American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 182 The incident happened

at the same time.

The overcrowded Pluto Church has entered the prayer session.

And the same food is placed in front of these believers.

Because in order to cater to the tastes of some believers, it is a buffet breakfast, so most of the food is different.

For example, some just have ordinary bread and cereal, some just have eggs and porridge, and some just eat fruit or drink coffee and tea.

“Dear God, thank you for this wonderful day and the provision of food.”

“We feel your presence and blessing in this gathering, and may this breakfast be an opportunity for us to get to know each other, share and unite.”

“Please bless these foods to nourish our bodies, and please bless this gathering so that our communication and friendship can be strengthened.”

"In the name of the Lord Jesus I pray, Amen."

After praying, all the believers looked at each other and smiled.

in the corner.

Putting aside all cases for the time being, Jeffrey, who was wearing smart casual clothes, opened his eyes and looked aside specifically.

In his eyes, Baker, who had always complained that he had no faith, now had a pious look on his face.


Jeffrey shook his head, picked up the bread on the table, and ate the breakfast he had not eaten for a long time.


Baker seemed to be aware of the gazes from the side. Although his face was burning, he did not show any emotion. He also picked up the bread in front of him, but his eyes shifted to the girl next to the nun. Happy talking wife.

"Honey, who is that girl next to Sister Irene? Have you never seen her before?"

"She?" Ms. Hardy, who looked very happy, responded casually: "It seems to be Father York's new employee. Oh, no, it should be the child that the priest took in yesterday."

Hearing this, Baker tore off a corner of the bread and stuffed it into his mouth, while looking at each other with Jeffrey, his eyes moved around, looking for the priest, and continued to ask.

"I see. Speaking of my wife, why is Father York not here today?"

He and Jeffrey came to the breakfast event not just to relax.

But what he didn't expect was that his wife glared at him impatiently.

"I didn't know, don't bother me!"

After saying that, he turned around, like a chameleon, put on his smile again and continued chatting with the believer he didn't know.

Seeing this scene, such an obvious difference in treatment, Baker's face twitched, feeling that his family status was not guaranteed.

But he didn't dare to do anything. In desperation, he turned to look at Jeffrey who was quietly eating bread.

"Man, it seems that Father York is not here today, so his trip was in vain."

After saying that, Baker secretly added in a low voice: "Also, just pretend that you didn't notice what happened just now, so that we can still be amiable and lovely friends and colleagues."

Jeffrey ignored it and continued to chew the bread.

Baker breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, if you don't say anything, I'll take it as your promise. I'll ask Sister Irene after dinner to confirm. If the priest is not here, we will..."

Baker's words rang in his ears unconsciously, and Jeffrey felt the vibration of his phone at this moment. He frowned slightly and picked it up to answer it.

Baker couldn't help but shut his mouth.

"Sir, something happened! Just now we learned that everyone in the autopsy department died inexplicably."

Jeffrey's eyebrows suddenly tightened and he glanced at Baker.

"The site is sealed and no one is allowed to enter or exit until I return."

After saying that, Jeffrey hung up the phone and stuffed the bread in his mouth into his mouth.

"What's going on?" Baker asked.

Jeffrey nodded, picked up the coat hanging on the back of the chair, stood up quietly and walked towards the main door.

Baker's face also looked bad. He turned to look at his wife, only to find that she had looked over at some point with worry on her face.


"It's okay." Baker smiled and looked at Jeffrey who was almost reaching the front door. He also grabbed the coat on the back of the chair and stood up. Before leaving, he leaned over and kissed Ms. Hardy's forehead.

"Just do what you like."

After saying that, Ms. Hardy, who left the Wang Fu Stone behind, followed Jeffrey's footsteps and left the church as unnoticed as possible...

In this case, a dark police car quickly left the place and went straight to the city.

"So what's going on?" Baker asked as he fastened his seat belt.

Jeffrey's face was solemn, he stared ahead, and said concisely: "Last night's case was probably another supernatural incident."

Baker also frowned at this time.

"The unknown female body was just moved into the autopsy department last night, and the medical examiner and police officers present last night were notified just now that they all died mysteriously, and no one survived."

"M3 shotgun, No. 12 shotgun, magazine capacity 8 rounds, added a pump-action mechanism, which can quickly convert semi-automatic mode to pump-action mode..."

In the pure white room, Yorks allowed himself to be introduced by Ward Martin, and he operated the shotgun a few times before putting it back in place.

I wonder if he recently ordered a batch of heavy weapons, but all the firearms in front of him have been replaced by more lethal ones.

For example, the combined gun and gun grenade gun M203, Gatling M134 minigun, M500 heavy revolver...

In the past, he might have had bright eyes and couldn't put it down, but now he has focused on exploding sacred grenades and sacred bombs.

After all, relying on his own strength alone, the sacred grenade he threw was roughly equivalent to a sacred bullet about to explode.

Therefore, as his strength has increased, firearms have fallen behind.

Under the expectation of Walter Martin, Yorks picked up one of the grenade guns, briefly inspected it, and then put it back indifferently.

"The gun is good."

Ward Martin raised his eyebrows, "Father, you don't like it?"

"It's not that I don't like it," Yorks said calmly, looking at the various brand-new firearms that exuded mechanical beauty on the shelf.

"It's just that I can't fit it in my underground warehouse anymore."

Ward Martin smiled gently: "Yes, you just ordered a batch."

What did Yorkes think of: "Ward, next time you can prepare a more powerful bomb for me. The more powerful the bomb, the easier it is to carry, the better."

Ward Martin was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the priest wanted these things for, but he nodded.

"Okay! Father."

As if thinking of the mushroom cloud in Romania, Yorks narrowed his eyes and patted Ward Martin on the shoulder, then walked towards the sofa cover.

"Ward, hurry up and remind me. I have to go back to Pluto Church later to write a report. I'm afraid there is an old man who is impatient to wait..."

Ward Martin nodded, and not long after, the modification plan was brought over by a staff member.

Thanks to Ye Yuqingcheng and Shuyou 20230123191632470 for their rewards!

Thank you for your support! ! ! !

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