American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 175 Warehouse No. 36

"No...nothing." Nick responded softly.

He watched the priest lick his dry lips, swallow the non-existent saliva, and suppress the panic in his heart.

After all, he was still cursing just now.

"Okay then, take it and lead the way."

Yorks said calmly, not paying attention to this little thing. He also knew that in order to save time, he really drove the car a little crazy.

The drift of a muscle car is not something that can be explained by ordinary shaking. I am afraid that the rear tires need to be replaced.


Nick's eyes became very clear. He grabbed his backpack and stood up, leading the way. But as he walked, he felt very uneasy. He didn't believe in supernatural beings or demons, but when he saw a priest acting so exaggeratedly, In terms of posture, he was also a little uneasy.

After leading the priest to the main entrance, Nick actually felt a little nervous: "Is there really a demon?"

Yorks followed behind and kept observing the surroundings. His five senses began to fully relax and he asked.

"What do you think?"

Nick's hands shook, and he understood the meaning.


The lock on the front door was also opened at this time.

Nick looked back at the priest and took a deep breath to open the front door at the suggestion of the other person's eyes. A straight aisle appeared in front of him. There was no light and it looked a bit deep.

But Nick, who was used to walking, started to feel that the dim corridor in front of him was a bit scary due to psychological pressure, like a bloody mouth that wanted to swallow people.

He was a little timid.

" go first."

Yorks twitched the corner of his mouth and could only step in. What's interesting is that he couldn't feel the power of the devil, but because his five senses were fully relaxed, he could smell a smell that towered into the sky.

Regarding this, Yorks rubbed the tip of his nose and chose to temporarily block his sense of smell.

At the same time, maximizing his hearing also allowed him to hear the rustling sounds around him, and it was precisely because of the feedback of these sounds that the real-time three-dimensional image in his mind was perfected bit by bit...

"Father, next to it is the light switch. That damn merchant even installed a timing device, so it can only be on for a while."

Nick's rambling words rang in his ears, and Yorkshire was already walking forward.


Nick was stunned for a moment, and when he saw the broad back in front of him entering the darkness, he cursed secretly in his mind, and found the dial switch next to him and turned it hard.

puff! The lights suddenly came on, illuminating the entire aisle.

At this time, Nick also noticed that the priest had walked a few meters away and quickly followed him.

The footsteps of the two people were undoubtedly amplified in the silent corridor, which added a bit of horror to the atmosphere.

Nick was on guard until the T-junction, and he gave a warning.

"Go straight to the right..."

However, they found that the priest had already turned to the right the moment his words rang out.

"Until Warehouse 36."

Nick twitched his face and could only follow.

"36?" Yorks squinted his eyes and stared at the rolling shutter doors of the warehouse on both sides of the aisle. He only thought of one number, 666.

In the motherland, the meaning of 666 is generally auspicious meanings such as good fortune and prosperity of animals, but in the West it is completely opposite.

In Western culture, 666 is an unlucky number, which represents evil and symbolizes the devil.

Through this, Yorks became more certain that this trip would be fruitful.

Walking all the way to Warehouse No. 36, Yorks rubbed his nose again. The soaring stench came from here.

Combining the stench and the previous speculation, the only thing he could think of was that the transaction was not completed, and Dottie Wal-Mart's disappearance might have become a container and was sealed here.

As for why the transaction was not completed, there is a high probability that Anthony Wal-Mart had something bigger in mind, such as becoming a cult.

"Want to get the power of the devil?"

Suddenly thinking of this, Yorks became curious about this guy Anthony Wal-Mart.

puff! The lights suddenly turned off, followed by Nick's curses.

“Damn capitalism!”

With a bunch of keys in his hand, he walked to the wall next to the rolling shutter door and turned a switch.

puff! The lights come on again.

Yorks put his right hand on the holster at his waist and let Nick look for the keys and open the rolling door.


As the rolling shutter door is opened, the layout and things inside are also reflected in the eyes.

As the name of the warehouse suggests, it is full of sundries, gift boxes, wooden tables, old sofas, etc.

"That's it. The disc and candlestick were found here." Nick looked back at the priest who was standing quietly and said cautiously.

"I don't know where this fourth book is. If you can't find it, you can't... you can't rely on my money."

Yorks didn't answer, just stared inside the warehouse and gestured.

"Get that stuff out of there."

"What?" Nick looked subconsciously, but only saw the debris piled there.

"There is a secret space inside." Yorks explained casually, and took away Nick's backpack: "Go and move the things away."

After the words fell, Nick did not dare to resist. He secretly glanced at the priest who was unpacking his backpack and began to move away the sundries inside that were pressed against the wall.

Even so, he couldn't help but think of the previous quarrel with the merchant and complained:

"So there is a secret space? No wonder it is much smaller than other warehouses."

Hearing this complaint, Yorks's heart moved slightly, his consciousness was already immersed in his mind, and he saw something inside.

"It seems that my guess is correct. Dottie Wal-Mart became a container and was sealed here by her brother Anthony..."

Unlocking his backpack, Yorks took out the candlestick inside, inserted the candles prepared inside into the candlestick, and finally took out the lighter and lit it.

The dim candlelight lit up, illuminating York's deep eyes.

"And this candlestick is probably also evidence of Anthony Wal-Mart's entry and exit. Otherwise, just the chaotic aura lingering on the devil's body, he would not be able to get to the devil at all.

As expected of a well-known figure in the cult circle, he is very courageous..."

"Father! Something has been discovered!" Nick's voice rang in his ears, and Yorkist looked over with the candlestick in hand.

After the debris was removed, a rusty iron door inside was revealed.

"Damn it, sure enough I knew this warehouse must not be that small. It turns out it's a little shorter."

Staring at the iron gate, Nick was a little excited. What he didn't notice was that his face became more and more ferocious and York's expression became calmer. In his eyes, he seemed to see that the 400,000 yuan had appeared in front of him, and the greed in his heart was rising again. emerge.

Maybe it shouldn't be only 400,000? What more could I want?

"Father! I..."

At this moment, a candlestick with candlelight appeared in front of him, and the mist emitted from it made Nick tremble all over as soon as he said this, and he suddenly woke up.

"Take it!"

Yorks looked at Nick, whose face had become very ferocious just now, but was now awake, and said calmly.

"Stay awake. If you want to cause trouble at this juncture, I will kill you first."

Nick trembled unconsciously, and he took the candlestick obediently with a low voice.

"Yes, Father."

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