American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 172 An unexpected gain

"Anything good?"

Yorks retracted his gaze, stopped in front of the front desk, and looked at Yuanpan.

I didn't feel anything at the door, but now that I'm close in front of my eyes, the disc is still lingering with residual spiritual power.


Yorks frowned, and in his perception, the remaining spiritual power was mixed with an evil demonic power.

This is a Ouija board that has summoned demons, and it is even more evil than an ordinary Ouija board.

"It's not a good thing, just so-so." Agatha took off her reading glasses, smiled, picked up a candlestick next to her, and handed it to him.

Only then did Yorkes realize that there was such a candlestick under the edge of the disk. Judging from the material, it was even gold. He took it easily, and the touch made him startled.

“There is no certification mark on the metal, the candlesticks are crudely crafted, and the decoration is not even close to the mark.”

After saying that, Ms. Agatha paused and continued to make up for it: "It's just that the molten metal on it is something special. It is taken from a mysterious metal material."

Yorks glanced at the very nervous man next to him, and he was also surprised where this guy found this pile of things.

This candlestick may be average compared to Lady Agatha, but for an exorcist or a cult, it is considered a good thing.

"This should be the gold of protection."

Looking at Ms. Agatha with a smile on her face, Yorkes said calmly.

"It can dispel the influence of demons and protect humans from evil forces. It is widely used in religious rituals and activities to conquer demons."


Ms. Agatha smiled and nodded, ignoring the expression of the seller next to her, and stretched out her hand to touch the disk in front of her.

"Yorks, take a look at this again. These things are not in my area of ​​expertise, but I think you should know the origin of this disk."

"Ms. Agatha, you think too highly of me."

Having said that, York put down the candlestick lightly and touched it.

"Some kind of summoning magic circle, made of Thuja cypress and sandalwood. The purpose is to facilitate the summoning of demons."

York's right hand stopped at a triangular symbol next to the star. He looked at the man who seemed to be a little scared but showed a hint of excitement, and then said calmly.

"Red paint made from human blood, a typical cult product."

As he spoke, Yorks pressed hard, and the red paint surface of the triangle suddenly sank.

In his unsurprising gaze, there was a click, and squares popped up on the side of the disk, revealing what was inside, which was the cover of a book.

"Huh? Is there any unexpected surprise?" Agatha raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"That's what those people in the cult like." Yorks looked calm and reached out to grab the books in the square, but before he could pick them up, he was suppressed by the man next to him.

"This is my thing!"

Yorks looked over, and the middle-aged man's eyes showed extremely greedy eyes.

"You have no right to touch it!"

York was unmoved and looked at Ms. Agatha.

Agatha put on her reading glasses again: "If you want to get a good price, it's better to let it go."

Hearing this, Nick looked at the old man, the greed in his heart had taken over everything, and the pressure he felt before had long since disappeared.

"Four hundred thousand!"

The recycling price suddenly doubled several times, but Ms. Agatha still looked calm and composed.

"This will have to be inspected by Father York."

Nick looked left at the old man and right at the priest, thought for a moment, and then withdrew his suppressed right hand.

"Let's see."

Yorks looked at the man meaningfully and picked up the books inside one by one.

Taking out the first book and placing it on the disk, Agatha, who had just put on her reading glasses, read out the name on the cover.

"Ribo Brimus Damonia?"

Yorkist took out the second book and put it on it.

"Ribo Servantis Simvolia."

The third and final book.

"Tripo Trituis Pelelips."

After Ms. Agatha finished reading, she looked at Yorks who had no expression on her face.

"Yorks, what is this?"

"Biographical books record legends between humans and demons, but this is a series."

Yorks picked up the third book and flipped through it. The illustrations of humans and demons and related text that appeared on it really proved that what he said was true.

"The important thing is that this series of books is often regarded as a classic by cults. As for why, it lies in the fourth book [Lipo Quartus Sacalamundo]."

With that said, Yorks looked at the man who looked increasingly greedy and continued to talk about science.

"Because it records the magic circle symbols and spells that can trap a certain demon in the human world, and it also contains methods on how to conduct transactions. According to records, once the transaction is passed, the book will spontaneously ignite. Only when the transaction is completed, the book will automatically appear in the world... "

York's voice was full of magnetism. Ms. Agatha nodded her head as she listened and learned another knowledge point.

However, Nick felt irritated and interrupted directly: "Father! I don't want to hear your damn supernatural science. I just want to know if I can get the money!"

Kopp was interrupted, but Yorks didn't mind at all. He just looked at Ms. Agatha: "Ms. Agatha, can you leave this matter to me?"

All the current information reveals that this guy may have a cult base.

Apart from exorcism, he likes to deal with this kind of thing the most, because compared to the demons who come directly, the people of these cults are more evil and vicious than the demons, and their methods are cruel and direct at people's souls. This is something he particularly hates. Humanoid.

And this kind of thing is more likely to trigger random tasks than all events.

For him, nothing is more comfortable and more satisfying than using the name of justice to judge those evil guys.

Agatha pulled down her reading glasses again: "Of course, Yorkie."

Nick frowned and stared at the priest.

"Don't worry." Yorks smiled calmly, "I have money to pay for this 400,000 yuan."

Having said this, before Nick's face showed obvious surprise, Yorks continued.

"But this is a companion book, so you're missing the last one."

Nick frowned: "Are you sure there is a fourth book?" In his impression, he did not see this fourth book.


Yorks gave an affirmative answer. The knowledge about the secret chambers in the church has been tested at all levels. If it exists, then it must exist.

Seeing the man's frown getting tighter, Yorks said in time.

"If you don't know where the fourth book is, there is another way. You can also get the four hundred thousand."

Nick suddenly raised his head and stared at the priest. He owed too much loan sharks and tomorrow was the deadline. He really needed money urgently.

"any solution?"

Yorks smiled: "Take me to the place where you found these things. Four hundred thousand is easily available."

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