Yorks raised his eyebrows and looked at them.

"Do you think God can poop?" the short-haired boy said loudly with a face full of joking.

"Hahahahaha." His companions laughed together, the laughter was very harsh.

Obviously, these young men were just looking for his pleasure. Yorks didn't feel anything in his heart, but the corner of his mouth curled up.

He felt that these young men would suffer if they continued to be so arrogant. Unlike the peaceful earth in his previous life, there were gods and demons in this parallel world. He didn't know whether there was a God or not. He only knew that holy water did have an effect, and so did prayer. Even if he is not a true believer in God.

In addition to this, the most powerful proof is that the demons and evil spirits he exorcised would curse God.

This shows what? God really might exist.

If these young men dare to ridicule like this, they will inevitably not be targeted by something. As a famous saying goes, trouble comes from the mouth.

Thinking of this, Yorks stopped and made the sign of the cross to these fools:

"May God remember you!"

"Hahahahahaha, this stupid priest."

"Did he still bless us? Hahaha, I was laughing so hard."


The boys are even more arrogant.

Yorks nodded with pity in his eyes, ignored these gangsters who would be even worse in the future, and continued on his way.

At this time, a white-haired old man suddenly appeared from the building next to him and walked slowly towards him.

"Hello, Father Yorks."

"Hello, Mr. Brown." Yorkshire nodded.

"Going to the hospital?"

He knew this old man and often came to his church to pray for his seriously ill wife. He heard that he had served in the military and was a naval officer, but he had retired.

"Yes, Father York." Old Brown crossed his shoulders and glanced at the extremely arrogant young men over there.

"Don't pay attention to them. They are a bunch of scum not worth saving."

"Yeah." Yorks nodded and smiled.

"Amen." Old Brown made the sign of the cross like a true believer.

Yorkist returned the favor, "The Lord will bless you and Ms. Judith."

"Thank you." Old Brown smiled gently.

Yorks nodded, walked past Old Brown, and headed to the Boston community where the old woman lived.

After experiencing an episode worth noting, York finally arrived at his destination, a typical eagle-style house structure with a lawn and a backyard attached to the house.

Speaking of which, the security of this Boston community is better than that of Old Brown. Some patrol police often come here to patrol, and there are no gangsters. This can be regarded as a middle-class bourgeoisie.

Mo Sang and her husband Mr. Sandy, who were already waiting at the door, came to greet them.

"Father Yorks!"

Yorks ignored the anxious looks of the two people, first opened his backpack and took out the willow branches that had been soaked in holy water.

"No rush, let me protect you first."

The two of them were stunned for a moment, not knowing why, and nodded subconsciously.

York took this opportunity to swing the willow branch at the two people in front of him, and all the holy water that had been remaining on the tree suddenly fell on them.

"There was no smoke, no smell and no change in expression."

Yorks observed carefully before letting down his guard.

Devils and evil spirits are actually really dangerous, so he has no choice but to do it. After all, the ability to possess evil spirits is too disgusting. He has a protective function, but others don't.

"I have given you a layer of protection so that you will not be possessed by evil spirits." Yorks explained, and then took out two more crosses.

“Put it on, and you may follow me in, for the Lord will protect you.”

When he performed an exorcism for a certain family, he would habitually let his relatives follow him through the whole process, so as to reassure them. After all, the possessed owner was unconscious and unconscious.

In this parallel world, he had heard disgusting things about some of his colleagues, even though he had heard quite a few in his previous life.

"Thank you! Father York." Ms. Mosan took it with a grateful face. While putting it on herself, she also quickly helped Mr. Sandy put it on.

Yorks nodded calmly, "Take me to see Sarah."

"Okay." The old woman took a deep breath and turned around to lead the way.

Yorkes glanced around the house before following.

The overall atmosphere was not that bad, nor was it as dark and dull as the previous exorcisms he had performed.

Yorks glanced at it and followed silently, following the two of them directly to the second floor. As soon as he reached the second floor, he smelled a familiar smell. It was a very pungent smell of volcanic lava, which can make people Smoked to death.

It smells like hell, and it's obviously a demon.

Yorks wrinkled his nose and looked at the door at the end of the path, where a slightly tilted cross hung.

"Ms. Moissan, were you placing the cross right when you placed it?"

It can make the cross tilt a little, which is enough to show that the devil inside is a little capable. The degree of tilt can also represent the strength of the devil. If it turns forward, it will be extraordinary. He may be afraid of three points and rely on gambling for seven points. Life.

"Yes...yes." The old woman was a little scared when she saw this, and she stayed close to her wife Sandy.

Hearing this, Yorks narrowed his eyes slightly, walked past the two of them, and strode to the door.

The closer the distance is, the colder the whole atmosphere becomes, and it may even feel like the five senses are being blocked. There is no sound, and even the sounds outside seem to have disappeared.

"Key." York said softly.

Hearing this, Ms. Mosang quickly handed over the key.

Yorkes took it and opened the door directly.

Before the door was even opened, a thick voice like a man's voice sounded from inside.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

When the door was opened, Yorkist saw Sarah being tied up and tied to the bed.

The whole person was as thin as a drug-sucking skeleton, with no blood on his lips, and the eye sockets were particularly dark. Staring at people was like staring at prey, which made people's hair stand on end.

"What do I smell? Damn it! It stinks!"

"Dear Mommy, are you planning to kill me when you find that damn stinky priest? Jie Jie!!" At this time, Sarah's voice switched back to her original voice.

"Sarah, I..." Ms. Mosan was obedient at the door.

"Shh! I will handle everything. Don't make a sound or pay attention. If you want to save your daughter."

The old woman was interrupted by Yorkist as soon as she spoke.

But Mr. Sandy was sensible, grabbed her hand and shook his head.

Yorks glanced at him subconsciously. Such calm family members were rare.

The old man just nodded, which meant that he could do whatever he wanted.

Yorks smiled back, put down his backpack and started to get the tools.

Seeing this, Sarah raised her head and roared. "Old man! You have always wanted to kill me, right? I am your daughter!"

Mr. Sandy pursed his lips and remained silent, just holding his wife's hand tightly.

The next second, Sarah, who looked like a ghost, suddenly changed like a lunatic, struggling so fiercely that the bed was forced to move a little distance due to her movements.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!!! The damn stinky priest can't save your daughter,"

"My parents, there is no hope for you!!"

One moment one way, another moment another, Sarah was like a madman.

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