American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 55 Princess, I am your consort

Alan had a lot of fun playing with the mud horse in the swamp, but Nanaway was greedy for it.

Jumping and jumping again, the little shark was dancing in excitement.

When Allen came back from playing, he tossed his hair and said with satisfaction: "It's really fast and furious."

"Nanawi wants to play."

Nanawi happily took over the mud horse and couldn't wait to step on it. He imitated Allen's movements and kicked his feet into the mud.


One used too much force and overturned the car on the spot and lay in the mud.

"Singing and kicking at the same time, you have to inject your own emotions. Mud horses are emotional animals." Allen instructed seriously.

Pay attention to the feelings of mud horses, you are really a talent.

It's a pity that ordinary people can learn it at a glance, but Nanawi, whose IQ is hovering around the passing line, fails as soon as he learns it.

"Nanawi, as your master, I feel ashamed."

Allen turned to making more mud horses.

After a while of cutting down trees in the woods, I was busy for a while, and finally everyone had a mud horse.

Nanawi, who has always wanted to be strong in his life, repeatedly asked Allen to make him an enlarged version of the mud horse.

"Commandos attack."

Everyone used the mud horses to wade through the muddy swamp, which was as easy as sledding.

Now is the beginning of spring, and frequent rains have turned battlefields everywhere into quagmire and swamps. If the Mud Horse can be promoted, it will definitely be a weapon on the battlefield.

Not only is it easy to manufacture, but it is also easy to obtain materials, so it can be of great use in the Allied Forces.

In the winter on the battlefields of Eastern Europe, the frozen soil was so hard that cannonballs could only blast a shallow crater, and the troops charged casually as if they were walking on flat ground.

Now that the temperature has warmed up, the counterattack has stalled. The Nazis took the opportunity to replenish military supplies and strengthen military defenses.

If the Allied forces are equipped with mud horses, they can use this to pursue the victory.

Allen unintentionally brought out the invention of his ancestors, further shortening the war in Europe, and thus allowing America to intervene in the Asian battlefield earlier.

As the fort approaches.

Gunshots were heard.

What is puzzling is that the battle took place inside the fort.

"Did they have a disagreement on the issue of 0 and 1, and it turned into an internal fight." Allen squinted his eyes and guessed.

"Attack directly and catch them by surprise."

Steve found that there were no sentries on the fortress and immediately decided to make a quick sneak attack.

As for why the enemy's internal strife broke out, it is not within the scope of consideration.

"Nanawi, Shark Charge."

"Nanawi, attack."

At this time, Nanawi shouted like a human tank and rushed towards the fortress gate.

A group of people walked in a straight line.

Nanaville, who acts as a human shield, only needs to cover everyone to the door, and Namor can break open the heavy solid wood door with one punch.

The reason why Namor didn't just take off and enter the fortress was because he was worried about snipers.

Although Namor's physical fitness is amazing and he is not afraid of ordinary small-caliber pistol bullets, rifles and sniper rifles can break through the skin at close range.


With one punch, Namor easily blew away the door, seemingly without using all his strength.

At the same time, they see Nazi soldiers surrounding a woman wearing leather armor.

Allen saw who it was at a glance and exclaimed, "She's a Pokémon."

"you know?"

Steve wondered how this guy knew everyone.

Of course, just listen to the nickname and it's fine, but you can't take it seriously.

She is about 1.8 meters tall and has a Victoria's Secret model-like figure. Isn't it a bit too much to pretend to be a Pokémon?

"She once coveted my peerless appearance, but I rejected her cruelly." Allen raised his eyebrows and explained: "She is too superficial. I only like women who value my inner qualities."

Carter couldn't help but roll his eyes, complaining in his heart, what meaning can you have, you only have endocrine disorders.

"Princess Diana, don't panic, I am your consort."

Alan shamelessly assumed the identity of the Prince Consort and joined the battle with a watermelon knife in one hand and an iron chain in the other.

Yes, this woman is none other than Wonder Woman Diana, the Amazon princess from Paradise Island.

As the commando members took action, the Nazi soldiers in the fortress were completely helpless.

The battle was over in less than a quarter of an hour.

As a result, Wonder Woman and Commando are locked in a standoff.

"Namo, come with me."

Diana held the Mantra Lasso in one hand and the Vulcan Sword in the other, her tone unquestionable.

Allen pinched his nostrils and said arrogantly: "Look, look, touch my people."

"Have you tried it?"

Diana inspired the magical power of the Vulcan Sword, and the sword was suddenly wrapped in golden light.

"Xi Xi, tell me if it feels good."

Allen said the most cowardly words in a stubborn tone.

He is a demigod, he has two artifacts in hand, and Allen is not a fool to fight head-on.

"Is there some misunderstanding?"

Steve came out to smooth things over. After all, Diana treated the Nazi soldiers mercilessly, so she should be considered a friendly force. She was even thinking about how to win over the commando team.

"you know me?"

Namor cast an expectant look, hoping to get information about himself from the other party.

Diana's beautiful eyes were startled, and she frowned and observed.

Namor's expression was blank, and there was no false pretense in his eyes.

"He has lost his memory. I am his attending doctor. If you have any questions, you can talk to me." Allen interjected.

Diana glanced at him and saw that he looked unusual. Without any entanglement, he put away the two artifacts and calmly explained: "The Kingdom of Atlantis declared war on Paradise Island, and I came to find you." Prevent war from breaking out.”

Namor is the king of Atlantis, and returning to the ocean to prevent the kingdom from declaring war is the only solution Diana can think of.

The United Kingdom of Atlantis masters technology and magic. Paradise Island is protected by the old gods and belongs to the family of gods. Once a war breaks out between the two sides, it will inevitably spread to the land.

"Okay, I'm willing to go with you."

This was an opportunity to regain his memory, and Namor readily agreed.

"I have a clever idea."

Allen said coquettishly: "I am willing to marry Paradise Island on behalf of Atlantis. Princess, what do you think?"

"Not much."

Diana dodged and came to Allen's side as quickly as lightning, lifted him up with one hand like a chicken, and asked with a sneer: "Did you just say that I covet your peerless appearance?"

"Who, who started the rumor?" Allen looked around and said righteously: "If you are handsome, you will be jealous. Princess, don't listen to the villain's slander."

The commando team looked at him with disdain.

We can testify that he said it himself.

Misunderstanding resolved.

Everyone sat down and chatted calmly.

Diana recounted the origin: "Not long ago, the Atlantean envoys landed on Paradise Island to demand the submission of the Amazons. Naturally, it turned into a dispute. The Amazon warriors were fearless and decided to fight on the spot. While preparing for the battle, a A seriously injured Atlantean fled to Paradise Island and told the news that the king was missing. Now the control of the country is in the hands of the nobles, so I came to find Namor to quell the war."

Allen said with a mean look on his face: "Princess, if you don't consider marriage, I'll be at a disadvantage."

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