Since the plug-in came to him, he was actually very lucky to have accumulated these four attributes to this point.

After all, supernatural events are not encountered all the time, or even happen all the time. Otherwise, there would not be so many atheists in the world, that is, people who believe in ghosts and gods on the surface, but don’t believe it in their hearts. people.

Most of them usually look forward to the pitiful 0.5 attribute points of the daily fixed tasks.

So this evil book called the Book of Death was actually similar to a summons or a monster encyclopedia, which really surprised him.

Because there is a high chance that these recorded monsters will trigger random tasks when summoned.

No, it will definitely trigger random tasks.

Because the conditions are completely met.

Simply because of this, he gave up the option of handing it over and gave up on pursuing the truth behind the so-called Reed Bank and the priest.

"Yes, another one..."

After carefully writing down the magic circles and spells related to the first abyss monster named the Winged Half-Murloc, Yorks opened it again.

This second page also has an introduction to another monster, the related ritual circle, and its spells.


"Crazy Vine Demon Spider: The whole body is covered with tangled vines and spikes, and its abdomen exudes a poisonous atmosphere. It can spit out corrosive acid. It can crawl quickly and extend its vines to long distances to capture prey or attack enemies... …”

"Phantom Thorns: A monster covered with black barbs and sharp teeth. It has a slender and flexible body. It exudes dark shadows. It can move quickly in the dark and use its long teeth and claws to fatally attack its prey. attack……"


Unknowingly, when he turned to the other page with a different number and a gray color that seemed to have no life, Yorkist suddenly woke up when he looked at the monster in the illustration.

"Spirit limb fusion monster..."

This is the abyss monster that he destroyed today.

Staring at the illustrations, introduction and spells of this spiritual limb fusion monster, Yorks took a breath and stopped at the motionless humanoid three-dimensional figure in his mind. He closed the Book of Death, got up and walked upstairs.

Accidentally, he was so absorbed that he almost forgot about the little nun.

Yorks shook his head and walked out of the basement and went straight to the living room.

The little nun, who was wearing a white novice monk's uniform and had taken off her hood, was already lying on the sofa and fell asleep. Looking at her sleeping gentle look, she was very tired.

Glancing at the clock on the wall.


It took him almost three hours to forcefully write down half of the records about monsters in the abyss.

This also means that he fucked the little nun for three full hours, while the other party was sitting on the sofa waiting for him.


York was a little embarrassed, so he walked over and gently picked up the little nun, who seemed to have no weight at all. He carried her into the room and placed her gently on the bed.

If the deacon nun who has been assigned does not have the will of the Lord, she will usually stay with the priest throughout her life. Even if the priest dies, she will always wait for the church where the priest is stationed and wait for the arrival of the new priest.

The little nun lying on the bed in front of him naturally falls into this category. Although she is a novice, in his mind she has undoubtedly passed the test, so she can also be regarded as a formal nun.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yorkes pulled up the quilt, turned on the humidifier, and controlled the air humidity at 45%. He then gently closed the door and left the room, returning to the basement.

His health, which had already exceeded 100, had saved him from fatigue, and he actually felt nothing if he didn't sleep.

"Try to memorize them all tonight..."

Yorks stared at the Book of Death on the table, ignored the record next to it, and continued to turn the pages.

For a moment, the only sound in the silent basement was the sound of turning pages.

sand! sand!

There was no words for a night, and the sound lasted until the moment the sun had just risen.

At this moment, there was movement in the room.


Erin suddenly opened her confused eyes, and after a few seconds, she clearly realized that she had changed places.

"I'm not……"

Recalling last night, Erin clutched the thin quilt and looked at the layout of the room, seeming to understand something.

At this moment, there was a movement outside.

She blinked, subconsciously grabbed the nun's hood on the table next to her, dropped it, and slowly walked towards the door.

Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and walked through the long and narrow corridor to the source of the noise.

As soon as she walked out, she found the priest standing in the kitchen looking up at her.

"Are you awake? Go to the bathroom and wash up first. I have prepared a new toothbrush, towels and clothes for you."

Speaking of this, Yorks looked at the little nun who had just woken up and was a little confused, and then smiled.

"Today the believers in Pluto Church will hold a welcome party in the church to welcome you..."

Irene was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously blurted out, "Welcome party?"

Seeing the little nun's dull look, Yorks smiled, remembering the sensational scene when he officially announced in the group chat that a new nun would be coming today.

"Well, because of my relationship, they have long been looking forward to having other clergy come to Pluto Church, so when I notified new clergy to come, they all shouted that they must make you feel like a family. Such warmth and support...

Of course, I would also like to take this opportunity to formally introduce you to those old believers.

The church should be making preparations now. "

Looking at the smiling priest, Irene suddenly felt nervous for some reason.

at the same time.

Church of Pluto.

For the first time, there was a lively atmosphere that had not been seen for a long time. It could be said that it had not been this lively in several years.

From person to person, believers who knew each other came together one after another.

It was a carnival where several communities united and every devotee had a smile on their face.

Just as York said, they prepared a lot of things. Basically every believer came with something in their hands, including homemade refreshments, snacks, food, fruits and vegetables, etc.

Robert, who had already opened the door, was busy spinning.

When the old believer opens his mouth, he has to go over and help. After all, he is young and strong.

"Hey, Robert, please arrange these flowers and ribbons."

As soon as the table was set, an old man grabbed his hand, pointed at it and smiled.

"The location is a bit high and I can't reach it."

Robert glanced at the ribbons and flowers in the old man's hand, then looked at the high decorative wall, nodded in response, and took everything in the old man's hand.

"Okay, Ms. Eshara."

The old man named Aisha smiled.


Robert smiled, "This is what I should do."

As he said that, he walked straight to the decorative wall. With his height of 1.83 meters, he stood up on his tiptoes and easily put the ribbons and flowers in his hands on it, decorating it by the way.

"Almost, over."

It looked about the same. Robert let out a breath, clapped his hands and put down his heels, just about to continue working on other things.

Just then, a shout came from the door of the church.

"Everyone, if you have anything to do, just ask my husband to do it! Don't hold back, because it is his honor!"

Robert looked subconsciously.

At the door of the church, a woman with many things in her hands and plain clothes appeared. Next to her stood a man with a big belly and a look of helplessness. At the same time, there was a thin man standing next to the man with a big belly.

However, the only thing the two men have in common is that the exhaustion is directly reflected on their faces, especially the thin man, who has thick dark circles under his eyes.

Robert raised his eyebrows. He knew who these three people were, Officer Baker and his wife, Ms. Hardy, and Officer Baker's colleague, Officer Jeffrey.

Are these two busy police officers here looking for the priest?

Robert glanced specifically at the document bag in Officer Jeffrey's hand.


Hearing the shout again, Robert looked at Ms. Hardy, who looked proud because so many believers were coming to her, and Officer Baker and Officer Jeffrey, who were all smiling. They also couldn't help but smile, and hurriedly walked towards the source of the sound. go.

"Please help me move this table over there."

"Okay, Mr. Edgar."

He liked life at Pluto Church and the atmosphere of harmony and mutual help.

Thanks to book friend 20230624120029847 for the reward, thank you for your support.

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