American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 191 The most capable spokesperson

Pluto Church, which has returned to peace, is on the street dozens of meters away.

Modified Ford Raptor makes a low-profile stop.

Yorks, who was at the center of many people's conversations, let out a breath, released his hands on the steering wheel, and rubbed his face angrily to reenergize his tired mind.

Unfortunately, Yorks felt that it had no effect. Unlike the physical pain that could be recovered, it was like a psychological haze lingering.

"Although it doesn't cause any harm, it is still a bit heavy to carry a person's life."

Yorks thought about the memories he had experienced before, his eyes were deep: "I am Ning Weize, and I am also Yorks John, but I will not be Janet Lawrie."

This sentence fell in the car, and everything returned to calm.

Yorks looked at the virtual window in front of him and began to process the task rewards.

His character is like this. After basically completing a task, he will quickly dispose of unused attribute points.

There is absolutely no way to keep it, and there is no need to keep it.

"At fifteen o'clock, my physique is ready to break 100."

Looking at the fifteen unused attribute points at the bottom, Yorkist added them directly to the all-round physique at will.

As the prompt sounds, the point addition is successful.

[All-round physical fitness: 84 rose to 99]

"Just a little bit, it will officially break 100 tomorrow." Yorks shook his head, started the car and drove towards Pluto Church.

At this time, Yorks didn't even know that he was about to be stabbed in the back by two old men. He just parked the car and got out of the car with his backpack.

Surprisingly, through the real-time three-dimensional image in my mind, I could see a lot of believers in the morning, but now there was only the human form of Robert.

"What's my sister deacon doing again? Not even Liz Murray?"

As he approached, helplessness appeared on York's face. He found that he seemed to have found a deacon nun who had a particularly pure faith and a very enterprising spirit.


He wanted to become a salty fish entrenched in New York, but his deaconess wanted to carry forward the glory of Pluto Church.

"Father Yorks!"

As soon as he reached the front yard, Robert's excited voice sounded in his ears.

Yorks was not surprised and looked to the side. Robert was holding a basket of rice in his hand.

"Robert, what are you doing?"

Robert smiled and said: "This is Sister Irene's order, let me feed the pigeons in the pigeon nest."

Hearing this, Yorkist suddenly realized that it seemed that he had not fed the messenger pigeon for a long time, which was really remiss.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Yorks said calmly: "Have you found any new pigeons coming back recently?"

"New pigeons?" Robert hesitated: "I don't think I found any."

Damn it! Will Leach and Lily run away?

Yorks was speechless for a moment as he thought of the two brother and sister pigeons who had delivered the message earlier.

"Okay, you go and feed them. I will need the pigeons later."

"Yes! Father York!" Robert was immediately excited. He was usually very concerned about church matters.

Yorks smiled and walked towards the church with his backpack, but thinking of Irene, he turned back and asked again: "Where did Sister Irene go?"

Robert stopped and replied seriously: "Sister Eileen took people to distribute love food and clothes again today."

As he spoke, he sighed: "Father, because of Sister Irene, there have been many new people in the church recently."

"Okay, go and get busy."

Yorks twitched the corner of his mouth and stepped directly into the church. He had already envisioned his future. The work of a priest, which was easy in the past, was now expected to increase several times.

This sudden change made Robert a little confused: "Why do you feel that the priest is not as happy as he imagined?"

Robert glanced at the broad figure that had disappeared into the church, shook his head and headed for the Pigeon Nest with a suspicious look on his face.



Putting on a brand-new divine robe, York looked at the small raised mounds of earth one after another and the palm-sized cross in front of them. He recited a prayer, crossed himself on his chest, and stared at the newly raised earth. Keng Wen said.

"Accept the cause and bear the result."

"Janet Lowry, this will be your natal home from now on."

Speaking of this, Yorks suddenly saw an illusory woman appearing in the sky.

She was wearing a tunic and clothing similar to those from the Middle Ages.

I saw a smile on her face, slowly lifted her skirt in the air, and performed a standard curtsey.

The next second, it disappeared, as if it was all an illusion.

"Goodbye Janet Lowry, I hope you find happiness in your next life."

Yorks raised the corner of his mouth, watched, and then turned around and returned to the church.

Needless to say, although Sister Irene was somewhat contrary to his salty fish philosophy, thanks to her today, there were not many believers in the church. When he sorted it out and buried the bottles, he only had two or three. Believers praying with eyes closed.

No believers came forward to confess or talk, but he lived a more leisurely life than before as a priest.

York was also happy with this. He took out the long-lost blank report and pen from his personal lounge, and stood on the high platform to write down what he had done recently.

There was the Bridget incident at Reed's apartment complex.

Little Bellamy's doll incident.

An evil Leather mirror incident in which a single-family villa was blown up.

An accidental disk event.

Coupled with today's unknown female corpse incident.

Of course, Yorks still kept an eye out.

The Book of Death has been obtained a long time ago, and the sealed dollhouse and disc of top-notch players have been collected, plus a complete set of the Book of Tribo series.

He consciously skipped all these and only wrote the necessary information.

If Gabriel or anyone found out something, he would have only one thing to say.

"During the process of expelling these things, they were accidentally affected by the battle and were completely damaged..."

Useful things and trophies must never be given away. Only your own things are yours. This is one of the principles defined by Yorks.

Page after page, apart from the sound of breathing, there was only rustling writing in the church.

For a while, Yorks wrote a lot. It wasn't until the pen stopped at the end of the blank that he realized that he had done a lot of things recently.

"So I'm the busiest one?"

York selectively ignored the reward of the mission event, sighed to himself, picked up the still-dry report, blew on it, sealed it with his own fire paint, rolled it up and stuffed it into the tube.


Yorks glanced at the time. [17:43] showed that he still had a lot of personal time.

"The next step is to complete daily fixed tasks."

After tidying up, Yorkes continued to make steady progress according to the plan.

"Oh God!"

"So it turns out that I, York John, am your most pious, capable and busy spokesman?"


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