American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 249 The first step to transform a nun (two-in-one)

The farce started quickly, but it also ended quickly.

Erin had already run to the backyard to see what was going on.

As for him, the hands-off shopkeeper, he sat idly in his usual seat and opened the tightly packed document bag.

Regarding his express delivery, he couldn't figure out who would send it to him.

But after thinking about it, based on recent circumstances, it's either the Warrens or the church.

Because only these two are more formal and have always been file formats.

Most of the rest are high-tech, either with phones or email.

The development of society is so convenient.

However, two things fell out of the document bag.

It was obvious that two different people might have sent the express to him, and then Alvin packed it all up.

"It turned out to be from the Warrens and the church."

York was a little surprised, but not that surprised. One of them was sealed with the church headquarters, and the other marked his identity from the beginning.

"The church... probably has something to do with the bishop."

Yorks shook his head, ignored the letter from the church, and picked up the document bag handed to him by the Warrens.

As mentioned before, given the character of the Warrens, if there is nothing going on, they will generally not disturb him, but once they disturb him, it means something is really going on.

"So this is another life?"

Yorks opened the document bag and took out the contents one by one, with a look of determination in his eyes.

The pattern that once the Warrens interrupt, something is bound to happen has never changed.

But when all the things inside were seen, Yorks raised his eyebrows.

The thing is very simple. The Warrens are naturally prone to trouble. Even if they don't look for trouble, supernatural things will happen to them.

They did encounter a supernatural incident, but the help they sought was not for him to exorcise a demon, but for him to prove the fact that a victim was possessed.

"Do you prove it..." Yorkes picked up a photo of a young man.

According to the Warrens, this young man committed murder and stabbed his boss twenty-two times on one day, and was sentenced to death by the court.

But there's a lot of doubt in it.

The young man's home had experienced demonic incidents and was successfully exorcised by the Warrens, who applied for an exorcism permit at the time.

They speculated that the young man in the photo was under some kind of curse.

The reason is that young people can recite the meaning of the Bible without changing their minds.

But they found a totem on the ground floor of the house where the young man lived.

"There is no demon possessed, so I can recite the Bible. It is logical to find that the totem represents being controlled by a curse..."

Yorks then picked up the photo of the totem, but the sight of it made him frown.

"Another cult that worships Satan or the devil?"

The totem in the photo is a totem with a ram's head and a skull.

Although it is different from the Satanic totems seen in Thailand, it has the same purpose.

There are many versions of the totem of the ram's head skull, but if it involves the supernatural, most of the things it symbolizes are demons.

Yorks narrowed his eyes and continued reading.

The last message was Rowling's explanation. Through her psychic ability, she discovered a woman who was casting spells at an altar, and she used her psychic ability to stop the other party's behavior.

"Can it be solved by myself?"

Yorks shook his head. This incident didn't seem to be very difficult. Since even Rowling could do this on her own, there was a high probability that the person who cursed her was really a weakling.

They may not even be able to defeat the ordinary believers of Satanism in Thailand. You must know that ordinary believers of Satanism can directly borrow the power of demons, which is much more powerful than placing a curse.

"I guess they are not qualified to trigger random tasks."

Yorks muttered in his heart, took out his mobile phone and called Ed's number, explaining that he could ask the nearby church to intervene in this matter.

But the moment the bell rang, he suddenly thought of his nun's psychic ability.


Yorks thought of something and curled up his lips. When the call was connected, he spoke first before Ed could speak.

"Ed? Do you still have the totem in the photo?"

Ed was obviously stunned, and the voice on his phone rang with some hesitation: "Father York, have you finished reading?"

But the next second, he changed his tune and replied obediently: "Yes, Father, the totem in the photo is still in my hand."

"Send the things over." York's eyes had stopped on the three-dimensional diagram, and Irene, who was busy in the backyard, said calmly.

"I can help you find the person who cast the curse, and I can also prove that the child in the photo is cursed."

"This is great, Father York." Ed was obviously surprised: "I will send it to you right away. As long as you can take action, the outcome of the matter will definitely change."

After hearing Ed's voice for a long time, Yorks smiled, but did not say that he did not plan to take action himself, but let his nuns practice it.

In his opinion, the miscellaneous fish didn't deserve him to spend more energy or take action, so leaving it to Irene was a solution that would kill two birds with one stone.

Firstly, it can give her some exercise, and secondly, it can help her know some uses of channeling.

Channeling is not only the ability to talk to ghosts and perceive the existence of ghosts, but there are also other ways to use it, just like entering someone else's spiritual space or casting a curse is also a use.

The powerful psychic ability can also perceive everything about this person through various things, and draw closer to the spiritual space created by oneself.

Just like the devil's ability, just like when he faced Valak, when he said Valak's true name, he was pulled into his spiritual space.

At the same time, it can affect everything in reality like demons and ghosts.

This in itself is as far as psychic abilities can go.

Only one who is familiar with using one's own psychic abilities can be a qualified psychic.

"Well, I'll wait for you to send it."

Yorkes hung up the phone without saying anything more.

This incident was so weak that he really couldn't think of taking action.

After all, the giant doesn't care about the little ants passing by in the corner.

Of course, it's not that there are no other reasons besides this. The main reason is that the young man in the photo has nothing to do with him. If he were his believer, his attitude would naturally be different.

Conveniently add all the points accumulated from daily fixed tasks to your spirit.

[Spirit 220 increased to 221]

Listening to the prompts in his ears, Yorks stuffed all the Warrens' belongings into the document bag, and then picked up the church's document bag.

He just opened a small corner and took one look at it before he put it all away.

"Sure enough, it's a notice of promotion to the priesthood. It's just a phone call away. Oh yes, they don't answer my calls. Are they afraid that I will refuse? Or are they afraid of my threats?"

Yorks complained in his mind and looked back at the church.

This noon time is exactly the time when believers are busy with their own lives, and it is also the most relaxing time for them.

It's a concession from the old believers, it's his persistence, it's the time he gave himself to enchant bullets, and those who are familiar with him know his rest time.

The number of believers scattered on various benches, praying silently with their eyes closed, has become much smaller.

"In that case, go and help."

Yorks picked up all the things, stood up and walked slowly towards the right side passage.

In the three-dimensional view, Erin, John Wick, and Robert are basically cleaning in the backyard.

The one who works the hardest is naturally Frank. He is holding a bucket of water and a mop while mopping the aisle floor...

"Looks like he was quite frightened."

Yorks smiled, walked in the side passage, and soon joined the team cleaning the backyard.

Obviously as soon as he joined, Frank's exertion level immediately exploded, and he could hear Frank's heavy breathing.

Yorkshire was also happy, just following Irene and cleaning the windows with a wet towel.

He has been too lazy these years.

The dirt accumulated on the windows was so thick that it took a lot of effort to remove it.

At the same time, although Pluto Church looks small, as long as it involves general cleaning, it must be a big project.

Just one side building with three floors was enough for them to work for a day, and there were two in the backyard of Pluto Church.

If it were him, he would definitely hire someone to clean it up.

But this was Eileen's choice. Since he handed over all the management work to Eileen, he had to agree with Eileen's opinions and choices.

This is a contribution! Be self-reliant!

Yorks glanced down and saw that the division of labor was clear. John Wick, who was responsible for sweeping the garbage, and Robert, who was responsible for throwing away the garbage, leaned over and put the towel into the bucket to wash away the dirt, then stood up again and continued wiping.

"Eileen, don't forget to change out of your monk's clothes this afternoon."

As soon as she finished speaking, Irene, who was cleaning the window next to her, looked at the priest in confusion, her eyes blank. She didn't know what happened in the afternoon that required her to change into casual clothes.

"John, I have a club appointment today."

Yorks wiped the dirt on the gaps with a towel and said calmly: "That is the place for gun training. Today I plan to make you familiar with the use of firearms."

Eileen didn't know about this because he went straight to Thailand that day and didn't tell her yet.

"The time seems to be set at three o'clock..."

Yorks stopped erasing, looked at Irene who was stunned by these words, and smiled.

"Eileen, the world is changing very fast. There is a saying in the East that says, "You can't overwhelm yourself if you have many skills. One day, no, maybe in the near future, you may be able to use this skill."

"Just like the previous Reston incident, the monster you encountered had a physical body. This is not a monster that can be solved with the knowledge you learned in the monastery.

And when you can use a gun coupled with your psychic ability and holy power, it means that you have the ability to deal with physical monsters.

Offense is defense. "

One sentence after another sounded out, and Irene finally came back to her senses. She stared at the priest's serious expression, and recalled the priest's calm words. She knew that the priest was doing it for her own good.

"Okay, Father, I will try my best." Eileen showed a firm expression.

Yorkshire seems to have seen that time in Romania.

"This is my deacon sister from Pluto Church." Yorks smiled, a rare compliment.

The smile made Erin silently avert her gaze and resume the erasing movement.

"Father York, can I ask you a question?"


"What do you mean when you say you have too many skills but don't overwhelm your body? I kind of understand it, but this sentence makes me feel very vague."

“It’s better not to have too many skills. That means the more skills you have, the better. It won’t make you feel burdened. On the contrary, you will get better and better.”

The words stopped and the space was silent for a while, before Erin's words rang out again.

"Father York, I want to ask you another question."


"Am I the only one going with Mr. John?" Erin's voice was filled with unknown nervousness.

"Of course not, I'll go with you. John is just an ordinary person. This time I go to the shooting club. In addition to making you familiar with the use of firearms, I also want to teach you how to combine firearms with your own psychic abilities..."

"Okay, I will study hard." Erin's voice relaxed instantly.


Time keeps passing and the appointed time arrives before you know it.

The cleaning work is temporarily suspended.

Yorkist asked Robert to stay at the church and prepared to take John Wick and Eileen to the shooting club.

Of course, he hadn't forgotten Frank.

It would be too easy for him to let this scoundrel go just by mopping the floor.

Anyway, let him at least wait until the cleaning is over.

In order to prevent the scoundrel from escaping, Yorks directly asked John Wick to take out his high-tech, a watch-style location tracker.

Next to the modified Ford Raptor, Yorks stared at Frank, who was smiling apologetically, and said calmly: "Mr. Frank, it's okay if you want to run away, if you can still pay the price for the next round."

As he spoke, Yorks stared at the buckle watch stuck to his wrist, and then said calmly.

"This watch can locate your location in real time. If I find you trying to run away, I will definitely send you to prison at any cost. This is not a threat, but the truth."

Yorkist noticed that Frank's body was shaking and couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder.

"You can try to see if you can destroy this watch. Of course, it will also prompt me here to let me know that you are doing something bad..."

In Frank's eyes looking at the devil, Yorks smiled and said: "One more piece of advice, this buckle watch is very difficult to be damaged by foreign objects. Even if you use a chainsaw, it will take a long time. This time is enough for me to cut it." You caught it

Remember, Mr. Frank, I mean what I say. "

After saying that, leaving Frank to continue to be stupid, Yorks waved to John Wick and Irene and asked them to get in the car.


After the two of them took their seats in tacit understanding, the Ford Raptor driven by Yorkshire drove forward with the sound of the engine and quickly left Frank's sight.


It wasn't until the car disappeared that Frank cursed loudly and raised his middle finger in the direction the car had just left. However, after thinking about it, he stared at the watch on his wrist, thinking of the priest's lingering evil spirit, but he didn't dare to do anything. Behavior.

With his self-proclaimed smart mind and keen intuition, Frank felt that this scary priest could really do what he said.

"Fk! So unlucky!"

He could only curse while identifying the direction of his home and leaving the place, preparing to continue mopping the floor of Pluto Church tomorrow until the cleaning was completed.

But what he didn't know was that Yorks had a three-dimensional map of an entire hundred meters.

His movements were completely seen by Yorks who had just driven away from the distance of 100 meters between the two sides.


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