American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 77 Empty Magazine Warning

A secret surveillance room.

The mixed-blood leader Dickon Faith looked at the surveillance video.

In the picture, Eric the Blade Warrior is fighting with several Claw Warriors.

"It seems that your manpower is not enough to take the people I need."

Sitting opposite him was the judge of the Court of Owls, who responded calmly: "It's just the most common claw. We can activate more claw warriors and claw commanders. Now it's just a trial."

The half-bloods and the Court of Owls cooperate, each getting what they need.

If the hybrid leader Faith wants to complete the blood god ritual, he must have a large amount of human blood, pure blood, and blade warriors as sacrifices before he can summon the blood god to possess him.

The ritual of the Court of Owls has entered the next stage, which requires killing nine people every nine days to strengthen the inductive connection between the Dark Multiverse and this world, and at the same time, induce Bruce to come into contact with N metal.

At that point, the final steps can be implemented.

Of course, the Court of Owls didn't tell the truth.

Waiting for the arrival of the worshiped bat god Barbatos, the blood god and his like are like the dead souls of lower gods, and they will definitely be on the list of purges.

"I don't want to die." Faith reminded.

A dead blade warrior means that all the work has been in vain, and even a new main sacrifice has to be found.

For Faith, who is bent on overthrowing pure-blood rule, this undoubtedly adds more risks.

Since the birth of the vampire clan, the pure-blood nobles have maintained the rule of the clan, how could they allow it to be overthrown and sit idly by.

Even the most ordinary pure-bloods have titles, ranging from Lord to Thirteen Princes, which can be said to form a vampire clan at the top of the pyramid.

There is one exception.

The half-blood Count Dracula, because of his own specialness, forces the pure-blood to identify with his identity.

However, there are only one or two special individuals who generally remain the same throughout their lives.

In fact, Count Dracula's situation can be replicated, but the conditions are too harsh.

According to legend, Dracula was once a monarch of a small country. Facing the invasion of the Turkish Empire, in order to protect his people, he approached the fourteenth prince and begged to be transformed.

It happened that the vampire prince no longer wanted to live, so he donated his blood to Dracula.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to catch a prince and drain his blood for yourself.

In practice, it is better to find another way.

Pure blood not only possesses powerful natural abilities, but can also master blood magic and even have blood suppression. This is not the crooked idea of ​​mixed blood at all.

On the floor of Starlight Building.

Several first-generation hybrids ran for their lives in fear, looking back from time to time, as if there were terrifying beings following and chasing them.


The laughter filled with terror echoed for a long time.

He originally wanted to stop and rest, but immediately ran away.

"Don't stop, that madman is coming after you."

"It's too scary. I might as well face Sunwalker."

"I'd rather not come to Gotham."


A companion was attacked by a sneak attack and turned into ashes in an instant.

They saw Allen watching on the spot, grinning ferociously, as if he was enjoying the thrill of hunting.

Allen kills vampires layer by layer, purely in revenge for their persecution of humans.

at the same time.

Without the intervention of the vampires, Bruce quickly supported Eric and already had the upper hand against several claw warriors.

"The water in Gotham is so deep, how can there be monsters that cannot be killed?"

Eric's sunglasses broke in two, much to Eric's annoyance.

He just relies on sunglasses to support his appearance, and he looks uncool without accessories.

"They are immortal warriors created by the Court of Owls. I have captured a few of them and studied them. The special substances in their bodies can keep them immortal. The only way is to cripple them first and then freeze them."

During Allen's absence, Bruce encountered multiple sneak attacks by Claw warriors.

Having experienced a loss, you will naturally prepare a lot of countermeasures.

All captured Talon warriors were frozen and imprisoned in the secret cells of Blackgate Prison.

"These guys are more difficult to deal with than vampires. I would rather kill vampires easily." Eric said sadly.

In front of silver weapons, the vampire will kill with one strike.

But against the claw warrior, even if he hits the fatal part, he will stand up again after waiting for a while, which can tire him to death.

Bruce throws a batarang.

The hand of the claw warrior who could not avoid it came into contact and was instantly filled with cold liquid nitrogen.

Making a decisive decision, the clawed warrior cut off his own arm.

Seeing Bruce reveal the weapon to restrain them, he immediately approached the glass window.

A sword smashed the glass, and they all jumped up and fled into the night sky.

"Chase, we can't let them escape."

Bruce showed off his grappling gun, shot it towards the tall building in the distance, and then chased him while swinging in the air.

When Eric came to the window, he leaned out and looked down. He felt that the height was okay, so he jumped downstairs.

During the rapid fall, Eric's expression did not change, as if it were commonplace.

Chasing vampires all year round requires overcoming various circumstances. Sometimes when chasing prey, one inevitably jumps off buildings and takes shortcuts.

The moment he was about to touch the ground, Eric bent over and rolled like a conditioned reflex to slow down the impact of the landing.

The movements are smooth and smooth without any pause.

He got up, dusted himself off, and was about to catch up with Bruce.

At this time, the police siren sounded.

Several police cars surrounded him from all directions.

The police officer in the car got out, hid behind the car door, skillfully drew his gun, and shouted a warning: "Xie Te, put down the damn weapon, get down and hold your head."

"Who the hell called the police?"

Eric was very familiar with this scene. He had been misunderstood more than once.

Sometimes, the vampires would frame him as a murderer, forcing him to join S.H.I.E.L.D. with an official status.

"Nigger, don't make me empty the magazine warning, do it right now."

In the free country of America, the first lesson in the police academy is that if you encounter a black man, it doesn't matter whether he is a criminal or not, just empty the magazine when you are in trouble.

A figure fell from the sky, and it was Bruce returning.

He saw the approaching police car and realized there might have been a misunderstanding.

And he called the police.

"He is the person I invited." Bruce said in a low voice.

Relying on the identity of Batman, all the police officers chose to believe that after all, being a Gotham vigilante meant that they shared a lot of work pressure.

"There are people who need your help on the fourteenth floor of the building."

The purpose of calling the police is to let the authorities rescue the homeless man who has become a blood-eater.

As the officers entered the building, Bruce comforted, "Don't take it personally."

"It's not the first time. I've long been used to it."

Without a strong psychological quality, Eric would have probably given up hunting vampires long ago.

Sometimes the vampires have more dirty tricks, and they have the help of the Hagui clan secretly. If he hadn't joined SHIELD, he might be the most wanted criminal now.

"The target has been lost. We need to consider the long term and update our equipment." Bruce suggested.

"no problem."

The Blood Tribe and the Claw Legion cooperate together. If they don't change their combat thinking, they may suffer losses again.

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