American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 103 The Legend of the Underworld

"Werewolf? Vampire?"

York was a little surprised.

"Father, do you want to watch it? I can live broadcast it for you." Healy seemed to be very excited.

"Wow, this beauty has such ferocious firepower that she beat the werewolf until he howled."

Healy screamed strangely, and at the same time, the non-stop gunfire sounded on the phone, accompanied by a howling like a wolf.

Yorks twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at the closed door, and continued to lie on the sofa.

Speaking of which, he was really curious about what the vampires and werewolves in this parallel world looked like.

Anyway, there is nothing he can do now without getting the map of Santa Carta Monastery.


When Yorks finished speaking, a video invitation appeared on the screen of his mobile phone.

Yorks nodded casually.

The next second, Healy's face appeared on the screen, with a high nose bridge and prominent facial contours, a long face shape and high cheekbones, a typical Western appearance.

From the screen, Yorkes could only see that he was sneakily hiding on a load-bearing pillar with an advertisement.

He just hid, just like his old man, Father Mike, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking very cool.

"This guy……"

"Father Yorks!" Healy greeted with surprise in his eyes after seeing him.

"I'm so happy to see you!"

Yorks chose to ignore it, "Where are you?"

From the information revealed in front of him, he couldn't tell where Healy was.

"metro station!"

Healy grinned and started to switch the camera, and then the screen quickly moved from him to somewhere else.

"Look! Father Yorks."

Hearing the location mentioned by Healy, Yorks had no time to think and saw everything from the small mobile phone screen.

With Healy's precise moving camera, he can see the passengers in disarray, running for their lives, or lying down and hiding in various obstacles.

There were two groups of people fighting at the waiting platform.

"Hoo ho!"

Along with Healy's strange scream, he finally saw the beauty Healy mentioned.

He has a cold and delicate face, light blue eyes that exude coldness and determination, and short, medium-length black hair that reaches his shoulders.

She is a stunningly cold beauty.

The important thing is that she is also wearing an extremely close-fitting black leather jacket, which is so close-fitting that it fully reveals her graceful, sexy, slender and powerful figure.

In addition to this, she even wore a black windbreaker, adding a bit of sophistication and strength to herself.

All combinations give people a sexy and powerful sense of sight.

Perhaps to express this, this cold beauty was holding two pistols in both hands and shooting at the three big men in front of her.

Bang bang bang! ! ! !

The two pistols that kept spitting out flames were in her hands. The bullets seemed to be free, and the shells were flying everywhere, but the effect was very good. One of the bald men was beaten until blood spurted everywhere, and he fell directly into the Start driving a train.

Beautiful, sexy, and fierce.

But York was stunned when he looked at this cold beauty, and the long-standing memory slowly rose up.

"Powerful, powerful!"

Healy's strange screams were still ringing, but Yorkshire had already begun to remember a series of movies he had seen in his previous life, and he whispered along with the memories.

"Selene, the heroine of Underworld? Is this the place where Underworld takes place?"

At this moment, he still remembered the scene he saw when he went to Father Mike's place.

Something Father Mike is working on.

The flesh of a legendary vampire.

And this seems to be something Healy made specially for his old man.

At the same time, Yorks also remembered some information about the country Romania.

In his fleeting memory, there was information that Romania was the origin and base camp of vampires.

The vampire legend alone gave Romania the nickname "The Country of Vampires".

The legendary Vlad III the Impaler, also known as Count Dracula to many people in his previous life, also originated from Romania.

He finally understood why this guy Healy was in Romania and coincidentally appeared at this subway station. This guy might have some purpose.

"Father York, what are you talking about?"

Healy's camera kept shifting with precision, allowing him to see more details.

As the bald man fell into the carriage.

Only two big men and Selene, the heroine from the movie "Underworld", were left exchanging gunfire.

The sound of gunfire never stops. Times have really changed. Even vampires and werewolves have begun to fight with guns.

Yorks looked at the trembling passengers on the screen, trying to avoid the incoming disaster.


While responding, Yorkes stood up with his cell phone and walked to the window, which happened to face the main door of the church.

"What's the name of the subway station you're at?"

Bang bang bang! !

Along with the gunfire that still didn't stop, Healy's answer also sounded.

“Bugalle metro station.”

Buchar? Yorks probably recalled the detailed map of Romania and directly found the location of this subway station, which happened to be within the management scope of the Lutheran Church.

As said before.

The church cooperates with official organizations in many countries, including Romania in Europe.

According to the content of cooperation between both parties.

While the church enjoys these facilities and certain rights, it also has the responsibility for official organizations to deal with the turmoil caused by special events.

In other words, it won't take long for the relevant people in the church to set off.

As soon as his thoughts turned to this, Yorkist had already seen that Brother Isaacs and several clergymen wearing divine robes who had sent him over were fully armed, entered a car parked outside, and moved quickly.

"The people in the church have already set off," Yorks said calmly while standing in front of the window, looking at the car that had disappeared.

"Solve your matter and come here quickly."


Bugal metro station.

Healy, who had a chiseled face, was quietly hiding in a load-bearing column on the middle side. When he heard the beep of the phone hanging up, he looked embarrassed.

He pretended to have exposed the secret by chance, but he also knew that he could not hide it from the priest.

Healy blew out a smoke ring casually, put away his phone and looked behind him at Michael, who was pinned against the wall by the gun in his hand, and grinned.

"Since Father York has spoken, you have to come with me to the Lutheran main church. Only there can your safety be guaranteed."

"Who are you!" Michael, who was held at gunpoint, raised his hands and pretended to be calm in his voice.

"What purpose does it have for me? I'm just an ordinary person!"

Healy doesn't know how to answer. He can't possibly say that his old man wants your blood just like the werewolf and does some research.

"You idiot, I'm trying to save you. Didn't you realize that those werewolves were targeting you?"

As he said this, Healy wanted to say something else, but a loud whimper interrupted him.

While suppressing Michael, who was being targeted by a werewolf without knowing it, and preventing him from running around to avoid being shot by missiles, Healy looked up at the source of the sound.

By being able to observe the center of the blind spots on both sides, Healy saw a very exaggerated scene in which he blew out a smoke ring.

"Tsk, the werewolf is about to transform."

Thanks to Baili Wuma, Yu Jing, and the two big guys for the reward! Thank you for your support!

When I woke up, I found that the time was wrong. It was set to 23 o'clock today...

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