American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 46 The three-faced spy has come to an end

"Young man, my third lesson is correct, gang fighting is the way to go."

Allen put his arm around Steve's shoulders and looked at the scene of Colonel Explosive Hammer in the military.

Steve, who has a strong sense of justice, treats traitors with contempt, especially seducing wives and subverting sons, which is a heinous crime.

Not long after, the colonel was already dying and was carried away.

To meet him will be the judgment of death.

"please continue."

The results display is not over yet.

Allen left for a while and rode back to a vehicle.

"Hello everyone, this is a three-wheeled multi-functional vehicle specially designed for the battlefield."

Three-wheeled multi-functional vehicle, to put it bluntly, is an electric three-wheeler, commonly known as a three-wheeler.

Battlefield vehicles can definitely play a role in combat transportation. Everyone in the military listened patiently to the introduction.

"Modular manufacturing of complete vehicles."

Subtext, scraping together goods here and there.

“Three wheels provide more stability.”

To be honest, three wheels are cheaper.

"It has an electric range of fifty kilometers."

Building an engine is troublesome, but the motor is so simple that Wilson can wind the wires by hand.

"It can carry two tons in the pocket."

No need to doubt, it is really a plagiarism from Dian Sanbengzi.

"Adapted to multi-terrain transportation."

A car without meat, a person with only meat, whoever puts on the brakes is the grandson.

After an introduction, the military felt that it was indeed worth putting it on trial, and it might reduce the difficulty of supplying supplies on the battlefield.

After all, because the tractor is so heavy, it can easily get stuck in the soft soil.

"Does Specialist Allen have any weapons?"

Among them, Qianfei Needle has been recognized by the military and can be said to be a magical tool, used to extract confessions and eliminate spies, making them invisible.

Of course, I think most of the results are a joke.

"Since you are so impatient, I will use a killer weapon."

Allen looked at Howard and reminded: "Stand back."

Howard thought it was something like a needle that was used to change his body, so he withdrew a few meters away.

"Stand back a little more."

Howard simply hid behind a load-bearing pillar.

Wilson, who was almost reduced to a guinea pig just now, had already escaped.

At this time, everyone in the military was looking for a place to hide to avoid making a fool of themselves.

Clearance is over.

Allen, satisfied with his hand, picked up a bunch of samples tied with wires.

"The ultimate murder weapon that combines ten kinds of murder weapons into one will cost you three thousand lives~"

For a moment, there was silence.

The atmosphere seemed particularly awkward.

There are watermelon knives, bicycle chains, glass bottles tied to the wire...

On the street in America, biubiu is used for fighting. Taking this thing into the battlefield does not mean that you will die.

"Meeting dismissed."

The top military officials left in dismay.

I thought I was going to have a violent one, but instead I got a big one.

"I really don't know how to appreciate it."

Allen turned to look at Steve and said, "Old man, this is specially equipped for you. It costs three thousand lives."

Steve's lips wrinkled into a W shape in disgust.

But Allen didn't care so much and stuffed it directly into him.

"This watermelon knife is not an ordinary watermelon knife. After my enchantment process, it can absorb energy and release it. If you cut ten times, you can get a critical hit." Allen said proudly: "The function I am most proud of It is used to cut watermelon, and it will definitely not taste like green onions.”

Watermelon tastes like green onions, which Alan hates.

"The glass bottle can not only be used for headshots, but you can also use the base to make fire with the help of sunlight."

"This bag is made of sand. If you say nothing, the sand will cause blindness. It has a magical effect through physical methods."

"This is a bottle of poison, which is an AOE damage item. Just put a little bit into the enemy's pot and drinking well."

Steve's expression grew more and more shocked.

After figuring out the real purpose, I really think it is quite practical.

"Among them, my favorite is the Whip of Bliss."

Allen swung the two-meter-long bicycle chain and said: "It can be used for ordinary leisure purposes to scratch the back, but for actual combat it requires more training."

"Not everyone can have hands like me."

As he spoke, Allen had already thrown up the chain and waved out afterimages.


There was a crisp sound.


The chain was slapped hard on his back. Allen's eyes rolled up in pain, and he stuck out his tongue and sucked in cold air, and his whole body tensed up.

So cool.

December 1941.

The Chrysanthemum Kingdom launched an undeclared war and attacked Pearl Harbor, causing America to declare a nationwide mobilization.

As soon as the Axis Powers, who were fighting in full swing on the continent of Europa, received the news, they were furious at the Chrysanthemum Kingdom's overestimation of its capabilities.

"If the chrysanthemum wants to become a sunflower, I will help you out of mercy."

Allen looked at the news in the newspaper with a bright smile on his face.

First telegram, call to Karpov.

The content is as follows.

Dear boss, after sacrificing many bankrupt class soldiers, I finally obtained a piece of top-secret information.

Through historical relics, SHIELD discovered that there is a group of people named Eternals hidden in the world, and they are the guardians of the Celestials.

The group of gods who walk in the starry sky use planets to nurture their people, and our planet is one of their targets.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has determined that the entrance to the Chrysanthemum Kingdom volcano is the location of the heads of the newly born Celestials.

He wants to obtain many cross-era technologies by studying the bodies of the Celestials, so as to enter interstellar civilization in one fell swoop.

America had already learned about the so-called sneak attack on her homeland and deliberately took the opportunity to send troops.

Please pay attention to the organization.

Bankrupt class warrior, Allen.

Second telegram, to Chief Schmidt.

The great leader of Hydra, despite his sacrifices in the Iron Curtain of the Empire, finally received a shocking piece of information.

The core raw material of the so-called Edelman alloy is a substance famous for its gold.

The origin of Zhenjin is in an isolated country in Africa called Wakanda.

Wakanda has a technological level that is ahead of the current level, all developed on the basis of vibrating gold.

The properties of vibrating gold can absorb kinetic energy and release it 100% without loss.

Now America is in secret contact, please organize attention immediately.

Iron Curtain, Allen.

At this point, the career of the triple agent has come to a successful end.

During this period, Allen fabricated information in exchange for more than one million U.S. dollars, all of which was donated to the Chinese Merchants National Salvation Congress.

Each piece of intelligence revolves around two pieces of information.

Allen wasn't talking nonsense.

There are indeed Eternals in the world, but I don’t know if there are any planets under our feet.

Wakanda really exists, but it is closed to the outside world and has no contact with the outside world.

The previous intelligence transmissions have been shaping the existence of the Eternals and Wakanda so that Su and Hydra believe them to be true, and now the final answer is revealed.

Based on the above two points, the result is.

The Soviet Union will definitely invest more troops in the war against the Chrysanthemum Kingdom in order to land on the enemy's homeland first.

This move will undoubtedly reduce the pressure on the ancient eastern country.

The Axis powers are bound to mobilize their main forces to search for Wakanda in Africa.

Whether it is eventually found or not.

America was able to end the war as early as possible on the main battlefield in Europe and turn around to attack the Chrysanthemum Kingdom, thereby reducing the time the ancient Eastern country was persecuted.

"The God Group, interstellar civilization."

When Karpov saw the contents of the intelligence, he went to the top of the country to report the matter with a solemn expression.

After rounds of decisions, adjustments were made to the military's theaters. In the Asian theater, they not only increased support for allies, but also deployed heavy troops to attack occupied areas.

The leaders unanimously decided that they must be the first to capture the capital of the Chrysanthemum Kingdom.

"Vibranium, Wakanda."

Schmidt read the content once and was very interested in the properties of vibranium.

Holding the Cosmic Cube in his hand, he has found an artifact that can truly help him conquer the world.

"Chief, if the properties of Zhenjin are real, then it would not be easy to combine it with the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to create an invincible army."

Dr. Zola's eyes sparkled with excitement, as if the era he longed for was within his reach.

"Prepare the car, I want to meet the head of state."

On this day, a telegram from Berlin was sent to Rommel, the Desert Fox stationed in North Africa.

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