American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 205 Live Broadcast

"What is this little girl doing again?"

The call was fruitless, and Yorks could only put this matter aside for the time being and move on to the next thing to do.

He continued to finish reading the Book of Tribo which he had not long ago. The stories in it were quite interesting. For example, the ancient method of exorcism at least gave him some ideas and ideas.

Unfortunately, a believer came and interrupted his progress.

He wanted to confess: "Father, can you listen to my confession?"

"plz follow me."

As a priest, York can only take this believer who comes to confess into the confessional and accept his confession as the Lord's spokesperson.

And as the Lord's spokesperson, he can only hide the other person's confession in the confession box built in his heart, and use the sharp tool of time to selectively forget it.

Of course, except for people under special circumstances, most of these confessions are the same over and over again, and they basically come from life.

Just like the believer in front of him, his confession is that he betrayed his wife and had an extramarital affair with another woman...

There was no emotion on York's face. He had long been used to it. He had heard all the trivial and bloody things.

“Your self-control is not strong enough and you are easily tempted.

However, this does not become a reason for you to make mistakes. You should take responsibility for the crimes you committed and make corrections..."


However, after welcoming this believer's confession and correcting him, another believer came, one or two, who wanted to talk. It was not until Irene brought lunch at noon that Yorks realized that the time had reached noon unknowingly.

"Father, this is today's lunch."

Yorks sat in his usual seat and glanced at Irene. The increase in workload was all caused by this little nun.

"Thank you." Yorkshire took it.

Erin smiled and stepped back.

"Oh, I'll probably be even more tired in the future."

Yorks shook his head and looked at today's lunch.

It's still the same as before.

The food that America comes back and forth to is basically these kinds of foods, vegetable salads, barbecues, etc., which are far less abundant than in the previous life.

"I can't help it. I'll buy something else to improve the taste in the future. I haven't had Chinese food in a long time."

With this thought in mind, Yorks opened the toilet box and started eating.

The church was very calm, time flowed quietly, the priest was eating, and no believers would choose to disturb him at this time, so Yorkist enjoyed a moment of tranquility for the first time today.

But this tranquility could not last long after all.

Just after eating, I happened to run into Ms. Camille and little Bellamy.

I thought that little Bellamy would complain, be depressed, and cry, but when he met her, she seemed to be in disbelief, and then she ran over with a very excited little jump, seeming to have forgotten about the dollhouse.

"Father Yorks!"

The little person was wearing a very cute pink princess dress, and her two perfectly combed ponytails were swaying as she ran. I have to say that this scene at least made Yorkshire feel a father's love in her heart. flood.

"Little Bellamy!"

Yorkes smiled brightly, opened his arms to welcome her, and hugged her.


"Ms. Camille, are you saying that Saxon went to participate in his girlfriend's live broadcast?"

The corner of York's mouth twitched: "Is it still that kind of supernatural live broadcast?"

Unexpectedly, I just learned that Bellamy's condition had returned to normal and there were no other abnormalities, and then I learned that Saxon went to participate in those live broadcasts.

You know, how can you always walk by the river without getting your shoes wet? It would be fine if it was a world without extraordinary power in the previous life, but in this parallel world full of gods and ghosts, this kind of thing is very dangerous. If you are not careful, The chances of getting dirty things become greater.

Thinking of this, Yorkist remembered that Saxon had asked about the live broadcast of the fake priest's exorcism out of curiosity. He thought it would end here, but he did not expect that Saxon would personally participate in it.

"As far as I know, that's indeed the case."

Camille looked at her daughter who was playing house with the dollhouse in front of her, with a gloomy expression on her face. She just learned about this yesterday.

"He didn't know where he got such a girlfriend, and now he has gone to Thailand with her live broadcast team."

With that said, Ms. Kamil took out a tablet computer from her bag and handed it over.

"Father, do you think there is any danger in what he is involved in?"

Yorkshire took it: "This is it?"

Ms. Kamil sighed: “Although Saxon only watched and did not participate in the live broadcast of his girlfriend’s team in Thailand, I saw him in this video.”

Hearing this, Yorks subconsciously clicked on the screen, and the video playback logo appeared on it. Ms. Camille had set everything up in advance, and he only needed to click play.

With the click, the video officially plays.

The picture that was revealed was a very real live broadcast of exorcism.

Because the live broadcast showed a group of monks holding down a girl with a ferocious face full of veins and laughing wildly.

Overall, it's a bit weird.

There was an old monk in front of the girl. He was pouring a bowl of water on the girl and was muttering something.

At the same time, the pouring of water from her wrist made the girl who was suppressed by several monks become even more agitated, so much so that she almost broke free from the suppression of these monks.

At this moment, the scene suddenly shifts to a Western man who is introducing this scene.

"Hello everyone, this is Thailand. We are watching a scene of exorcising evil spirits. I can prove that all this is real. Please check it out for yourself. If you feel uncomfortable, please exit."

As these words rang out, the camera shifted again.

During the transfer, as Ms. Camille said, Saxon's figure could be seen standing aside.

Beside him stood a young, frowning woman.

Yorks narrowed his eyes and watched the screen shift to the monk.

At this time, the old monk in charge of pouring water was sitting cross-legged in front of the screaming girl, knocking on the wooden fish and muttering something.

Under such circumstances, the girl started to break free and scream wildly, and then slowly regained her composure.

Finally, the old monk stood up and repeated the previous steps...

All this gave Yorks a sense of déjà vu. The exorcisms in it were similar to the three-piece set of exorcisms in the church. They were not exactly the same, but they were almost the same.

"Father Yorks, do you think there is any danger in participating in this way?"

Camille saw the priest didn't speak after clicking pause, and felt a little uneasy. Ever since she experienced what happened to little Bellamy, she had begun to believe in the supernatural events she had heard about in the past.

"Hard to say."

Yorks said calmly: "It is undeniable that the chances of them encountering dirty things are much greater than ordinary people."

As he said that, Yorks looked at Ms. Camille, whose face started to look ugly, and continued.

"So I feel very dangerous."

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