
Although he couldn't see it, Yorks understood that it was all an illusion.

Hundreds of years have passed, and nothing he wants to do will help.

He could only bear the pain of the female corpse, Janet Lowry, and let her leave easily.

The temperature is getting higher and higher.

The third memory fragment exploded and turned into crystals, dissipating into the void.


Yorkshire let out a breath, feeling the pain of burning from the inside out.

The breath was a cloud of incense smoke.

"Is this what it feels like to walk on fire?"

After being heated like a flame, York's consciousness has been immersed in a personal panel.

Although it is an illusion, it is also a different kind of reality, or at least it can be regarded as an imitation.

[HP 129/135.5]

"It dropped about six points in total, which is in line with expectations."

Yorks was not surprised, he was already heading straight in an inhuman direction.

Even now, his skin only feels a little hot due to the fire.

"I feel a burning pain, but not much. Also, my resilience is stronger than before..."

Yorks looked at the health points that were going up and down repeatedly, and he had some idea in his mind. He could actually feel that he was constantly feeling hot and cold inside and outside his body.

There is a confrontation between damage and recovery.


York's right hand kept pressing on the female corpse's forehead. Although his field of vision was completely covered by memory fragments, he could also tell from the touch of his right hand that Janet Laurie had obviously gradually changed.

It was cold and hard at first, and finally when he felt the pain again and again.

Coldness and hardness have gone in the other direction, which is warmth and softness.

This is the original feeling of ordinary people.

"It seems to be very effective."

Yorkes let out a breath and continued to click on the next memory fragment.

Pain does not only refer to physical pain. Although the pain in the heart does not have substantial pain, it is hundreds of times more painful than the physical pain.


Yorks looked at the memory fragments that were slowly on the verge of being broken. Inside, Janet Lowry was lonely and helpless, and was being identified by her neighbors.


Janet Lowry kept to herself, rejecting the confessions of men around her.


Janet Lowry began to try to live alone, a long and dull life.


Janet Lowry's father died unexpectedly, leaving her alone.

Memory fragments exploded one after another.

Surrounded by glowing glass fragments, the fragments contained all the memories of Janet Lowry.

York's clicks continued, he was like a bystander with no sense of existence, silently watching and experiencing a person's life from the end to the beginning, taking everything into his body.

Physical pain, mental scars, joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

But in the process of experiencing it, what Yorks didn't discover was.

The expression of the female corpse became more and more agile and soft, as if she was alive.

I don't know when two traces of running water appeared on my eyes and temples that had been kept open, and a pool of water appeared underneath.




There were fragments all around him, and Yorks stared at the last fragment of memory, silent.

A couple appeared above, and the couple happily gathered around a cradle, looking at the child inside.

"it's over."

Yorks couldn't help but sigh, and by default believed everything in this illusionary space.

Only by believing in what happens in hallucinations will reality respond accordingly.

Just like those corpses, they believe everything that happens in their hallucinations, so bloodshed happens in reality.

Just when he defaulted to believing and accepting what was happening in the hallucination space, Yorkes simultaneously heard the prompt that the task was completed.


[Task requirement: Free the unknown female corpse (completed)]

[Task reward: +15 attribute points (to be distributed)]

"Sure enough, combat missions are the best."

Looking at the scattered fragments all over the sky, Yorks waved his hand to move them away. Eventually, the entire space directly cracked one after another, and finally exploded to reveal the real anatomy room.

Compared with the illusory yet real anatomy room before, it is so real now.

Yorks looked down at the anatomy table in front of him.

Janet Lowry's body has long since disappeared, and the only traces are a puddle of water on it and the remaining humanoid ashes.

Of course there was also a vague, minimal pain.

This is the consequence of believing in hallucinations, but in reality there is no continuous pain. His resilience instantly overwhelms the injury and he slowly recovers.

The next second, the health points have been restored to full.

Now Yorkis is only mentally and psychologically exhausted, nothing else.

"It's easy, but it's also very tiring. Without a careful analysis, this inhuman physique, and a stable mood, this mission would have failed long ago."

Yorks looked at the humanoid ashes and the puddle of water, shook his head, then took out a bottle of holy water from his backpack and poured out the holy water inside.

Suddenly there was a pool of fluorescent liquid on the floor.

When the bottle was empty, Yorks waved his hand again, and his powerful mental power turned into telepathy to pick up the humanoid ashes on the dissecting bed and inject it towards the mouth of the bottle.

When there were no traces left on the bed and the bottle was full, Yorks carefully put the bottle back to its original position and immediately turned around and left the dissecting room.

"Alas, there is another prayer."


outside the building.

Police cars were everywhere.

Everyone is quietly waiting for the results inside.

"Jeffrey, have you ever been so quiet?"

Baker glanced at Jeffrey, saw him looking over, and continued.

"It's too quiet. Do you think Father York will be fine?"

Jeffrey kept his right hand on the gun holster at his waist. After hearing this, he looked at the main entrance of the building in front of him again, and the impressive memory of Jesse Building began to emerge.

"Baker, you don't understand. I have confidence in Father York. This supernatural incident should be very simple for the priest, because the priest can even exorcise the demons at that time."

"You believe Father Yorks more than anyone else."

Baker was speechless and choked. He had finally discovered that his partner of many years had a mysterious honey worship for Father York.

"Don't you have confidence in Father York?" Jeffrey replied calmly without moving his head.

"Who keeps saying that he has to inform Father York whenever he encounters something he doesn't understand?"

His thoughts were suddenly revealed. Baker looked at the main entrance a dozen steps ahead, with a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"Hey! I just..."

As soon as he said this, a figure suddenly appeared, causing Baker to stop talking.

I saw a priest wearing divine robes walking over with a calm expression.

Baker subconsciously glanced at Jeffrey, who also turned his head.

Years of tacit understanding made a sentence appear in the hearts of both of them.

So fast?

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