American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 252 Mist (two in one)

The plot of "The Fog" gradually became clear in my mind, as if I had just finished watching it, with endless aftertaste.

In the previous life, The Mist was considered a relatively classic movie, and it was also a movie that made people think deeply. It shouldn't contain too many elements.

Contains religion, humanity, Cthulhu, despair, etc.

Even so, the plot is relatively simple and easy to understand.

If you start from scratch.

First of all, it was because a certain army discovered that there were not only the earth but also other planes, so it wanted to open a secret window and try to study the conditions and things in other planes.

The result is that a hole was accidentally created, which allows monsters from other planes or other universes to enter the earth.

The movie begins here. Due to heavy rain and lightning, the protagonist takes his son to a supermarket at the intersection of several small towns in order to purchase items.

The fog spreads instantly, monsters invade, and unknown dangers arrive.

The protagonist ends up trapped in the supermarket with the people inside.

At the beginning, a mother began to seek help because her child was still outside, and she found someone to search with her.

In the end, no one helped her in this unknown danger. As a result, the mother cursed everyone in this situation and walked out alone, entering the fog so thick that she could not see the way.

The plot keeps developing.

Among them, there are cult leaders who use the apocalypse to preach and start to confuse the public with their lies.

She survived the monster attack, and because of this, she became a kind of support for these people who were beginning to collapse and looking for psychological support.

Sacrifice began to appear.

Under this situation, under the so-called doomsday, there are no more rational people left in the supermarket, except for a few male protagonists.

In order not to be sacrificed, the male protagonist and others desperately escaped.

The only ones left in the escaping team were his children, two old men, and a woman.

In the fog, the male protagonist drove the four people for a long time, which can be described as cross-state. They still did not drive out of the fog, and all they saw were dead people.

Finally, when the car ran out of gas, they also saw a monster that covered the sky and the sun. This monster was so big that it could form an ecosystem of its own. One step could make the earth shake, making people crazy.

The car was out of fuel, the sky was full of fog, the monsters were screaming, and they were out of ammunition and food, which made people desperate.

After what he saw and heard along the way and all kinds of despair, the male protagonist sent away his children, the old man, and the woman with only four bullets, and went to face the monster alone and bear the pain of being ravaged by the monster.

As a result, the entire mediocre film became a classic, and the ending that directly rose to another level came.

After killing his children and everyone else, the male protagonist got out of the car with a face full of pain, waiting for the monster to attack.

Listening to the sound getting closer and closer, the male protagonist's expression became relieved. He thought it was a monster, but it turned out not to be a monster. The male protagonist saw an armored vehicle, saw the army, and saw the people who were rescued after the fog cleared. .

There was a mother and her child who didn't get help at first, but cursed everyone and walked into the fog alone.

The male protagonist, who was worse off than dead, also saw the mother's cold and indifferent eyes...

"It's such an ironic ending." Recalling the ending of the movie, Yorks walked into the club again with John Wick and Irene, with a flash of fluctuation in his eyes.

He went to see the movie after being introduced by a friend. The most outrageous thing was that the friend kept saying that the ending was good and the male protagonist survived.

The words he said were ambiguous, making him feel that a whole car of people had survived. But when he saw this, he felt so aggrieved that he didn't know what to think. He wanted to kill his friend, but also had a mental activity of scolding the SB ending.

Because in the film and in the environment, the male protagonist and his team made very correct choices throughout the whole process, and they ended up like this.

It's not that the male protagonist can't stay in the supermarket, but he is obviously still sane and has formed two positions in the supermarket and the people who have lost their minds and used the cult leader as psychological support.

When different positions are formed, there will inevitably be struggles. The male protagonist is the weaker party. It is not that he cannot pretend to join the cult. However, the male protagonist, who was very sensible from the beginning, once refuted the cult leader and naturally stood on the opposite side. Even if he joins, he will be sacrificed. Danger.

So when his son was in danger of being sacrificed, the male protagonist and his group of reasonably sane people had no choice but to escape from the supermarket, and the result was a life worse than death.

At the beginning, because everyone was cursed, the selfish mother and her children were able to survive as the fog spread.

It may even be possible that even those people in the supermarket who were bewitched by the cult leader and sacrificed a person could be saved.

He didn't like the ending very much. Ironically, it happened that the hero shot his son and survived.

This also has the meaning of what the cult leader said, that one can only be saved after making a sacrifice.

"It's really ironic. I really don't like this ending."

York's face darkened, as if he was immersed in the memory of his past life.

But no matter what, it was this reversal of the ending that turned this otherwise mediocre film into a classic.

No matter what, now he seems to be facing those monsters in the fog.

According to the information revealed in this film, the monsters in it seem to be able to move only in the mist.

Judging from the fact that they also want to invade and prey on humans and that physical attacks are useful, these monsters should be considered carbon-based creatures.

Although it is a bit buggy, because there are also huge monsters inside, and the fact that the structure of carbon-based organisms can develop into such a large size shows that the location of the monster has very high oxygen content and low gravity.

But they can still move freely in the earth's environment, which just shows that the physical strength of these monsters is also very high. The larger the body, the stronger the physical strength.

The most likely thing is that there is some component in this white mist that can support these huge monsters to move on the earth.

But judging from the movie, the protagonist and others did not feel any discomfort when entering the fog, just like ordinary white fog. He preferred what the monster was afraid of, such as ultraviolet rays from the sun. It happened that the white fog helped the monster block sunlight or ultraviolet rays, etc. , the monster can move freely in the fog.

Combining all kinds of information, Yorks concluded that the monster's body is composed of carbon-based biological structural components and other unknown substances, and the weak point may be sunlight.

Thinking of this, Yorks thought of the giant beast in the movie that covered the sky, formed its own ecosystem, and brought despair to the protagonist and his group.

"This monster seems to have a name, what is it called?"

After the question came to an end, Yorks had an idea: "Behemoth..."

The name also meant a huge creature, and he was not sure whether his body strength could match this giant beast.

"Just avoid it. Judging from the way Behemoth ignores the male protagonist and the car in the film, it is just like humans and is not interested in preying on creatures as small as ants."

Thinking about it, Yorks took John Wick and Irene and went straight to the club's weapons hall.

At this time, Yorks discovered that all the guests and staff in the club had almost run away.

There were only a few people left outside at this time.

Along the way, no staff showed up to stop them. Instead, they just ignored them and quickly left the club, not caring whether the club's belongings would be lost or what.

This made him frown, making him even more certain that the staff were also members of the military.

This strange and unconventional situation also made John Wick and Irene realize that something was wrong.

Because even the staff dropped everything and ran away, which meant that something happened that they didn't know about.

John Wick followed all the way and subconsciously asked: "Father York, do you know what happened?"

The words fell on the corridor that suddenly became silent, and Irene silently looked at the priest who was leading the way.

"There are some monsters that prey on humans in that white mist." Yorks did not sell out the key, and named the subject: "These monsters only move within the scope of the mist, so before the white mist spreads, we must have our own weapons in hand. Protective weapons."

After saying that, Yorks took out his mobile phone and made a casual call.

The message came that there was no signal.

"Sure enough, after the white mist appeared, all electronic signals failed due to some reason. Does the white mist have other components?"

Under the gaze of John Wick and Irene, Yorks slowly put away his phone and said calmly: "There is no signal, we must be prepared to be isolated and helpless."

He looked towards the weapons hall that appeared in front of him with a wide view.

The weapons hall displays a dazzling array of firearms, including submachine guns, pistols, shotguns, and rifles. There is also a rocket launcher on another shelf.

"John, try to pick a gun with a large ammunition capacity." Yorks looked indifferent and smiled.

"There are many monsters in the white mist, so we have to prepare for the worst."

John Wick looked at the shelves full of weapons and nodded.

"Okay, Father."

He stared at a rifle hanging on the shelf, a cz805bren assault rifle with a ammunition capacity of one hundred rounds.

He didn't know and couldn't imagine what monsters would appear or exist in the white mist, but the priest said so, so he naturally started to enter combat mode.

Recalling the physical examination that night, John Wick narrowed his eyes, revealing hot flames.

"let's start."

Looking at the three-dimensional view, the staff in the parking lot outside worked together to drive away quickly. Yorks was too lazy to care about these people and waved his hand to give the signal to start equipment.

No one in the club stayed and instead left quickly, there was no time for him to reveal anything. This meant there was no burden. He was so happy and there was no burden on his heart.

It's okay to leave, but he didn't dare to bet on the spread speed and size of the white mist.

You must know that this white fog can spread across state lines. It is boundless. The performance in the movie is that it spreads instantly.

Even if you want to leave now, you must have a weapon in your hand to protect yourself.

Because this time he was not alone.

Suddenly, the weapons hall began to face raids.

Like John Wick, he also chose the cz805bren assault rifle.

The sustained firepower of a hundred-round ammunition capacity can last at least a while.

Of course, this shooting club, which is suspected to be related to the military, also has guns with larger ammunition capacities, such as light and heavy machine guns.

However, the machine gun is too limited, and its weight and length are not small, making it inconvenient to carry.

Once you get it, you can only get this one machine gun, and changing ammunition is much more troublesome than a magazine-type rifle.

Therefore, the cz805bren assault rifle is currently one of the best choices.

But that doesn't mean they won't carry light and heavy machine guns.

Because this weight is not worth mentioning to him whose physique has exceeded 100, and he does not even feel the weight.



While he and John Wick were sorting and equipping themselves, Erin appeared from the aisle on the right with a somewhat anxious tone.

"The white fog outside has now begun to appear in the town below, and it is spreading very quickly."

John Wick stopped moving and looked at the priest.


The movements in York's hand also stopped for a second, and then resumed the next second without any accidents, and continued to command.

"Eileen, close all the doors and windows, and also check the food reserves here to confirm how long the three of us can stay here."

In a situation like this, in addition to weapons for self-protection, food is the most important and must-have thing, and the situation of the food will also determine his plan and next move.

He no longer thought about the reaction and situation outside when the mist appeared.

Yorks has even thought of a result: people outside have no idea about the fog, and just regard it as some kind of spectacle.

The most likely person to know about the things and situations here first is the military.

But how long will it take for them to react and hold a meeting to make a decision to conceal the situation or send troops to suppress it and save the situation?

Be aware that in the fog all electronic signals are completely disabled.

Some of the changes in this parallel world will not go the same way as the movies and TV shows he watched in his previous life, because it is reality, not a movie.

He would not bet on outside rescue. If he had the ability to be self-reliant, the best choice would be to rely on himself.

"Yes, Father."

After receiving the order, Erin nodded and left immediately. She didn't understand firearms yet, so this was the only thing she could do.

Seeing Irene leaving in a hurry, Yorks looked at John Wick who was also preparing his own weapons and smiled.

"John, it seems that if we wait a little longer, the white mist and monsters will invade all the way here."

Saying that, Yorks paused.

"Get ready for the coming battle."

John Wick nodded, without saying a word, silently placed the AK-12 assault rifle that had just been loaded into the magazine on the table, and then began to pick up another rifle for inspection.

It seems that he is mentally prepared to fight immediately.

Yorks smiled and started to install his own equipment, checking the barrel and chamber, and the box-shaped magazine equipped with an M12 dispersible bullet chain and a total of 200 rounds of ammunition.

The Belgian FN Minimi light machine gun weighs 25 kilograms, is 1.1 meters in length, and has a rate of fire of up to 800 rounds per minute. This is a light machine gun found in the club's weapons arsenal.

He was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

He wanted to see if the small monsters outside that could be killed by bullets could withstand such ferocious firepower.

With a machine gun in hand, you are invincible.

Locking the checked magazine containing two hundred rounds of ammunition under the machine gun's ammunition feeder, Yorks handed the light machine gun towards John Wick.

"John, do you want to try?"

John Wick stopped moving and looked at the priest silently.

Yorks nodded and patted another treasure: the MK-48 light machine gun. Next to it was a magazine box with a capacity of 500 rounds of bullets.

"I use this."

Seeing this, John Wick could only take the Minimi light machine gun in front of him.

He is a top player in the industry, so he has naturally used weapons such as light machine guns.

Even so, a question also emerged in John Wick's mind: How large and how many monsters would there be before the priest would start using this heavy weapon responsible for cleaning up and suppressing fire.

What he could foresee was that there would definitely be a lot of monsters...

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