American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 146 The nun becomes a full-time nun

Therefore, due to religion, no matter what it is, any number will basically have relevant meanings as long as it is related to God.

With the popularity and rapid development of religion, when religion penetrates into the lives of believers, and when God becomes the belief of believers, 13, which is defined as an unknown and unfortunate number, is naturally engraved in the West through oral or deliberate practice. in the common sense of the public.

Of course, in this parallel world with supernatural powers, there are naturally problems when 13 is associated with other weird things such as these 56 murders.

Turning to the second document, York's eyes stopped at the time of his death and the date of his stay in Suite 1408.

The year and time when the first victim, Kevin Maili, committed suicide by cutting his throat was June 7, 1912, one hour after check-in [22:09].

The year and time when the second victim, Olga Jimenez, committed suicide by jumping off the building was March 19, 1921, one hour after moving in [21:55]

Looking at the information about the second deceased, Olga Jimenez, Yorks continued to turn to the next page of documents with a blank expression.

Without looking at the cause of death or the relevant investigation status, we directly found the year and time of death of the third deceased.

The third deceased, Mary Pearson, committed suicide by jumping off the building. The year and time of death was April 9, 1930, one hour after moving in [23:08]

Then turn it over again...

The fourth deceased, including the next deceased, Yorks discovered that these deceased all had one thing in common, that is, the year and time of death all added up to 13.

At the same time, other similarities are that these deceased people all checked in at night...

Seeing this, there was no need to look at the remaining information documents. Yorks put away all the information and looked at Jeffrey and Baker, who had been waiting with bated breath.

"I'll go over and take a look for myself tonight."

Jeffrey subconsciously asked, "Father York, so there are indeed supernatural elements here?"

Yorks gently placed the documents and photos on the table and said calmly.

"There should be."

As he said that, Yorks paused and looked at them with ambiguous eyes.

"Luckily for you, the investigation has been stopped. If you still go there today, you may be in danger."

There was a heavy breathing, and Jeffrey took a long breath and looked at the priest seriously.

"Is it because today is September 4th, Father?"

He has been thinking about and analyzing this matter in a supernatural place, but he has actually known the rules behind it for a long time.

Yorkes smiled, not surprised that Jeffrey knew what he meant.


After responding, Yorkist seemed to have predicted something, left a word, got up and walked towards the door.

"You should attend this welcome meeting first, and then go back to prepare for tonight."

Jeffrey and Baker looked at each other and stood up to follow.

"Okay, Father."

York opened the door with a click. Without the isolation of the door, the lively sounds outside became louder, and the information generated in his mind became more and more detailed.

At this time, Robert just walked over. He saw that Yorks had opened the door. He was slightly startled, but he reacted immediately.

"Father, they have finished chatting and are looking for you!"

Yorks smiled, knowing full well that after all, he would ultimately have to host the welcome party. At least the formal introduction of Eileen would have to be done by him, the priest of Pluto Church.

"Okay, let's get over it."

Behind him, Jeffrey and Baker also followed at the same time.

Baker thought about it, but he still didn't understand the riddle conversation between the priest and his colleague and boss just now. He watched the priest striding out of the aisle, and while following him out, he muttered to Jeffrey.

"Man, we were fine before. Why would it be in danger if we went to investigate just because it's today?"

Hearing the muttering, Jeffrey did not hide anything and said calmly.

"If you add up all the numbers, you will understand what the priest said."

As he spoke, Jeffrey sped up and stepped out, leaving behind a confused Baker whose pupils suddenly shrank.

"Total? 13?"


The solemnly and warmly decorated Pluto Church finally ushered in peace.

Bouquets of flowers and scented candles decorated the entire church, leaving only the voice of the priest standing on the altar.

The old and new believers had already taken their places, sitting on the neatly divided benches, looking at the priests and nuns in the center, with sincere faces and smiles.

In a solemn tone, he formally introduced the monastery where Sister Irene was a trainee and her related experiences. Yorks glanced at the silent Irene in front of him, glanced around at the believers in front of them and spoke again.

"We are blessed to welcome a new member today. She will become a part of our church in Pluto. May we help each other with the gospel."

When the words fell, there was thunderous applause, full of joy and expectation.

Yorks looked at Irene, who pursed her lips because of the applause, and stretched out her hand to guide her.

Seeing this, Irene took a deep breath, stepped onto the altar, stood next to the priest and began to face the believers sitting on the benches.

As her eyes passed by one by one, everyone was smiling and applauding, and everyone sincerely welcomed her arrival.

It was the sincerity and warmth of these people that allowed her, a newcomer who had nowhere to start, to find a sense of belonging in her soul.

She is receiving support and kindness from these believers.

Eileen knew what she should do and bowed directly to everyone to express her gratitude.

“I will definitely do my best to help those in need as a nun of Pluto Church,

May God guide my steps and make me his servant, delivering love and hope to his children. "


The applause stopped and the ceremony continued.

Under York's guidance, Erin knelt in front of her with her hands clasped in fists.

Looking at Irene who was bowing her head slightly, Yorks held a heavy Bible in his right hand and a cross in his left hand and gently placed it on Irene's forehead. Witnessed by many believers, including two police officers, he gave her the identity of a trainee nun. Turning around, he spoke.

"By the right given to me by the church of Pluto, in the name of the church I accept your oath,

I declare yours henceforth to belong to the church of Pluto, to God,

Consecrate the Eucharist, you for the Eucharist, and walk on the road to perfection,

May God’s love for you connect you forever, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "

After Yorks finished speaking, he withdrew his left hand from the cross and made the sign of the cross on his chest.


Everyone is like this, and they follow the chant.


The epilogue fell, the last step of the ceremony ended, and Pluto Church officially had its second clergy...

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