We only know the event and the result of death, but we don’t know the process or cause. Most of them need to be combined with the existing information and rely on rigorous and cautious reasoning to get such a clue and direction first.

Just like now, Jeffrey came to the scene in person, inspecting the autopsy center on the underground floor, looking at the walkway filled with sprayed blood after just one night, and even came across a body with a fire ax stuck in its back as soon as he arrived at the main entrance. corpse.

As they walked past the scene, they found the police officer lying in a pool of blood.

He couldn't imagine what these people went through before they died, but he immediately focused on the unknown female corpse.

Because the scene was in a mess, with signs of bloody struggles and suicides by swallowing bullets, this scene was exactly the same as that of the Brullo family.

Conventional reasoning was obviously a little weak in these two weird cases, and he could only think in the direction of supernatural cases.


A police officer came over with a solemn face and handed him a piece of information about the scene.

Jeffrey took it with an expressionless face, without even looking at it. He just looked at the bloody path extending from the main entrance, thinking of his previous speculation about the Brullo family.

They all want to escape from this familiar place.

Following the bloody road all the way, Jeffrey asked.

The officer responded: "Still, sir."

Hearing this, Jeffrey sped up and strode straight to the autopsy room.

Upon arriving at the autopsy room, what Jeffrey didn't expect was that the unknown female corpse was still in good condition and lying on the autopsy bed.

Jeffrey frowned and shifted his gaze.

Everything around it was untouched.

It was as if the body had just been put on top.

This is wrong, very wrong.

Jeffrey looked back at Baker, who was also frowning. It seemed that the old man was also thinking of going with him.

The main purpose of bringing corpses here for autopsy is to ascertain the cause and nature of death.

Determine suicide or homicide, infer the time of death, and provide possible clues and evidence for solving the case.

It stands to reason that the unknown female corpse was sent urgently that night and with his order, the female corpse should be in an autopsy state, not intact, and even the surrounding tools were not moved.

"Have the cameras been checked?" Jeffrey asked the police officer.

The police officer looked a little ugly: "I checked, but there is something very strange, sir."

Jeffrey glanced at him.

"The records from last night are missing," the police officer said, puzzled.

Jeffrey didn't think there was any surprise, so he withdrew his gaze and continued to stare at the unknown female corpse lying quietly on the autopsy bed.

"Beck, it seems it's what we thought."

Baker nodded: "Do you want to inform the priest?"

"Well, this is the best way, we'd better not do anything." Jeffrey said expressionlessly.

"Control the scene first, don't move anything, try to stay as is and wait for the priest to come."

"Okay." Baker patted the confused police officer beside him.

"You come with me."

After saying that, he left the anatomy room.

"Yes! Sir." The police officer quickly followed Baker.

For a moment, only Jeffrey was left. He swept around and retreated slowly.

After being greeted by the police officers on both sides waiting at the door, Jeffrey took out his mobile phone and continued walking to a quieter place where there was no one around.

The only way he can contact the priest is by phone.

But what Jeffrey didn't know was that when he retreated from the autopsy room, the unknown female corpse's fingers suddenly moved slightly.


"The first light of dawn dawns in my heart."

"We call on the holy name of the Lord, look up to the sky, and make my heartbeats equal to yours."

"Wherever I go, I go with you."


The song was blaring from every speaker in the car, and Yorkshire took his foot off the accelerator to enjoy the moment.

I have to say that the people under Walter Martin have done a really good job.

Even the speakers are top-notch configurations, which makes his feeling even higher. Expensive things always have a reason to be expensive.

Because of this, Yorks relaxed the accelerator again, trying to maintain this enjoyment for a little longer.

After all, for him, going to church is actually equivalent to going to work. He has always regarded priest as a profession.

Listening to the song suddenly rising in pitch and becoming more explosive, Yorks smiled.

"It's human nature to want to be lazy."

All the accumulated weapons have been equipped with double-layer buffs. All he has to do today is complete daily fixed tasks and write reports.

So as long as today has not passed, then all this can be done in time.

Even old man Gabe might complain.

"Even so, I'll finish writing the report before today ends."

York's expression remained unchanged, and he controlled the car to turn around and drive in the direction of Pluto Church, but the speed became slower and slower.

The next song also started playing, which was more exciting than the previous song with a somewhat religious nature.

Yorks extended his seat back, ready to enjoy the ride all the way to the church.

But when the song had just reached its climax, he sensed movement from his cell phone.

Yorks turned around and saw the caller on the screen, which made him feel something.

"Jeffrey? Has this guy encountered another supernatural case?"

After several contacts, Yorks had already figured out Jeffrey's strict character. If nothing happened, this guy would never call him.

Yorkes paused the playing of the song, controlled the car with one hand, picked up the phone and connected it.


The steady voice reached the autopsy center, which had begun to clear the scene, and reached Jeffrey's cell phone in his ear. He breathed a sigh of relief and asked cautiously.

"Father, are you in the church of Pluto?"

York was too lazy to talk nonsense and said directly: "I'm not here. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Hearing the meaning, Jeffrey recalled the evil unknown female corpse, pinched his cell phone, and said solemnly: "Father, I may have encountered another supernatural case, but I'm not sure. Can you come over and take a look? .”


Yorks narrowed his eyes: "Address."

Jeffrey casually said the address of the autopsy center. Just after he finished speaking, he finally heard the hang-up tone from the mobile phone.

He put away his phone and took a deep breath, turned around and strode away from the place, preparing to go outside to meet the priest.

Before leaving, he also drove away all the official personnel present.

When the last person evacuated.

In the dissecting room, the unknown female corpse that had been lying on the dissecting bed moved her right foot slightly again.

Immediately afterwards, all the monitoring screens in the monitoring room instantly turned into snowflake screens.


When Jeffrey knew about this, he was already waiting outside for the arrival of the priest. On the one hand, he felt nervous, but also thankful and relaxed.

What's tense is that things are developing more and more weirdly, but what's relaxing is that the priest seems to be in the city and is about to rush over.

"Luckily everyone has been evacuated," Jeffrey thought.

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