American Legendary Life

Chapter 392: The discovery of the shallow sea of ​​the Persian Gulf

The shares of Li Zitao and Adelaide add up to 95% of the Blue and White Chamber of Commerce, even if someone wants to oppose it.

Li Zitao acquired Los Angeles News Corporation in his own name.

When the media got the news, it was at the press conference of'Playboy'.

Harry Chandler was the CEO of Playboy. Los Angeles News was still under his management, and the acquired third-rate tabloid could be moved.

The playboy's weekly magazine targets the high-end market, and women, dress, and luxury advertisements in it are not for ordinary household consumption.

But it doesn't mean that they can't even afford the publications. Alcohol, mansion, hot girl, and the perfect match just meet their inner desires.

The propaganda is even simpler. The photos being taken are accidentally leaked to the third-rate tabloids, and ‘Playboy’ expressed regret in mainstream newspapers, confirming outside speculation.

When you want to introduce something to the other party, is it to arouse his curiosity and ask him to take the initiative to explore, or is it hard for him to stop?

A hot girl in a bunny dress, fishnet stockings, a hot party, a playmate, a yacht, a luxury car.

With just a weekly magazine and two rolls of toilet paper, bored people can spend a difficult night.

The price is low, safe and green, and you can exercise your hand speed, perfect!

Although the photos are black and white, for the people of this era, they will fill in their favorite colors in their minds.

After reading three thousand, there is no code in mind, the basic behavior of the old driver.

Think about it, when everyone starts talking about "Playboy", its playmates, its luxury goods, luxury yachts, custom sports cars, would the rich be curious?

This requires the cooperation of all parties. The luxury yachts of Lee C. Astor Shipyard have currently derived three series.

Shaparui Dior, Chanel's custom clothing, Louis Vuitton's limited edition perfume, Aegis Auto's new limited edition sports car, will all become ‘Playboy’ partners.

Los Angeles News Corporation became the private property of Li Zitao, but at the ‘Playboy’ press conference, Harry did not mention his name.

Li Zitao wants to downplay the personal influence on the brand, especially when it comes to Los Angeles News Corporation.

The reason why people watch the news is because they want the truth, even if they think it is the truth. ’

If for personal reasons, it makes the public doubt the authenticity and fairness of the news, this is a fatal blow to a media.

The humble Playboy brand International was born this summer.

"Does anyone else want to say anything about A.S.O (Alaska Standard Oil)?" Li Zitao took the first place at the daily think tank meeting.

In recent days, he has also lived a nine-to-five, two-point, one-line life.

Get up in the morning and say goodbye to Adelaide, send the three little guys to school, and then transfer to the club for a meeting. In the afternoon, it is a daytime replay. ’

Perhaps the freshness of the newly-married has not yet passed, and Li Zitao is not dissatisfied with this kind of life, but rather enjoys it.

What they are discussing today is the newly discovered oil field in Qatar by A.S.O.

In northern Qatar, according to news from Schlumberger Survey, they discovered new oil and gas fields in the Persian Gulf near Rome.

The reserves of this oil and gas field are not yet clear. Yas Schlumberger said in a telegram that its reserves may exceed everyone's estimates.

Regardless of the final reserves, the issue of transportation will now be brought into motion.

If you want to transport oil back from the Persian Gulf, you will have to ship by sea, and Jonathan’s industrial group will be busy.

Because the Blue and White Chamber of Commerce decided that A.S.O would order two giant cargo ships from it.

The tonnage and power of the two cargo ships are enough to be directly transformed into an aircraft carrier during wartime, and only need 2-4 weeks of adjustment to complete.

However, as soon as the name of A.S.O is mentioned, even the core brain of the think tank can't help but envy Li Zitao's good luck.

First, two oil fields were discovered in the "badlands" bought in Alaska, which increased North America's own crude oil reserves by 56%.

Only the two large oil fields, the North Slope and Prudhoe Bay, have more than half of their national reserves, which is a terrible figure.

Otherwise, how could the oil giants easily agree to merge their capital dispatch center, Chase Bank, into the Lee Holdings Group.

Of course, the potential shown by Lee's holdings is also one of the reasons to be tempted.

Now, of the three emirates that have obtained mining rights, the first one brings good news again, who is unhappy about the promising sign.

"Good luck Charlie, who can say no?" Ben said in his heart.

Li Zitao, who returned to the office for two 80,000-ton freighters, wanted to tell Jonathan the news himself.

It was only through the telephone of Wells Fargo that he learned from his secretary that Jonathan had gone to France a few days ago.

Wells Fargo’s branch in Luxembourg has already opened. Expansion of business and contacts in Western Europe has become Jonathan’s top priority in recent Jonathan also came back from Luxembourg a few days ago for his wedding.

"It's okay." Hanging up the phone, Li Zitao leaned back on the table with his hand, lowering his head and asked, "Is Ethan responsible for Lee C. Astor Industries?"

"Woo... yes." Ava's voice came from under the table, she was busy!

"Continue to work hard." Leaning back comfortably, Li Zitao said to the door: "Tia, let people send the document to Ethan by telegram."

"Okay, BOSS." Tia's disgusted voice came from outside the door.



Qatar, in the shallow waters close to the Roman border, the roar of the machine kept ringing.

"Your Highness, Emil, I will inform you immediately." Yas Schlumberger said to the King of Qatar beside him.

Abdullah Bin Jassim Al-Thani, Qatar means ‘Emir,’ which means ‘chief chief’.

All kings in Qatar will be called ‘Emir. ’

"No, I'm waiting here." Emile insisted, or he didn't believe any foreigners.

According to the agreement reached by both parties, if an oil field is found in Qatar, A.S.O holds 70%.

The remaining 30% of the shares are in the hands of Qatar National Petroleum, and the corresponding royal family will also fully support all A.S.O operations in its country.

It was only after the oil and gas fields were discovered that Emile felt a little regret in his heart, but it was useless to say anything.

Now, he wants to ensure that the country’s interests will not be encroached upon.

The conscience of these capitalists is greatly bad. If they change the decimal point in the data, the future loss may be more than a billion dollars.

In comparison, what is it like to spend a few days staying here for a meal?

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