American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 254 Chain Reaction

"Club! There are people! People inside are coming to save us!" Jim yelled to wake everyone up.




Under the roar, everyone woke up, looked at the monster forms attacking around the white mist, and quickly followed Jim's footsteps.

But because of the brief pause before, the surrounding monsters had already surrounded him.

At this time, everyone was running with all their heart and soul, running as hard as they could.

The sound of gunfire sounded vaguely again, and they saw that the monsters attacking them were being beaten to pieces by the continuous and ferocious firepower.

At this moment, even if they couldn't see who was shooting in front or the monsters around them, they could still see the monsters showing their bodies from the road ahead and around them, and the monster corpses all over the ground.

This made Jim and others look excited about the aftermath of the disaster, and their bodies became more powerful due to the rapid secretion of hormones.

Only Yorks, who could see everything clearly and kept shooting, raised his eyebrows slightly.

"This white mist seems to have the effect of blocking sound."

Thinking about the ending, where the protagonist only discovered the armored vehicles and tanks in front of him, Yorks knew that he was just like an invisible man, silently shooting to clear the group of people of the invading monsters.

One after another, no matter how weird the monster's shape is, under the muzzle of the MK-48 light machine gun that keeps spraying bullets in his hand, there is only one end, and that is death.


Yorks reminded: "They are coming, you take them into the club."

Now John Wick just feels very frustrated. He can't see anything and naturally can't do anything. He can only watch the priest keep shooting, the gunfire roars and he is just a bystander.

"Yes, Father."

But in this situation, he knew what he should do.

Faintly, following the direction of the gun muzzle, John Wick could already see the vague shadows of the group of people.


Yorks moved the muzzle of the gun, tilting the bullets that kept spraying out to the right, hitting the flying insects and manticores until they were covered in juice and fell down one after another.

At this time, Jim and his group, who were running away, finally found the two people standing in front.

The distance between the two sides was only three meters, and one of them, a very strong man, attracted all their attention.

Because they finally heard the clear gunshots and saw who fired.

The man was dressed in simple black clothes. He was tall and well-proportioned. He was carrying a box on his back and a machine gun in his hand. Bullets were constantly erupting from the muzzle.

The force was so abundant that they felt an extremely strong sense of security in their hearts.

He has extremely neat and trimmed short hair, powerful facial features exuding a resolute and masculine temperament, and his deep eyes shine with determination and determination.

Georgina's wide-open eyes were full of brilliance, and she knew it was this person who saved her.

"Can you hear clearly within three meters?" After confirming this, Yorks continued to shift the muzzle of his gun and fired into the air, knocking down the flying manticores and unknown flying insects one by one.


Yorks shouted, he wanted to maintain the suppression and output of firepower.


John Wick stepped forward, signaled to Jim who was already in front of him and was carrying an old man on his back, and then walked towards the back.

"Come with me."


As a leader and a veteran in the army, Jim immediately understood what he meant. He glanced at Yorks, who kept firing and had an unusually relaxed expression next to him, and led everyone to follow John Wick's footsteps.

"How many more have been sent?"

From the three-dimensional view, we can see that Jim and his group, led by John Wick, began to enter the club. Yorkshire once again shifted the muzzle of his gun and beat up the monster group sneaking up on the left until the whole body exploded, and then began to retreat.


As soon as they entered the club, one of Jim's group sat down on the ground in exhaustion.

Only John Wick and Irene stared at the vast white fog outside, hearing the continuous and very vague gunfire, but could not see anything.

A word they couldn't hear fell into the white mist.


Yorks retreated, feeling very relaxed.

Under his operation, the muzzle of the MK-48 machine gun kept vibrating.

Only he could hear the deafening gunshots and see the bullets pouring into the monsters like an overwhelming rainstorm.

The firepower is intensive and accurate, hitting every target he wants to hit,

Yorks could see the shattered flesh and blood splattering on the ground after the monster was hit by the bullet.

All this is impossible in peace.

Only now can Yorkist see what extreme violence is.

Bullets kept penetrating the monster's body, making harsh tearing sounds, but there were still more monsters emerging from the fog in the depths behind.

In the densely populated three-dimensional view, York's muzzle finally stopped. He grinned and threw away the MK-48 machine gun with a red barrel and empty ammunition and the 500-round chain gun on his back.

"I finally had fun this time, this is target practice!"

York's body glowed with crimson light.

[Fifty magic points have been used]

[Fifty points of spirit have been used]

Fifty points of mental power instantly increased to 2,500 points under the fifty-fold increase in enchantment.

In an instant, the swarm of monsters that came up seemed to be controlled by invisible forces and stopped in place.

"Two thousand five hundred points is enough to look after you. I have to save the rest until the end." Yorks smiled and clenched his right hand into a fist.

Puff puff puff puff!

With a burst of shattering sounds, all the small monster groups within a hundred meters were crushed into pieces by telekinesis.

Bits of blood mixed with blood were scattered around like raindrops, turning into a blurry scene and blending into the vast white mist.

Suddenly, the whole place was silent, so quiet that the people in the club noticed something.

Yorks took this opportunity and began to retreat quickly in the direction of the club behind him.

He knew that these monsters were the vanguard, and that large and dangerous monsters were still behind.

At this moment, a cold mechanical sound sounded in his ears.


[Conditions met: trigger random tasks]

[Task requirement: Solve the fog incident]

[Task reward: +65 attribute points]



"Same as the previous cult, it's a 65-point big order. Is this the upper limit?"

After hearing the reminder of the mission, Yorks looked at the club getting closer and closer and accepted the mission in his heart.

[Accepted successfully]

"Based on the previous speculation, it seems that we still need to go to the place where the incident occurred." York's eyes stopped at the two soldiers in the club. From the clothes of these two soldiers, it was obvious that their military ranks were not low. He was sure that these two soldiers were of high rank. The two of them must know something.

"After all, the white mist that allows the monster to move freely seems to have come out of the hole that was accidentally opened..."

When his thoughts turned to this, Yorkshire appeared in Irene's surprised eyes, in John Wick's calm eyes, and in the eyes of everyone watching, he entered the club.

The moment he saw these two soldiers, Yorks did nothing. He just said calmly before they opened their mouths to thank them.

"You know what's going on with the white mist, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have gotten back in time before the monsters invaded,"

As he spoke, Yorks looked at the crowd behind the two soldiers, and then said calmly.

"So can you tell me what this is all about?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jim and Mike who were stunned by these words. The blood-stained military uniforms on their bodies were so dazzling.


Jim and Mike looked at each other, looking at the tall, oppressive and dangerous Yorkist, and smiled bitterly. They heard the underlying meaning that they could not refuse.

"Okay." Jim said bitterly.

Until now, from the surrounding arrangements and the situation just now, he could tell that the person in front of him seemed to know something.

"John, you're here to watch."

Yorks gave an order to John Wick, and after hearing the answer, he walked towards the side passage on the right.


Jim's relatives and friends behind him worried.


Jim gestured to Mike, and after seeing Mike nod, he also took steps to follow Yorks.

The two of them moved to other places.

Yorks glanced at Jim and said, "Tell me, how did you make such a big hole? These monsters are not small."

Jim was startled. Although he knew that the person in front of him might not be simple, he really didn't expect to understand him so clearly and so directly.

"Who are you?" Jim stared at York and asked, he didn't believe that an ordinary person would know this. .

"A priest." York said calmly.

"Father?" Jim was stunned, but then his eyes widened.

"Are you from the church?"

Thinking of the situation just now, he finally realized that the person in front of him had accurately hit the monster in the depths in the vast white fog where he could not see his fingers.

Thinking of this, Jim's eyes widened. He thought of something, and there was a hint of excitement on his face.

"Finally you know?"

Yorks smiled: "It seems you also know some secret things."


Jim's attitude changed instantly.

"So..." Yorks glanced at him, ignoring Jim's changing attitude, and said.

"What happened here? I moved here because of you."

Hearing this, Jim smiled bitterly and said:

"Actually, we don't know why it developed to this point. No matter what we did in the past, we couldn't create such a big crack because the space is very solid."

As he spoke, Jim continued, under the slightly frowning gaze of Yorks.

"We found a void crack here. In order to study the world inside the crack..."

Jim's voice kept ringing in his ears, York's expression became calmer and calmer, and the information he knew from the movie became clearer now.

In order to study what is inside the crack, American officials established a scientific experiment project called Arrowhead, with the purpose of conducting research on dimensional portals.

This was all information that he had known for a long time. What concerned him was that the space in this parallel world seemed to be becoming more and more fragile.

In Jim's mouth, they found signs of fragmentation around the void crack.

And in this, they did nothing and didn't know how to make up for it.

I could only watch helplessly as the cracks widened, the white mist inside began to descend, and the monster's screams became clearer and clearer.

"This makes us feel dangerous. The purpose of the army stationed here is to prevent the invasion of these monsters."

Jim's voice was bitter and sad as he told the story, which told Yorks that the army stationed at the crack to prevent the monsters from invading might have suffered all their casualties now.

"In order to restore the cracks to their previous appearance, we could only make some attempts to mend them, but what we didn't expect was that the originally solid space would be so fragile for no reason, shattering on the spot, and eventually the cracks would expand unstoppably."

Jim looked at Yorks, who looked calm and seemed to be deep in thought, took a deep breath and said.

"The next thing you see is what you see. My family all live here because of my work. I am a member of the research team and a sinner. I can die but cannot watch them die, so I can only run away secretly. Come down..."

Yorks looked at Jim without saying a word, but all he could think about was the fact that the previously solid space had become fragile.

Because he remembered his previous guesses and the obvious changes he had seen.

"This parallel world has become more dangerous, and supernatural events have begun to appear one after another. I don't know if it is related to this matter."

York's face darkened, and he vaguely sensed that this had a chain reaction to some extent.

"So why did this parallel world become like this?"

Because of this question, Yorks suddenly thought of the old man on a whim.

Because combined with recent events, he was directly promoted to bishop and Irene's eyes, the old man seemed to be making some arrangements secretly behind the scenes.

The old man must know something.

Yorks frowned. He always felt that the old man would know why the world had changed like this.

Jim saw Yorkshire's frown.

Jim smiled bitterly and said: "I can bear the sins I committed. I just ask you to protect my family. They don't know what I am doing. They are just innocent ordinary people."

Being able to become a researcher of dimensional portals and knowing that there are other planes in the universe besides the earth, he naturally knows some things about this world that are not known to the public.

To put it in one sentence, they can live a good life on the bright side because the church and some people are carrying the darkness.

Hearing this, Yorks frowned, ignoring Jim's potential meaning, and said calmly: "Tell me where the crack is."


Jim opened his eyes wide and looked at the priest, as if he had thought of something.

"Father, you..."

"I want to fix this crack and stop the situation from developing." Yorks sighed.

"We can't let the cracks widen and let the monsters inside come out one after another..."

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