American Manga God

Chapter 360: The sword is drawn (Baiyin Meng Zhuo Xiao 26/50)

Hela's eyes widened in anger, the anger in her heart continued to erupt, and her chest heaved greatly!

On the back of her neck, several black ornaments that looked a bit like boomerangs swayed like the snake hair of Medusa, the snake girl.

Few mortals can make her so angry, Mei Mumu is definitely the first!

Facing the soul wind with the breath of death, the plum tree is like a pine in the wind, and I will stand still in any strong wind and rain.

He even stood with his hands behind his back and looked at Hela calmly in the spiritual world.

Seeing that, the swords are drawn, and the moment is about to be scattered.


Hela smiled.

"Hahaha. Hahahaha!" For a while, he laughed like crazy, and for a while, he laughed like a spring breeze, which made Mei Jiexiao completely unable to grasp what this crazy goddess was thinking.

I don't know when, Hela's eyes looking at Mei Jiedao actually softened: "I understand. I really understand. Hahaha! Amora is indeed my best follower. The man she picked out is Different. Good! You are good! You are really good!"


If an emoji is used to describe Mei's festival at this time, it must be an emoji of a black question mark.

He really couldn't keep up with Hella's ingenious brain circuits.

What's the matter with Amora?

"Hehe! I know! Amora is afraid that I won't be able to wipe out the damned Odin remnants, so she finds help for me. Oh, why didn't I find out that this little girl has the talent to be my high priest more than 2,000 years ago? It's too humiliating to be a little priest."

what the hell?

Why can you make up so many things on your own, Hela?

"Hehehe! Forgive you! All your disrespect is just pretending to be seen by those **** sealers. I understand, I understand everything." Hela danced with enthusiasm: "Offer your divine power. A little dark power is not a problem at all."

"" Mei Jiexian was a little speechless.

He didn't understand whether Hela was really crazy or pretended to be crazy to step down.

He was silent, letting go of the shackles of divine power in his body. Originally, the divine and divine fragments that Dormammu forced into his body were all attached to his soul. If he didn't let go, Hela, the guy who was sealed inside, couldn't come out and grab it.

Now one is willing to give and the other is to receive, and it just hits the spot.

Interestingly, Dormammu's divine power is not within the scope of the seal of Odin. After all, death and darkness are two things. If you want to seal the strongest in a single field, the seal must be absolutely targeted, otherwise a general-purpose seal often means that no one is proficient, and it is very easy to break through.

Now, one person and one **** are taking advantage of this loophole.

If Odin was still in his prime, he would have been sensitive to changes in the seal.

Odin would also find out if the Ancient One, the guardian of the Earth, had not given someone a cover.

It's a pity that this plan is to deceive Odin and Dormammu.

A channel of divine power that mortals can't detect was built in such a grand manner along the gap of the seal.

The transmission of divine power was a rather long process. Someone waited for three hours and was almost impatient, and Hela did it.

"Giggle, good supplement. This is the first large-scale supply I have received since I was sealed. This is even better than the divine power brought by the death of 10 million people in my domain." Hela was obviously in a good mood. .

May Jiedao ignored Hela's metaphor of wanting a sixth of the population of the rotten British nation to die.

All his attention was focused on Hela's feedback.

The system prompts: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining 5 pieces of non-attribute godhead shards, and 8 points of divinity that can be imprinted with no attribute."

Mei Jiexao was very unfamiliar with the godhead shards. He didn't even know how to describe it. This kind of situation is more like a blind person touching an elephant, where it counts.

Finally, he asked Miss Tian Ping and scoured all the memories in his mind, whether it was the myths and legends of the earth or games, before he found a relatively suitable template and reluctantly applied it.

After all, the strength of the gods in the Nordic gods is a bit mysterious. Thor, the **** of hammers, is a scum without a hammer. Odin, the dignified **** king, can also die in the mouth of Loki's son and smash the giant wolf Fenrir. As for Mauro Ki's son is a devil wolf, please don't pursue this magical issue.

In general, Mei can use the gods of Dungeons and Dragons to go up, and it is divided into four grades: weak, weak, medium and strong. Basically, if you have enough godhead fragments, you can go up level by level.

The godhead shards determine the upper limit of divine power that a **** can control and accommodate.

Divinity is the quality of a god, with special appeal and ability to exert special power.

The last thing is that the priesthood has been abolished on earth. Because of the loss of a lot of elements on the earth, people's will can no longer be transformed into spiritual power at will, and then into belief power to supply gods, and finally into divine power. So priesthood or something just means that this **** is better at a certain aspect of Mei Mumu took a deep breath, he knew what to do

Before that, he said goodbye to Hela: "Although there are some twists and turns, it is finally a pleasant cooperation."

"When's the next time?" Hela licked the corner of her mouth, she knew the taste.

"There should be two more. Next time I can only say as soon as possible." Mei Jiexao couldn't give Hela an answer.

Now with the money laundering machine Hela, oh no, it should be a good place to wash the fragments of divinity and godhead. Dormammu's attempt to force him to submit by conferring a **** would only turn into a joke.

Mei was also unsure whether Dormammu would give him more god-level good things unwillingly.

It's a good thing to send.

If you don't send it, that's the next round of seeing and dismantling.

In any case, enhancing yourself is always king.

Until Dormammu can't see any hope of winning, and get out on his own, that's the real victory.

Leaving from the Stonehenge seal, almost as soon as the seal came out, Mei Mumu saw a portal that was opened.

Want to smile, but also feel a little warm.

If he really fell into the evil spirits, this gate would be the gate of hell.

Now, it's a shortcut to welcome home.

Mei Mumu strode in, and immediately saw Gu Yi drinking tea in a side hall of the London Temple.

"Oh? It seems to be successful." Gu Yi said deliberately indifferently.

"Thank you Master for your support, I was lucky enough to succeed." Mei Mumu stepped forward and bowed, spread out his hands, and a column of clear godhead fragments condensed into substance and presented in front of him. If Gu Yi wanted, these godhead fragments could be taken on the spot.

Gu Yi was unmoved: "First, I'm not your master yet. Second, it would be a waste for me to come here."

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