank you for your support!

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