American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 81 There is a confession letter under the bed

The blood sample was successfully brought back.

After some analysis with cutting-edge equipment, it was concluded that the data was indeed different from Eric's blood virus.

"Strictly speaking, the virus carried by the initially transformed vampire has inert characteristics and is inferior to mature virus cells in all aspects. Cell reverse engineering can be carried out at multiple levels."

Lillian wore rimless glasses and recounted the rough results.

Of course, it is still unknown whether the development of reversal serum can be successful.

"I have given you permission to mobilize the supercomputer for model calculations."

Bioengineering requires the establishment of data models, and Bruce happens to have a special computer that is linked to eight private satellites in space to closely monitor global trends.

Moreover, he provides equipment for the Zhenglian Early Warning System and integrates the steel frame into the operation system.

"The results should be available soon."

To get the result of feasibility, if the idea doesn't work, Lillian can't help much. After all, she is a plant expert and not good at biology.

Allen looked at the virus cells through the microscope and fell into deep thought.

Don't forget, Allen is an alchemist, and pharmacology and pharmaceutics in the skill list are not decorations.

"I see, I've already thought of a solution."

Allen quickly wrote out a list, handed it to Bruce and said, "Prepare the things above."

"Do you understand the biological field?"

Bruce couldn't help but feel curious. He glanced at the supplies on the list and saw that none of them were valuable items, so he didn't refuse them outright on the spot.

"I'm an alchemist, so it makes sense to know a little biology."

Allen said proudly: "I have processed all the super serums, and the vampire viruses are not something that can be easily grasped."

Alchemist! ?

In Bruce's impression, they were a group of scientific pioneers pursuing immortality and turning stones into gold.

As long as you learn a little bit of magic, you won't be able to master chemistry.

"The butler has received news. A cargo ship has arrived at the port tonight, but the transport is a cargo of potatoes."

Damian called up Gotham City's import catalog and said: "The potato staple food imported into Gotham this season has enough reserves to last for half a year, so I think it is very unreasonable."

"Alan, please take a trip."

Bruce looked at Allen, and the two stared at each other for a long time.

"Aba, if you want to get rid of me, just say so. I've been very bored following you guys lately."

Allen curled his lips and said, "I won't play with you anymore. I want to form my own superhero team to save Gotham."

"You misunderstood, I..."

When Bruce was about to explain, Allen raised his hand to stop him: "It would be disrespectful to say any more. After all, I am a mentally ill person. It is normal to be discriminated against. I am used to it."

Allen hunched his back and walked straight to the door.

"I'm not discriminating against you." Bruce said helplessly.

Allen said without turning around: "I should just stay in Arkham and be depressed."

Watching Allen disappear through the door, the base fell into silence.

I feel like this is too much to do to a mentally ill person.

"Should I call him back?" Damian couldn't bear to ask.

Although we often quarrel when we are together, we agree that we are companions after all.

"He'll come back on his own."

Bruce doesn't believe that Allen can stay quietly in Arkham, and he guarantees that he will escape from prison again within a day.

At present, tracking down Faith's lair and eliminating the mixed-race leader in one fell swoop to resolve the crisis, instead of caring about the physical and mental health of a mentally ill person.

On the way back to Arkham Asylum.

Allen held the push rod of the shopping cart with both hands, stepped on the hanging rod with one foot, and kicked one leg on the ground.

The electric bike was out of battery and was being charged. When I went out, I didn’t take Dean Kuisi’s bicycle with me, so I picked up a homeless man’s shopping cart as a means of transportation.

Vampires have captured too many homeless people, resulting in many shopping carts abandoned on the roadside. Allen can only count them as picking up instead of stealing.

"Face the blast, yahoo!"

After turning around, Allen kept accelerating hard, and black smoke came out from all four wheels.

"Slow down, I'm the grandson, haha!"


Without paying attention, Allen overturned the car and fell into the ditch beside the road.

"It may be the car's problem, but I will never admit it's my own problem."

The shopping cart twisted and deformed on the spot. Allen looked up at Arkham Asylum not far away and decided to walk home.

The guard let him go and he was used to it.

It can be seen that Allen regards Arkham as his home. No matter how crazy the fun is outside, he will come back eventually, and there is no need to worry about looking for it.

A ferocious figure stood in front of him, staring at Allen with fierce eyes.

All the criminals present had a grudge against Batman. A man dressed as Batman naturally made some people very unhappy.

"You like playing Batman?" Killer Croc sneered.

Allen raised his head and corrected: "I am Batman, there is no need to play Abat, and I am the Funny Bat now."

"I don't think you're funny at all, let me help you."

Killer Croc stretches out his sharp claws, trying to teach Allen a lesson so that he will stop wearing hateful clothes.

The security personnel patrolling the second floor immediately raised their weapon standards, fearing that Killer Croc would do something excessive.

"A generous gift crab."

With a snap, Allen twisted Killer Croc's fingers and asked angrily: "I can't be funny."

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts... you're funny, you're funny, I'm about to break if I let go."

Killer Crocodile begged for mercy, while using his other arm to sneak up on him with his claws, he really didn't mean what he meant.


Allen twisted the fingers of Killer Crocodile's other hand with his backhand.

"Oh, it can't be done anymore. It's all broken. I surrender."

All the criminals were so shocked that they didn't dare to speak. The two of them were more than twice as different in size, but they were defeated without using two moves.

Killer Crocodile bent his hands and grinned in pain with a little force, unable to use any strength to resist.

"Praise me for being handsome."

"You handsome."

"Praise me for being handsome and funny."

"You are handsome and funny."

Allen let go of his hands with satisfaction and strutted towards his own hospital bed, leaving Killer Crocodile's hands trembling.

After taking a shower, I put on a clean hospital gown and lay on the hospital bed looking at the ceiling.

"Something is scratching my feet."

Alan felt something hard under the sheets, like cardboard underneath.

Lifting the sheets, a white letter was hidden.

"Is there someone who has a crush on the confession letter I wrote?"

Allen had a pleased expression on his face: "You are handsome but you have too many emotional worries."

Open the letter and write a simple line.

Storage room, third row, second compartment, tap three times.

"So exciting, hooting in the locker room."

Alan threw away the letter and headed to the storage room.

Waiting for Allen to leave the ward, Edward the Riddler and Cobblet the Penguin walked to the bed, picked up the letter and read it.

"Did you let it go?"

Cobot's first reaction was that his partner was making some kind of riddle trap again. The Riddler was a habitual offender in this regard.

"not me."

Edward said calmly: "I can't help him."

"That's interesting, let's take a look."


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