Judge based on currently known information.

Yorks already knew what was going on over there with a high probability.

The cultists are using the power of a demon to cause trouble.

"I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the appearance of the demon army can be regarded as a large-scale supernatural case."

Thinking of the men in black that Emilia just mentioned, Yorks dialed the number that had always been in his memory.

The hierarchical control of the church is actually very obvious, except for the priests who are scattered everywhere and are responsible for their own areas.

Every diocese has a bishop.

In very plain terms, this bishop is the person in charge, the superior, of these priests.

The bishop responsible for the entire Bangkok, Thailand, is Bishop Richard.

In his memory, this was a bishop with whom he had some problems. If it hadn't been for this time, he probably wouldn't have made this call.

But there is no way.

Messages have the concept of speed.

Because of Emilia, Yorks believed he knew better than his fellow Thai clergy.

He can even sort out a line.

Compared with the church responsible for supernatural events, it is the ordinary police in Thailand who know about it immediately and rush to the scene.

However, ordinary bullets are basically useless against these supernatural dark monsters.

Even with powerful fire suppression, it can only break up the bodies of the living dead.

In one sentence, the physical body is gone, but the essence of the body can be controlled. The dark monster is still there, and it can still generate another brand new living dead, and can even directly invade the newly dead human being, and live forever.

Therefore, the living dead are much more powerful than zombies that can still die.

Only the supernatural can exert a greater effect on the supernatural, otherwise it will be twice the result with half the effort. This is one of the reasons why the status of the church in this parallel world is so transcendent.

Because it creates a monopoly.

As long as a monopoly is formed on anything, no matter who it is, it will become an invisible behemoth, not to mention that the church, which has been throughout the history of the West and has developed to the present, is a behemoth.

And this is one of the reasons why the church can cooperate with the official machinery of various countries.



The ringing kept ringing. Yorks stared at the handle and did not think that the other party would reject the call. Because the church's phone equipment had already marked his identity, so this was not a strange call in itself, but a special call. A call from the officer or specialist.

As soon as my thoughts turned to this, the next second the call was connected.

The voice that came was a thick voice.

"Hello, my name is Daniel Ngonkom, my priesthood is priest."

Yorks knew very well that this was the priest stationed next to Bishop Richard.

"I'm John York, Father York, and I want to speak to Bishop Richard."

The sound fell on a room and fell on the ears of Father Daniel who answered the phone, and the enlarged eye circles showed his uneasiness.

"Father Yorks?"

Daniel, who was wearing a divine robe, was startled for a moment and subconsciously confirmed.

"Yes, I need to speak to Bishop Richard."

Hearing this heavy voice, Daniel remembered the name of the caller on the caller ID and the meaning contained in it, and did not refuse.

"Wait a minute."

After saying that, Daniel took the phone that was not hung up and walked towards the door with only a crack in front.

The door is open. This is a small church, and deep in the neatly arranged benches is an old man kneeling and praying facing the statue of Jesus.

Regardless of anything else, Father Daniel ran over and finally whispered in the old man's eyes:

"Bishop, a call from Father York."

Then, he reminded the old man with a frown.

"The number of the private plane."

"I know." Bishop Richard stood up with the help of the priest and sat on the bench.

"I also know what he came to Thailand for, but why did he call me? Doesn't he know that I hate him?"

While mumbling, Bishop Richard took the phone and didn't care at all that his words had reached York's ears through the phone.

Father Daniel's face twitched, not knowing how to answer.

"Did this old guy do it on purpose?"

Only York couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"Is something wrong?" Bishop Richard said in a businesslike tone, even with a coldness.

"Something happened at Siam Paragon Mall." Yorks said calmly in a business-like tone.

"There is an army of demons appearing in the world. I suspect this is the work of Satanism."

York's eyes were filled with wisdom and his voice was always calm.

“My judgment is that this is to attract our attention, divert our power and make us unable to escape. In other words, this is a quagmire arranged by Satanism to trap our feet.

And their focus is on a girl. In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating further, I need you to protect a girl named Emilia. I suspect that she is a sacrifice needed by Satanism. "

At this point, Yorks added: "There is also a child named Saxon."

Bishop Richard's expression finally changed, and he stared at Father Daniel who also heard this sentence.

The appearance of the demonic legion is considered a large-scale supernatural event no matter how large it is, and each occurrence requires the cooperation of several churches to suppress it.

And this is just an army of hundreds of demons.

Father Daniel's face had already turned solemn. He nodded slightly to the bishop in front of him, indicating that he understood, and then left in a hurry.

He wanted to confirm the truth of the matter.

"How big is the scale?" Bishop Richard said calmly with a light that has experienced vicissitudes of life in his eyes.

York's attention shifted to the cell phone on the countertop.

There were constant noises from above, and the roar of the engine told him that Emilia and Emilia were on the way to escape.

However, based solely on the known information, we can only determine the purpose of the cult, but not what level of supernatural event it is.

"Unable to confirm."

Bishop Richard kept his face calm and asked again: "Where are those two people?"

His tone softened a lot.

Although I hate Yorkshire, that doesn't mean I deny his ability.

Yorks stared at the phone without wavering, and the next second Emilia's voice came from it.

He then replied: "Sansha Avenue."

After speaking, a memory emerged in his mind, and York continued: "The nearest church is Shasu Church."

Bishop Richard closed his eyes, opened them again, and said calmly: "How long do you have?"

Yorkes understood the meaning and glanced at the time on the screen in front of him: "There are still five hours of full flight. You can suppress this incident with all your strength. You don't have to hold back."

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