American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 198 Darkness Comes

"Father, I'm ready."

While Erin was digesting this sentence, John Wick also stood up.

Yorks glanced at him.

He was wearing a clergy uniform, but he was wearing a SCAR rifle, a Viper pistol in his hand, and a pair of military night vision goggles hanging around his neck.

This is the equipment he specially prepared for this killing god. The main reason is that monsters are not ordinary people after all, and they are more difficult to deal with than ordinary people in dark environments.

But combined with the John Wick series I had watched in my previous life, this situation felt awkward no matter how I looked at it.

"Are you ready to experience another world?" Yorks suppressed the awkwardness in his heart and said calmly.

John Wick said nothing, his eyes began to change, and he exuded a dangerous aura.

This made Eileen next to her look a little suspicious, wondering where the priest found the new employee.

Yorks glanced at the magazine next to John Wick. According to previous guesses, John Wick would not be able to exert the buff power of this sacred bullet. At most, he would only have the firepower of the firearm itself.

"The battle may be in a dark environment. You will be the vanguard later, and I will deal with the aftermath."

Even so, York's plan remained unchanged. He said that if he wanted to experience killing the god, he would experience it, and then he spoke.

"This monster may be very fast, you need to predict it in advance."

John Wick squeezed the Viper pistol, with sharp eyes, and nodded.

"Okay, Father."

Hearing this, Yorkist looked at Reston: "Mr. Reston, can you bring your wife out when we go in later? I'm afraid our battle will affect you."


Reston became increasingly nervous when he saw this heavily armed scene.

"Okay, let's go."

Yorkshire took the lead and led everyone towards the house.

As the distance got closer and closer, York's five senses were fully relaxed, and the real-time three-dimensional image in his mind began to change due to the feedback information.

In the three-dimensional view of the house, Yorkes can clearly see two objects.

One is a three-dimensional figure of a human being busy with something, and holding an unknown gun in his hand. Judging from its appearance, it is most likely a shotgun.

Good guy, this is even more powerful and tough than Reston next to him.

With a sigh, York's focus finally stopped on another weird figure, ignoring Reston's wife.

The slight friction and the beast-like breathing allowed him to instantly locate the monster and see it at a glance.

The three-dimensional view shows the shape of a spider, entrenched on the basement ceiling.

It's like a real spider clinging to the ceiling.

"Is this the monster's true form? It's quite capable and can meet the triggering requirements."

There was a flash of look at the mission baby in York's eyes.

The moment he focused on the monster, a random mission was triggered.

[Conditions met: trigger random tasks]

[Task requirement: Exorcise dark monsters]

[Task reward: +4 attribute points]


With the mechanical sound in his ears at the end, Yorks finally stopped in front of the closed front door, silently accepting it in his heart.

[Accept successfully]

"Open the door."

Hearing this, Reston walked out quickly, took out the key and inserted it into the lock. However, the front door was already locked.

An anxious look appeared on Reston's face and he looked at the priest.


"It's okay, your wife is still safe now, she's just doing something." Yorks said calmly while staring at the real-time stereogram.

"Haimen, with us here, you don't have to worry about making any noise."

Reston perked up. He had always been afraid of causing any disturbance and affecting the priest's actions.



The sound of hammering on the door also attracted the attention of the people inside.

In York's mind, the woman immediately stopped her busy movements, pointed the gun at the door with both hands, and shouted like a frightened bird.


"It's me! Heya!" Reston shouted.

Yorkist could find that the hostess named Heya seemed to be relieved, and the muzzle of the gun was lowered, but she still remained vigilant, walked to the door, and even looked closer through the peephole.

"A rare wise man."

Yorks looked straight, and could see the hostess inside frowning through the door.

"I thought you wouldn't come back!"

As the sound rang out, the door clicked open.

Yorks finally saw the true face of his mistress.

Her hair seemed to have been unwashed for a long time. Under the candlelight, it looked very messy and shiny. Her face was also sickly pale, with dark circles under her eyes, and her eyes were unusually determined in her alert expression.

After various combinations, Yorks came up with a word, motherhood is strong.

The hostess raised the shotgun again, pointed it at them, and said to Reston.

"So these are these people?"

Reston panicked and quickly pulled his wife into the candlelit, messy house. He explained to her before she could calm down.

"Do they believe us?" Heya looked towards the door.

The priest's temperament was indeed a bit special, and she didn't know why, but just one meeting made her body, which had been tense every day, suddenly relax.

On this point alone, she believed what her husband said.

"Yeah." Reston said, "You have to go out with me and don't affect the priest's actions. I'm afraid you'll get hurt. I can't lose you anymore."

"No! I want to stay! Help Annie and the others watch with their own eyes!"

Heya pursed her lips, feeling complicated as she looked at the silent Reston, and walked toward the door with the shotgun in hand.

She had a relaxed yet sinister expression on her face at this time, and her voice was trembling as she stopped in front of York.

"Father, thank you for your willingness to believe in us, thank you for your willingness to help us."

Having said this, she looked up at the calm priest in front of her, and then pleaded.

"But can I see that monster die in front of my eyes? I want to see it die with my own eyes! Otherwise, I don't know what to do with my daughters..."

In the entrance hall illuminated by candlelight, Yorkist sighed inwardly when he saw that the hostess's face was filled with determination and tenacity.

He knew that people like this had only one obsession left in their minds to push them away, otherwise they would be like walking zombies.

"I can let you stay, but you can only watch until we finish processing it."

Looking at the hostess, Yorks asked seriously: "Can you do it?"

Heya nodded numbly.

"Okay, let's just keep everyone." Yorkshire walked in first with John Wick and Irene who had been silent.

"Eileen is optimistic about them."

After York's words fell, Irene waved to Reston and Heya, the host and hostess, and motioned for them to come over and stand behind together.

All in place.

Yorks glanced around the surrounding candles and the mechanism the hostess had just set up.

The mechanism is very simple. The shotgun is connected to the wire. As long as the monster touches the mechanism, the shotgun that has been aimed at it will fire.

But in his opinion, this ordinary firepower may not be enough to deal with the dark monster that still has four mission rewards. What the hostess is doing is actually seeking death.

"John, get ready."

John Wick slowly buckled on his military night vision goggles.

The next second, everyone except Irene didn't understand how York could do it, and all the candles were extinguished at the same time.

Darkness begins to fall...

Brothers, it’s not that I don’t want to update more, I really want to update more, no joke.

However, after subtracting the working time, I only have a little spare time to code when I get home from get off work. In fact, I have not had any personal time for a long time, and I have spent all my time coding.

The reason why they are always published after 11 o'clock in the evening is because they are all coded immediately after get off work, and they are not published until the basic 4,000 words have been coded. Basically, there are no saved manuscripts.

It would be nice if it was easy to go to work and code secretly, but unfortunately the conditions do not allow it. Most of those tentacle monsters work full-time or have easy jobs, and I have neither of these two conditions.

I also want to work full-time, but my strength does not allow it, because I know that this book can be a high-quality book simply because of its subject matter. I don’t have anything in terms of pen power or writing skills. I can only try to keep it as smooth as possible and be able to keep updating until the end of the book.

There will be three chapters tomorrow, and I will make up for the chapter I asked for leave from earlier.

Really thank you all for your support! real! Without your support, I wouldn't be able to write here.

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