American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 91: Fighting for Robin the Clown

Gotham, shrouded in blood, gradually returned to its former peace after being washed away by a heavy downpour.

Citizens infected with the vampire virus were greedy for sucking the blood of innocent people, but when the cold rain slapped on their faces, their eyes regained their composure.

Rainwater collects and flows underground along the city's pipe system, and billows of mist emerge from the drainage outlets along the streets.

The fog is like clouds, like a veil covering the surface of the sinful city, like covering up the dark sins in the prosperous reinforced concrete forest.

Bruce, who was busy rescuing everywhere, stopped and looked at the citizens who had returned to normal. He even observed that the bite marks on his neck were healing.

"Is it Allen?"

The only thing he could think of for the sudden change was that it was caused by Allen.

Although Gotham is often cloudy, it's not the rainy season.

The inexplicable heavy rain may be caused by the rockets that have just been dropped into the clouds and exploded.

Allen walked up to Eric and looked down at him: "Don't sleep, the ground is dirty."

At this moment, Eric was so weak that he couldn't even lift his fingers.


Allen suddenly said: "You must have kidney overdraft, try Shenbao Tablets, it will be good for you and it will be good for you, let's get better together."

Eric was too lazy to refute, he just wanted to sleep and recover his strength, and he felt like he was going to die suddenly if he said another word.

"Don't be afraid, Dr. Allen is here to ensure that you will show off again."

At this time, Allen had already taken out a potion and kept retreating several meters.

"What do you want to do?"

Eric watched as Allen raised his thumb with one hand and took aim with the potion in the other.

Sometimes, when someone gives you a thumbs-up, it doesn't mean they are complimenting you, it may mean they are taking aim.



"Oh yeah, hit."

Allen threw the potion and hit Eric's hip accurately. The latter groaned, and was really off guard.

Suddenly, the limbs and bones seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and the whole body became stiff.

Immediately a carp shot up, Eric straightened his body.


"I am resurrected with full blood!"

As he spoke, steam came out of Eric's mouth and nose.

Allen's eyes widened, his mouth turned into a W in shock, and he said stubbornly: "Although I have the blessing of racial talent, I am still slightly better."

Be strong throughout your life and refuse to admit defeat.


Eric looked down and was a little alarmed to find that a tent had been set up.

"What did you inject me with?"

"Shenbao, I'm giving you an advantage."


You are sick!

How do you want me to meet people?

Eric said angrily that he had been walking on thin ice all his life alone, and all he had made were male friends. How could he solve this problem? How could he argue with the wall?


Allen broke the glass and said: "I'm leaving first, haha..."

The next moment, the phantom disappeared into the misty night sky.

"Don't go, what should I do, heh..."

As soon as he opened his legs, his tight leather pants pulled up his crotch.

Holding an umbrella, patrolling the skies above Gotham with Penguin and Riddler.

Their posture is quite ambiguous, like a pair of lovers hugging a princess.

Inadvertently, their eyes made contact, but they immediately avoided it.

According to rumors, the relationship between the two is unclear, and it is a zero-one game that breaks through their friendship. They are all true rumors, and they are definitely the best partners for real.

"I'm straight." Cobot said guiltily.

Edward deliberately looked at the city below and responded softly: "Me too."

Very pure and ambiguous.

The atmosphere was so awkward that it seemed to be filled with the fragrance of heather.

"Why don't you find a rooftop to rest for a while."

"Listen to you."


Just as Cobot was about to control the umbrella to adjust its direction, a locking net flew out from a distance.

If you don't pay attention, it's hard to escape the locked network.

Immediately, the rope contracted and the two men were successfully captured.

The Bat fighter took off its stealth, opened the hatch, and Damian sneered: "Let's see where you run away."

In order to hunt them down, Damian specially flew a fighter plane.

The stealth technology it is built on is not some advanced black technology, but a special coating that is converted electronically into a reflective surface similar to a mirror. Therefore, it can only have a stealth effect at night and act as a light source during the day.

Edward and Cobblepot were not at all panicked.

They are the heroes who saved Gotham City, and Batman has no reason to arrest them.

After a while, they converged on a rooftop location.

Bruce and the others were waiting for Allen to show up and explain.

After all, the three Robins he called were here.


A figure swayed between the tall buildings.

Then, he landed on one knee.

"Superheroes are coming, do you want to stop it?" Allen bared his front teeth and asked.


"The funny bat is so handsome."

"You're so handsome that I'm jealous of you."

The three Robins agreed enthusiastically.

Allen raised his hand and said modestly: "Low-key, I have exposed every single advantage in my body to you."

"Where are the Erics?"

Blade Runner is an invited foreign aid, so Bruce is naturally concerned about his safety.


Allen solemnly clenched his right fist close to his heart and said: "We observe three minutes of silence for the heroes."

Seeing Allen closing his eyes and lowering his head, the three Bruces looked at each other, thought about it, and chose to do so as a sign of respect.

Everyone who has sacrificed their life fighting evil deserves their respect.

"What are you doing?"

Within a minute, Eric arrived wearing baggy pants.

Looking at the group of people, his face was solemn in mourning. His first reaction should not be to mourn the innocent citizens of Gotham City who died tonight.

"It's haunted. Contact Constantine immediately. He is an expert in funerals."

Allen dodged and hid beside the three Robins, and at the same time, he used his hands to untie them.

"It's great that you're okay."

Bruce awkwardly stepped forward to greet you. He couldn't tell the truth that he was mourning you.

"Thanks to Allen for taking the initiative."

If Eric wasn't dark enough, you could see his face blushing like a car taillight.

On the way here, he had no choice but to steal a pair of oversized jeans in order to cover up his angular little brother.

"What a sin."

Allen suddenly screamed, holding Arthur's unrecognizable face in his hands, and asked: "Who, who beat you like this, my clown Robin."

"I'm fine, I'm used to it." Arthur huddled up pretending to be aggrieved, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, I will seek justice for you. We are heroes."

Allen said sadly and angrily: "The attack was so cruel. Look, the child was beaten until he didn't even recognize his mother. What a sin he had done!"

"Where is conscience, where is justice, where is justice..."

When Allen was complaining, Bruce and others looked at the person involved, Oliver.

When I arrived, I saw Oliver riding and beating people.

From beginning to end, the clown Arthur never fought back.

"This..., I..., alas..."

Oliver sighed helplessly.

This time it really makes sense.

Who knows, the usually famous criminals suddenly started to save the world.

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