American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 9 I have a date with Ah Zhen

"You...will die on the seventh day..."

The eerie and hoarse words came from the phone, giving people a chill that penetrated into the bone marrow.

Allen's face looked particularly excited, and he was sure that it was really Sadako's life-threatening call, like an ambiguous call from a longing lover.


Allen asked with great expectation: "Azhen, can you call me and chat every day in the next few days?"


"If you don't call me, I will swallow feces and kill myself in advance so that you can't get me. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Allen threatened angrily.


Faced with Allen's special threat, Sadako had no choice but to compromise.

To be honest, this was the first time she met such a strange person.

Usually, normal people who receive a dangerous phone call would be so frightened that they hang up the phone immediately, unlike Allen who talks enthusiastically.

"Then it's settled, Ah Zhen, please let me die in your hands."


Allen's words smelled like the sour smell of love.

For a moment, Sadako was a little at a loss, and even felt a little moved in her heart.

So understanding.

If every cursed person could be as reasonable as Ellen, her ghost career would be much smoother.

"Azhen, you don't know how much I like you. I've watched Midnight Bell at least three times, and I haven't finished watching the extra episodes, Midnight Bell: The Custom of Serving, Midnight Bell: Falling in Love with Gold, I like you the most. I've always been interested in your work in the 3D section and the book about your work..." Allen couldn't help but talk about the experience of secretly playing with the attending doctor's computer at the Qingshan Rehabilitation Center.


Sadako hung up the phone decisively.

Look, is this something for serious people to watch?

Allen put down the phone and raised his hands in fists in front of him.

"Xiao Zuo, Xiao You, listen to my explanation. I was just acting on the occasion. I really didn't cheat on my thoughts. Moreover, when I watched those educational films, you participated together."

After explaining, Allen opened his fists in relief.

the next day.

Allen absentmindedly stayed by the landline phone, looking forward to Sadako's promised call.

As a result, there was no sign of the ominous bell from day to midnight.

At this moment, Allen was so angry that he couldn't sleep well all night.

The third day.

Night falls.

The landline rings.

Allen answered on the first ring, and there was silence on the other end.

"Azhen, why don't you call me? I waited for you all day yesterday. I didn't dare to sleep at night. I was worried that you didn't receive the call. I was afraid that I was teasing you, and you only cared about calling others. Phone calls, put them aside for me as a person who keeps you in my heart and thinks of you all the time."

Allen vented his emotions like a roar, waiting to calm down, and then changed the topic and became worried: "I am carrying a dangerous mission, and I can't guarantee that I can wait for you alive. I hope you can do it and cherish it."


"Will you call tomorrow?"

"Will do."

"It's settled, good night."

At night, Allen slept particularly soundly.

The fourth day.

Sadako's call came as promised.

The bell rang, and Allen deliberately waited a few seconds to pick it up.

"Guess who I am?"

On the phone, Sadako's tone was as naughty as a girl's, as if she was coquettishly talking to her boyfriend.

Allen was stunned for a moment, his eyes became sharp, and he shouted: "Azhen, you are a devil, how can you act emotionally? Where are the professional ethics you should have? I just indulged in lust and fell into it. If it were someone else, Sweet words, if you are soft-hearted and let him go, you will no longer have a ghost career."


After a long silence, Sadako responded grimly: "I understand, you still have three days."

"I hope you stay the way you should be." Allen said with satisfaction.


Day five.

The Assassin's League sent equipment and Oliver determined the target location, but Allen decided to wait for two days to act.

At night, Sadako called.

"You still have two days, du... du..."

Day six.

"You still have one day, du...du..."

On the seventh day, Sadako didn't call. Today was the day she wanted to take her life.

Allen walked out of the bathroom and picked up a backpack where he stored his equipment.

The mission to retrieve the Redemption Blade has officially begun.

When Allen walked out of the hotel room, the TV that was supposed to be on the cabinet was missing.

When we got downstairs, Bruce and Oliver had been waiting for a long time.

Before leaving, Allen deliberately extended the lease for one more day to prevent Sadako from accidentally killing an unsuspecting tenant.

←Raccoon City, Silent Hill→

At the three-way intersection, there is a rusty signpost erected.

A yellow taxi sped straight towards Silent Hill.

In the car, three people, Allen, were sitting.

The driver played heavy metal rock music while he was playing, but the three of them were unmoved and remained silent the whole time.

The taxi drove onto a road that had been in disrepair, and within a quarter of an hour, it arrived in front of an old town.

The three people got out of the car and looked at Silent Hill illuminated by the dusk sun. Covered in yellow sunlight, the town gave off a sense of desolation.

"Pay it, asshole."

The taxi driver yelled irritably.

Allen took out a banknote and said calmly: "No need to look for it."

The driver took the money, made a skillful U-turn, and kicked the accelerator in the same direction.

"How much did you pay?"

Bruce reminded with malicious intent.

Allen took out the money from his pocket and suddenly found another hundred-dollar bill.

Oliver took the opportunity to make up for it: "The fare is thirty-one dollars."

Immediately, Allen wanted to chase him again, but when he saw that the taxi had disappeared, he clutched his change in annoyance and said angrily: "Damn it, I won't take a taxi again."

Who asked you to pretend to be generous? It has nothing to do with other people's taxis.

"There was an underground fire accident in Silent Hill many years ago. Because the underground fire could not be extinguished, the smoke contained toxins, causing the entire town to be abandoned."

Oliver said that the information collected was not actually a secret and could be found in the Philadelphia Archives, but the key information was deliberately deleted. He interviewed several elderly people who had moved away at that time to roughly figure out what happened.

Bruce added: "As shown in the mission, taking away the Blade of Salvation is an evil cult that has been hiding in Silent Hill. It is very low-key and mysterious, and has limited information."

"I have a question, how did they take away the Blade of Salvation?"

Watching the two people talking, Allen felt that if he didn't say a word or two, he seemed to have no sense of existence.

"The Blade of Salvation was lent to a scholar for study, and the evil cult took the opportunity to steal it."

Bruce and Oliver looked at each other. Didn't this guy read the content of the intelligence sent?

Before searching, review the key points of the information to avoid being at a loss when encountering a crisis.

"Na na na, you look at me as if I'm an NPC here to make up the numbers."

Allen said proudly: "Aba, I don't want to steal your limelight. I've actually seen the Silent Hill movie and know more than you do."

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