American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 64: Get the gold and design clothes

Namor led his tribe to the waters near Africa.

The Atlanteans who followed brought all their belongings, including many underwater vehicles.

The habitat will be determined within half a month.

There are some scientific researchers among the tribe who use energy sensors to determine the location of Wakanda.

During World War II, Africa was largely in a primitive society, and the only thing that could be detected was energy fluctuations.

Of course, the European industrial powers are expected to find energy reactions only in power plants.

The site is located 150 meters underwater.

Atlanteans have different body structures and can move normally within a range of 500 meters of water pressure. They cannot stay longer than 1,000 meters, unless they use a vehicle, otherwise they need to dive for half an hour to relieve pressure.

For humans on land, ordinary people can dive down to more than ten meters. Professionals can only dive down to a hundred meters, and they need to surface after staying for a few minutes. Therefore, there is no need to worry about Wakanda discovering them. As long as they do not seek death and actively provoke the other party, It is absolutely impossible to develop underwater weapons out of the blue.

Allen has a breathing mask and can swim in the water like ordinary Atlanteans, but he cannot dive deeper than three hundred meters, otherwise his lungs will not be able to bear the pressure.

It all relies on the attribute blessings brought by professional levels, and it is not as flexible as the Atlanteans in the water.

Atlanteans rely on skin respiration and water molecule regulation in the water, which enables them to have the ability to live underwater, and their body density to withstand water pressure is higher than that of humans. Fatal gunshot wounds cannot kill them, but the shortcomings are obvious, like fish Also don't leave the water for too long.

Due to the need to develop technological issues, they modified underwater vehicles and transformed them into engineering machines. They dug holes in the mountains in the sea and set up oxygen devices to create a land-like environment.

After all, many scientific experiments cannot be conducted in water.

Allen drove the Feiyu submersible, pulling a carriage behind it, and used the communicator to direct Nanawi to mine the mountain in search of gold mines.

On land, the seismic gold veins appear directly in the open air, while the parts hidden in the sea are buried in rocks and require constant exploration and positioning with instruments.

If you really want to be exposed, it may not be their turn.

"We found Zhenjin in Exploration Area 151."

As an announcement sounded in the car, Allen immediately called Nanaway to stop digging rocks.

"Nanawi, get in the back of the car and go home for dinner."

The fish-shaped submersible could only carry Allen alone. Nanaway could only sit in the carriage carrying things and go straight to the living camp.

He had already told Namor that he only needed a hundred or so kilograms of gold to build the armor, and he had no intention of coveting it.

To be honest, Zhenjin has fallen into human society, and human technology cannot be fully utilized at present. Secondly, humans do not know the value of Zhenjin.

Allen flew the submarine flying, looking for narrow places to drill, and from time to time he rotated 360 degrees to pass through the gap between two rocks.

Next to it is a flat area, focusing on an off-the-beaten path.

The reason Allen doesn't drive is that he doesn't have a driver's license, but submersibles don't require driving qualifications.

Once back at the living camp.

Allen got out of the car and walked to Nanawi in the back car, showing off: "Are my driving skills impressive?"


Nanawi's eyes were dull, and when he opened his mouth, the undigested food in his stomach poured out.

This driving skill shook the little shark's soul away.

"It seems that you are shocked by my driving skills."

Allen nodded with satisfaction and strode towards the scientific research area.

At this time, many scientific researchers are already inspecting the collected seismic gold.

A piece of ore as black as coal, extremely hard at room temperature.

After repeated confirmation with instruments, it was the famous Zhenjin.

Once they have the seismic gold resources in hand, given time, their development may not be weaker than that of Atlantis.

In the dry scientific research area, Namor saw Allen coming in and couldn't wait to step forward and asked: "You are back."

"Why are you so proactive? What if others misunderstand me?"

Allen protected his chest with both hands and used a tactical step back to distance himself.

Namor had long been accustomed to Allen's nervous words, so he said to himself: "I have decided to stay and protect the people, and will not go to land for the time being."

Allen adjusted the non-existent monocle in his right eye: "Any decision, fate has already arranged the script."


Needless to say, Allen's crazy rating fluctuates up and down, which is very unstable.

Sometimes the IQ is online and the mystery is revealed in one word.

Sometimes he talks crazy and is completely wrong.

At this time, Allen looked at an old man who had just come in from the water, walked straight in front of him, and said seriously: "Take off your clothes."

"What are you doing!?"

The old man took a step back in horror and said nervously: "My old bones can't stand the torture, so don't scare me."

"Alan, don't be rude to Weinstein wise men."

Now, Namor couldn't let him run amok.

The Wise Man Weinstein is an expert among his followers who is proficient in many fields, and they all rely on him to lead his tribe to develop technology.

"His clothes don't touch water. I want to study it." Allen said bluntly.

"It turned out to be clothes. I was shocked."

Wise Weinstein's eyes were much calmer and he explained: "This is Atlantis's unique fiber material. It is made through a special textile process. It is not only waterproof and breathable, but also durable. We store a lot of fabrics and can make you a Put on ready-made clothes.”

"That's too good."

Allen said enthusiastically: "I will draw a drawing and you will follow it."

Get some pen and paper and start drawing.

Namor watched curiously, and with a few strokes, he sketched out the outline of a human figure. He couldn't help but ask, "Why is there an extra line in the middle?"

Allen stopped the tip of his pen, turned around and said seriously: "Isn't it too big? It's uncomfortable to wear it normally. I want to hang it down. It's a makeshift pair of trousers."

Namor's eyes shifted downwards and he frowned slightly.

I didn’t see it, maybe I was overconfident.

"I see contempt in your eyes."

Allen stopped writing excitedly, hurriedly took off his belt with both hands, and vowed: "Believe it or not, I will give you a set of five lightning whips."

"No, no, no, stop, I believe it."

Namor quickly stopped him. He really believed that Allen dared to show his sword in public.

"You must be shocked and ashamed that I am so big." Allen said proudly.

"Ah, yes, yes, I'm ashamed."

Namor agreed, but in his heart he was comforting himself that it wasn't worth fighting against a madman.

Allen flipped his hair coolly and said confidently: "In the world, the only one who can make me feel ashamed is the Hulk."


What race is the Hulk?

Forget it, it doesn't matter, he may have just made it up.

Namor only cares that he doesn't do anything stupid again.

After all, he was brought back by himself, so if he makes a fool of himself, how will his tribe treat him?

After the king lost his memory, he actually got involved with a perverted lunatic. Something shameful must have happened, tsk tsk tsk...

After thinking about it for a moment, Namor suddenly felt uncomfortable.

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