After scorning little George, little Sheldon folded his hands in front of him, flashed his face again, and looked at his family expectantly.

Then, after noticing that several people had blank expressions on their faces, Little Sheldon shook his head in disappointment. Then, he looked specifically at Mike and asked, Mike, do you know who I am playing today?

It must be Carl Sagan! Mike said.

Congratulations! Your answer is absolutely correct~ Little Sheldon cheered happily before sitting down at the dining table with satisfaction.

Carl Sagan? Who is that? Little George asked curiously.

The host of the Planet column. Mike explained casually. But when he saw that little George still looked confused, he thought for a moment and continued: Carl Sagan is a very knowledgeable person. He has made great achievements in humanities, geography, environment and other subjects.

Well, even though Mike explained a little more about Carl Sagan, little George still had a blank look on his face.

It is indeed a bit difficult for little George, a person with learning difficulties, to get to know academic experts.

On the other side, little Sheldon was very satisfied with Mike's answer. He chatted: Carl Sagan is a great person. He is now my idol.

Since the last time Peggy despised Professor Proton in the science column, Little Sheldon has found a new TV idol for himself.

Carl Sagan of the Planet column is both young and knowledgeable, which just meets the requirements of Little Sheldon.

Isn't your idol Hawking? Little George asked again in surprise.

There can be many idols. Although Carl Sagan is not as good as Stephen Hawking in my heart, Carl can barely become my idol in terms of his erudition. Little Sheldon said arrogantly.

Is this okay? Little George was already stunned by Little Sheldon, scratching his head funnyly, as if he wanted to grow a brain.

In fact, it is already difficult for little George to remember Hawking, a famous figure in the scientific community.

Okay, let's eat. There are many things waiting for us next. Mary urged him angrily after glaring at her funny eldest son.

As the planner of the church's Halloween event, Mary is under a lot of pressure.

And just when the family was about to finish dinner, there was a knock on the door.

Mike, who was closest to the door, took the initiative to open the door.

Trick or treat if you don't give me candy!!! x3

There were three children in strange clothes at the door, shouting happily.

Well, Dan wasn't really a kid.

You are the 'Flower Fairy'~ Mike said to the Barbie girl next door.

Today's Barbie is wearing a pink dress with small wings, a shiny tentacle hairpin on her head, and a small flower-shaped lantern in her hand.

With her cute and unique outfit, it's not difficult to guess the role she plays.

I am the Flower Fairy~ After being guessed as to the role she was playing, Barbie happily did a lady squat.

In fact, on Halloween, it is a great affirmation to be able to be guessed by others.

You are 'Superman'~ Mike then said to the kid next door, Billy.

Wearing a blue and red tights, underwear, and a handsome cape behind him, Billy's role is easy to guess.

I'm Superman~ Billy smiled, then put one hand in front of him, raised the other into a fist, and made a classic Superman flying movement, flying in a circle.

Although Billy, who is fat, doesn't fit into tight clothes very well. But he looks very energetic now.

Are you... Mike looked at Dan next to him, thought for a moment and asked: Gandalf the Black? Or Principal Dumbledore?

Dan was wearing a black robe with a wide-brimmed wizard's hat, a long white beard on his face, and a small stick in his hand.

With this mix and match style, Mike was really not sure who the other party was playing.

I want to play Gandalf the White, but I just haven't found the right white wizard robe and long wand... Dan said awkwardly.

Well, your white beard actually looks a lot like Gandalf. Mike complimented him very proudly.


At this time, the brother and sister Billy, whose identities were guessed, began to make a fuss.

When Mike was in trouble, Mary came over. She smiled and said, I'm sorry, our family didn't prepare any candy today. How about pumpkin pie?

As she spoke, Mary gave some pieces of pumpkin pie in her hand to the three people outside the door.

After receiving the gift, the Billy brothers became quiet.

In fact, when children knock on the door on Halloween, you don’t necessarily have to give them candy. Small snacks, toys, souvenirs, etc. can all satisfy their requirements.

I'm not here to ask for a gift. Is Sheldon at home? Dan asked cautiously.

The reason why he came to Cooper's house today was because he had made an appointment with Little Sheldon in advance.

Shelly is eating, why don't you come in and wait for a while, and you can try the apple pie I made. Mary invited. She had a good impression of Dan, an honest boy.

No, I can wait at the door for a while. Dan, on his side, was still a little afraid of Mary because of the last board game.

Little Sheldon at the dining table had already noticed Dan's arrival, so he didn't want to keep him waiting. He quickly stuffed the apple pie on the plate in front of him into his mouth and came to the door.

I've finished eating... Because there was still food in his mouth, little Sheldon said inarticulately: We can go~

After saying that, Little Sheldon blended into the team of Billy and the other three.

If it were normal times, Mary would definitely scold Little Sheldon for his behavior of not eating properly. But on this special holiday today, it was rare to see her youngest son so happy, so she didn't say much.

After waving to the four children, he watched them leave.

Then, Mary, who hurriedly finished her dinner, also greeted Mike and others and rushed to the church activity venue.

You must know that before the church activities start, several people still need to spare time to do styling.

On the way to the church, before it got dark, all kinds of people dressed in strange clothes were already wandering on the street.

Here, you can see the devil and the angel, side by side but very harmonious.

Moreover, these strangely dressed people are also happy to interact with pedestrians on the road.

When Mike and others overcame the obstacles of devils and ghosts along the way and arrived at the door of the church. Mary looked at Little George who was following her and asked, Little George, didn't you say you had something to do today?

I, I do have something to do, so I'll leave first~ Little George smiled awkwardly, then turned around and blended into the crowd on the street.

Seeing her eldest son leaving in a hurry, Mary shook her head slightly, as if she had guessed something.

And just when Mike and others entered the Halloween venue prepared by the classroom. Accompanied by the strange laughter of Jie Jie Jie, a demon with horns on its head emerged from the smoke.

Welcome to hell~ The devil had a ferocious expression on his face and his voice sounded eerie.

Mary was startled by the other party's performance, and then said dissatisfied: Don't make trouble Randy, we are in a hurry.

Yes, the devil blocking the road was none other than Mr. Randy, who arrived first and dressed up.

Today he has the important task of taking guests through the scenes of the seven deadly sins.

How's it going? My Satan look. Mr. Randy, who was recognized, returned to his original voice.

Wearing a black leather jacket, with heavy devilish makeup on his face, and carrying a spiked whip, Mr. Randy looked really intimidating.

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