American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 120 Appearance in front of others

"The paladin who accompanied us originally?"

Having already walked out of the stone room, Yorks looked at the mummies crowding the front passage, and seemed to think of the scene at that time in his mind.

During the dark ages of the Middle Ages, the Duke of Santa Cata opened the gate to hell, and a large number of demons spewed out, destroying all living beings.

The church was in danger, and under the command of several bishops, these loyal and devout paladins bravely faced the devil without fear of death...


Now, under the influence of Varak, he was charging towards him with his knight's sword.

Yorkist sighed inwardly and allowed all the power in his body to flow out, consuming 500 points of temporary mental power.

"The Lord said, Let there be light, and there was light..."

Yorks spoke, and the entire dark basement suddenly became bright as day and filled with light under his words. Holy power like waves swept out of him, instantly dispelling all the dark haze and the Paladin. That mummy-like appearance.

In the bright underground tunnel, real paladins began to appear one after another.

Every paladin is a different person, but the same face is full of piety.

Yorkist walked past, and they automatically dispersed on both sides, watching with determined eyes, clenching their right hands into fists and placing them on their chests, bowing their heads and saluting respectfully.

York's face was expressionless, and the location of the gate of hell had already appeared in his eyes.

In the huge stone chamber, four load-bearing pillars made of huge stones held up the ceiling with cross patterns and portraits carved on it.

In the middle is the pattern of the sealing circle, sealing the hell gate below.

It is the same as what was seen when Valak pulled him into the spiritual space.

Above the circle is a high platform with seats, which must have been built by the Duke of Santa Cata. After all, in the Middle Ages, a duke's status was considered very high.

And Valak was sitting on the seat.

Different from the lowered head and closed eyes seen at that time, Valak had opened his eyes at this time, and there was a pair of white pupils in the dark eyes.

Yorks glanced at the virtual window in front of him. At this time, the effect only had thirty seconds left.

"Thirty seconds is enough."

While murmuring to himself, Yorks stepped forward with his right foot. Just like when he had pronounced Valak's real name before and was instantly transported, Yorks muttered softly.


The next second, the moment his right foot stepped on the ground, York was already at the gate of hell.


Valak sat up suddenly on the high platform and roared first as always.

This time is different from what he encountered in the spiritual space. The power Valak can use has become stronger. The dark power behind him is quickly pressing towards him, just like human beings encountering the vast ocean. In this dark place In front of the vast ocean, York's figure became so small.


Yorkist let out a light sound, expended 500 temporary mental energy points, and pressed down with his right hand.

"Calm and calm."

The turbulent dark waves calmed down instantly and collapsed on the spot.

In Varak's wide-open white pupils, Yorks raised his right hand again and clenched it into a fist towards him.


Six hundred points of temporary mental power were consumed instantly and turned into telepathy.


A roar like a beast sounded. The moment Varak transformed into a demon form, he was about to feel something, stared at Yorks and roared.

"Why is it impossible? Everything is possible." Feeling that Valak was at his end, Yorkist rarely responded.

"I curse you forever! You will never have peace and rest..."

A mysterious power was generated in York's body. Valak also showed an evil smile at this moment, and then was crushed by York's force.

"How do you say I was beaten in seconds, idiot..."

Yorkist muttered something to the already empty high platform. Looking at the ten seconds left to take effect, he casually crushed the curse on his body.

"Do you know the value of appearing holy in front of others?"

Unfortunately, Valak could no longer hear him. Yorkist turned to look at the gate of hell under the sealing circle, and finally chose to give the last remaining 400 points of temporary spiritual power to all the people who died in the St. Carta Monastery. A true requiem prayer.

Divine light filled the entire basement, which was as bright as day.


[Even if we walk through the valley of death and cuteness]

[We don’t have to be afraid]

[Let all sorrow and sighs escape]


As Yorkist recited, the entire basement, including the hall where Yorkist was located, began to appear one after another, fully armed, protective paladins holding knight swords and nuns wearing black monastic uniforms.


[May the God of peace sanctify you completely]

[And may your spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ]

[Everyone is safe and enjoys peace]


While listening, the paladin and the nun quietly looked at the young priest in the center of the hall, with smiles on their faces. They saluted the priest in their own way, and finally turned into holy fragments...

“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, ashes to ashes, God bless your soul to heaven.”

Yorks had no expression on his face, staring at the empty hall, closing his eyes and making the sign of the cross on his chest.


When he opened his eyes again, the bright hall was once again plunged into darkness.

The time for effect has arrived.

Yorks couldn't help but sigh. Listening to the mechanical sound ringing in his ears, he didn't feel very happy. He only felt that he was not interested or that it was boring.

[Blessings of the Monastery of Santa Cata]

[Gained +10 attribute points]


Yorks silently added the ten attribute points he just obtained to his magic value.

[Add points successfully]

[Magic value increased from 169 to 179]

Then take off the backpack you've been carrying that contains the Holy Bomb.

[179 magic power has been used]

[100 mental power has been used]

The last double-layer buff was instantly attached, and this time, the sacred C4 time bomb in the backpack had a 429-fold amplification effect, which means it already has an explosive power equivalent to 10 tons of TNT and 700 points of holy power.

With an expressionless face, Yorks threw his backpack onto the sealing circle, then hugged the still sleeping trainee Sister Eileen with one hand and walked slowly towards the exit.

There was a roar when you came in, and there was only silence when you came out.

Following his memory, he traveled through the underground tunnels. When he was walking in the last passage where the light could already be seen, Yorks looked back behind him and continued walking forward.

This place will cease to exist.

As the distance got closer, Yorkes could already hear the sound of the helicopter moving.

When he reached the exit, the sun was so bright compared to what was inside that it blinded him subconsciously.

"Father Yorks!"

Hearing Healy's cry, Yorks walked toward the helicopter.

"it's over?"

Healy glanced at the novice nun under the priest's arms and said.

"Almost, there's still one last step left." York said calmly, first throwing Irene into the seat inside, and then striding over to sit in his original position.

"Let's go."

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