Every thing or person's position must have a level, and naturally a supernatural event cannot escape from grading.

The purpose of having a grading system is to be able to target quickly and accurately. Through this grading system, the church can also send clergy of a corresponding level to exorcise, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties.

Therefore, the evil spirit incidents that the Warrens usually experience are ordinary evil spirit incidents. They are divided into levels from one upward, that is, the evil spirit incidents are classified as Level I supernatural events, including the Mary Easti Miao incident and the Ronnie... The Defoe Incident can all be classified as Level I supernatural events.

As for now...

The huge roar and the movement visible to the naked eye had already made Brother Kenny outside feel solemn.

"To be able to cause such a big movement, I'm afraid it belongs to level III supernatural beings."

Roar! ! !

Listen to this breathtaking roar.

Brother Kenny silently grabbed the knight's handle and stared at the Reed apartment building where there was a huge noise in front of him.

He really didn't know what was going on inside, and he couldn't participate in this situation.

But when he thought of Father York's presence, he felt a little more relaxed.

"I'm scared! Bridget."

At the same time, Casey, who was buried tightly in Bridget's arms, shivered.

“Is this house going to fall down?”

Huddled in the small space dug out behind the cabinet, Bridget stared at the door of the cabinet, feeling the feeling like an earthquake. She also had no idea what was happening outside.

Despite this, she still shouldered her responsibilities as a sister, held back her negative emotions, and did not forget to comfort Casey.

"Casey, we're going to be fine, trust me."

Even so, Bridget subconsciously thought of the majestic priest, and couldn't help but think of something in her heart.

"Will you come..."

This situation now made her feel uneasy and also made her very uneasy.

This feeling was very uncomfortable. If the priest didn't come, she would understand. But if he came, she was afraid that the priest would be hurt because of her...

Just as the thought came to her mind, and she didn't know if it was an illusion, Bridget suddenly saw the reassuring priest appearing in front of her.

Wearing a familiar robe and carrying a small bag, the priest who always had a gentle smile on his face came into view, very suddenly, just like that.

"Fake, right? Hallucination?"

Bridget said in a daze, while holding her sister in her arms, she reached out and rubbed her eyes vigorously, and looked ahead again. The result was the same scene she had just seen, and the priest she was thinking about had not disappeared.

At this moment, Bridget had some doubts about herself. She stared at the priest who suddenly appeared with her eyes wide open, and said tentatively.

"Father Yorks?"

Seeing Bridget's stained face and confused expression, Yorkshire also smiled and pulled her up with one hand.

"Time is urgent, we will talk about it later."

At this moment, Bridget finally confirmed that the priest in front of her was not an illusion. Strong surprise surged through her heart. This burst of emotion made her face stiffen and she burst into tears.

"Father! Me! Me!"

But as soon as the words came out of her mouth, Bridget didn't know where to start. She just looked at the priest in front of her and instinctively wanted to talk about something.


The roar came from the seventh floor.

The large three-dimensional image that had always been in his mind began to slowly absorb the nearby corpses and became larger and larger. Yorkes just looked at Bridget and the little girl in her arms who looked up, and reached out to scratch the top of her head. He smiled gently.

"Kid, as long as I'm here, everything will be fine."

He knew what Bridget wanted to say. When he rushed in, he could easily think of something through the human-shaped blood stains in the living room and the bloody footprints extending all the way to another room.

It is nothing more than their mother protecting them with her life.

At the same time, another room exuded an evil aura that came from the same source as the monster below that was roaring and merging with all the corpses.

He also confirmed that No. 1032 was the place where the incident occurred.

Under such circumstances, this can already be classified as a level III supernatural incident or above. It is really lucky that these two children can survive.


Feeling the covering touch on her head, Bridget came to her senses even though her eyes were filled with tears, and nodded seriously.

Seeing this, Yorks smiled and reached out to pick up the little girl in Bridget's arms who had been staring blankly.

"Let me do it."

Bridget obediently sent Casey out in her arms.

Yorks put one arm around the little girl who looked confused but had been staring at him, and continued to gesture to Bridget's back.

"Come on, let's go down!"

Bridget pursed her lips, and without any delay, she hugged the priest's back who was leaning down. The broad back made her unable to help but close her eyes, and she felt a sense of dependence in her heart.

"Hold tight!"

Hearing this, Bridget subconsciously hugged her tighter.


Yorks subconsciously let out a breath and kept paying attention to the situation about the monster in his mind. He held the several-year-old Casey with one hand and started to rush toward the room that exuded the source of evil while carrying Bridget on his back.

Entering the room and passing the machines, an open book on the table and a dusty record next to it attracted his attention.

In my eyes, the illustration above happened to be the shape of a monster, just like the monster below that was merging all the corpses, they both took the shape of a fused corpse.

"This is the book Danny found from a secret room underground." At this time, Bridget's voice came over.

"I originally thought about asking you to come over and have a look..."

Yorks squinted his eyes, fully understanding everything.

Based on his exorcism experience and countless experiences watching movies in his previous life, it must have been another accident caused by a naughty child. And because it was reality, this naughty child did not have anyone to take over the blame like ordinary movies and TV shows. Instead, he paid a heavy price and was involved in the accident. My own family and innocent residents.

The process is probably like this, but this is not the time to think. Yorks has already rushed over and closed the book, picked up the record next to it and stuffed it directly into the small bag, and will check it later.

Then, with Bridget's exclamation, she hit the window next to her.

In order to prevent the two children from being injured, Yorks used his feet as the front of the impact, smashed the window directly, rushed out of the window in one breath, and grabbed the wall with his free right hand to absorb the force of the fall.


The solid wall is like fragile tofu, and Yorkist can grab a handful of powder at will.

He just held Casey with one arm, grabbed the wall with one hand while carrying Bridget on his back, and fell all the way down.

at the same time.

"Brother Kenny!"

Erin, who had been keeping an eye on the apartment building, happened to spot the priest who was stopping and falling outside the wall due to her perspective.

"Look over there!"

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