American Legendary Life

Chapter 1455: 0 million pick 1

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"Give me the brazier." When the people brought the brazier, Li Zitao carefully screened the documents on the table and burned some of them that should not be here.

"Tell her that these will not need to be sent again in the future, I will ask her to take them if necessary." He didn't want to see such news on his desk again.

Whether it's the committee or Gastina, their relationship after Nuke and Paul passed away has been as pale as water.

For Paul's sake, he wanted to take care of Gastina, but she made her own choice and took the initiative to step into the swamp and sink into the mud.

In this case, Li Zitao can only let it go. Gastina is an adult and has her own right to choose the future, which should also bear the consequences.

‘It’s just a pity the little guy Dave. ‘Thinking of Paul’s son, Li Zitao couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Paul is very concerned about this son, is the pride of his life, and has mentioned the arrangement for his future many times.

He hoped that Dave could become a lawyer or a doctor, as well as a scientist, but he didn't want anything to do with what he did.

Regrettably, his mother chose the path that Paul least hoped for, and hope no more tragedy would happen.

"Boss, it's almost time." Tia reminded by looking at his watch.

Picking up at the airport is a top priority. When you pick up Mary in the car, Li Zitao opens a ‘old mother’ caring greeting.

As the car entered the apartment parking lot, Mary had already heard sleepy.

It was both touching and helpless. When he was curious when he became like this, he always likes to keep talking and talking.

"You have to take a good vacation next year and let other people do the work. I don't allow you to go into danger again." This time, he said that he was powerful and could not refuse.

"Did someone say anything to you?" Mary knew something when she heard it.

"What do you think?" This question asked unknowingly, and so on, Lu Qiang would say it without saying Danny.

Danny doesn't say that, and his eyes placed in the team will also say, is it really like "Eagle Eyes" is so low-key that it no longer exists?

There are more eyeliners in Aegis than they know. Some are only in one-line contact with Li Zitao. No one knows if people around are ghosts.

"Do you want me to take the children at home?" Mary said angrily.

"No, I plan to make you pregnant, haha..." Picking up her, Li Zitao rushed towards the room like a mountain king.

His wife, being legitimate and legal is just happy, this wave of dog food is very cheerful, and Tia almost vomited.

"Brother, hug..." Pearl at the end of the lunch break rubbed his eyes in his brother's arms, and then looked around curiously.

"Mother is back? I really want to hear her voice." Little Pearl was just confused, as if she heard her mother scream.

She seemed to have been hurt, and made Little Pearl sit up, and she was confused when she didn't wake up.

"Uh, you heard it wrong, and my mother didn't arrive at night." Aiden said seriously, but in his heart he yelled at his father, "Old and unreasonable. ’

Now, during the day, he can’t pay attention to the impact, ‘I’m still a kid! ’

As a child, Aiden must not only bear all kinds of pressure, as the heir of the weight and attention, but also enjoy the sweet dog food crit at home...

It's so hard, so hard.

This world is already so unfriendly to single dogs, Aiden suspects that he will have doubts about love sooner or later.

Sometimes he even thinks about whether his father is fine.

Obviously caring so much about her mother, their feelings are also as sweet as honey, but there are Lilith, McGill, Isi, Andrew, Ariel...

Apart from these, he was not sure if there was anything else. Don't think of him as a child, thinking he knew nothing.

In fact, Aiden knew much more than his father and mother had guessed.

As the "Prince", although he does not have any real power, the convenience that his identity brings to him wants to inquire about something.

At dinner time, the family appeared in the restaurant neatly, except for Mason, who was far away in London.

No, now he is not in Paris, but trained on an unknown island.

When he called last time, he had become a qualified co-pilot and it would not take long to fly alone.

His tone sounded very exciting and satisfied with his situation. As for feelings, Li Zitao and Mary didn't ask much.

Sometimes, if you care too much, it will cause confusion.

Yes, he hopes that Mason and Elizabeth will come to the end. The idea of ​​the previous years can be described as urgent.

However, as the age changes and Li's growth, this idea gradually fades.

If there was a problem with their relationship, he would never ask Mason anymore, and Mary thought the same way.

Of course, from the heart, they still hope that this relationship will bear fruit.

After all, Elizabeth is a qualified daughter-in-law regardless of identity, family background, education, appearance, etc. from any aspect.

Here, appearance is the second most important. For a family like Li, education, character, identity and family background are all above appearance.

There are so many beautiful women in the world like Jiang Zhili, but excellent women are very rare, one in a million.

But in terms of appearance, Mary is not the most beautiful, but in Li Zitao's heart, she is the most special and beautiful one.

The longer the time, the deeper this feeling.

Her beauty is not only external, but also her own self-cultivation and temperament, self-confidence, cheerfulness, kindness and wisdom exuded from the inside out.

It is these qualities that made Li Zitao more fascinated by her and even developed to a point of dependence.

Similarly, Mary's appreciation of him is not only in appearance.

His thoughts, his unique style of dealing with things, sometimes humorous, sometimes cold, sometimes wise, and sometimes childish, his various performances ~ ~ and his achievements, from the heart of respect and The emphasis on the family made her poison like a wine.

"Do you want some shrimp?" Li Zitao put the peeled shrimp into his wife's plate.

"Try this, its fish is very fresh and has a special taste." Mary put the delicious red grouper into his plate.

"Oh, god... can you just stop?" Aiden couldn't eat it.

"Don't you want to see the love of your parents?" Li Zitao's eyebrows provoked him like a child.

"I want to move out if you have to invest in my business." Taking advantage of the atmosphere, Aiden proposed his own thoughts for a while.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the restaurant became quiet and weird, and only Pearl ignorantly continued to eat the delicious food on the plate with a fork.

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