American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 448 Final Chapter: Ending

"What? The Emperor is defeated!"


When Alan heard the news of Terra's fall, he immediately burst into a heart-wrenching cry.

Those who don't know the truth may think he is a loyalist.

But in fact, this guy is the leader of the rebellion.

"There should be background music here."

Putting away his emotions, Alan kicked the black slave robot beside him and said viciously: "Let's sing a song of plum blossoms."

"Snowflakes are falling..."

"Isn't this the right atmosphere?"

Alan messed up his hair, knelt on his knees and shouted: "No..."

The shit pot standing beside him had an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Why are you yelling? Can you let me sleep?"

At this time, Hela came over with an unhappy expression, looked at the kneeling and wailing, and said incomprehensibly: "The Emperor's defeat, what does it have to do with you?"

"My God, my golden toilet is gone."

After crying for a long time, Alan lay on the ground with his arms and legs spread out, with an expression of despair.

"It's not a big deal. You can ask your men to collect some and build one yourself. Gold is not valuable in the universe." Hela said unhappily.


Alan suddenly realized: "Mom, you are so smart, come and kiss me."

"Get out of here."

Alan, whose expression changes very smoothly, came up with a mean face and pouted, but Hela raised her size 39 foot and pressed it on her face.

"Bah..., Mom, why does your smell of shit smell like shit?" Alan asked with disgust.

"I was taking Fenrir for a walk just now, and I accidentally stepped on poop."


Evildoers will be punished by their own evil.

Hela is Alan's nemesis.

Of course, Hela, who has nothing to do, helps command the army to fight.

The goddess of death was once the commander of Asgard's expedition. In her eyes, it is just a small scene.

And now Alan did not choose to confront the dark army head-on, but has been plundering the mothership to expand the scale of power.

The mothership was transformed into a material collection fleet.

Every time he went to a battlefield, he would first deploy the Undead Legion to slaughter all enemies except humans, so that all the corpses would be transported back to the main ship.

With the foundation of space magic, Allen created a stable space gate between the motherships to ensure mutual deployment.

And now, the Emperor is wandering in the universe, recalling the various war groups to conduct a cosmic guerrilla war, thus playing a containment effect.

This battle lasted for eleven years.

The dark legions have repeatedly encircled and intercepted Allen, but none of them have been successfully hunted.

Often tearing a gap, they have been cruising, and have no idea of ​​a head-on confrontation.

The edge planet of the Human Empire.

All the followers around the Emperor have died in battle, his sword has been broken, and his armor is all shattered.

In the end, under the encirclement of the dark legions, the Emperor really failed.

In the past, the Mechanicus, which was enthroned as the state religion of the Human Empire, surrendered to the enemy as early as the beginning.

"Grant you death."

Thousands of Thors raised Thor's hammer together, and the dazzling lightning gathered in the sky into a terrifying divine thunder.


The flash of lightning illuminated the world, as if the whole world was dyed white.

The thunderous sound of the earth and sky disappeared, and the emperor who ruled the human empire for tens of thousands of years disappeared forever at this moment.

On this day, Allen sat on the real golden toilet he built, and the flush button was very considerately designed.

On this day, the undead army no longer avoided fighting.

On this day, the dark army finally realized the horror of the target.

The Emperor of Heaven led the gods of heaven, each riding a twenty-first-level bone dragon, and began a full-scale counterattack.

The natural disaster army composed of 10 million undead skeletons.

The fifteenth level is just the most ordinary soldier, and the eighteenth level is the commander.

The basics are there, and there are secondary mutant skeletons from time to time.

There are almost tens of thousands of twenty-first-level undead skeletons.

The twenty-fourth-level undead skeletons barely broke a hundred.

There are only eleven level 27 undead skeletons.

The core one has five mutations, and the limit is as terrifying as level 30.

Starry sky battlefield.

The two sides fought frantically, and the bodies of the warriors floated in space.

Suddenly, several figures turned the tide of the battle.

Manhattan Bats in blue.

Six-dimensional Superman in platinum suit.

Rune-looking Thor.

Goddess of Truth Diana.

Iron Man in desperate situation.

Hela cannot match any enemy.

However, a coffin was delivered from the void.


The coffin lid opened.

A skeleton angel with thirty pairs of gray sharp wings appeared.

Allen didn't want to waste his troops, so he threw out the king bomb directly.

Level 30, the Angel of the End.

Why did he hold it back? It was because the Angel of the End was too powerful. Every move of his would cause damage to the Warhammer world, and he would inevitably be rejected by the rules.

"Final Echo!"

Then the wings of light spread out, and countless gray streams of light shot out like arrows.

In a single encounter, countless dark legions died at the hands of the Angel of the Last Days, including several shawl gods.

The mission was completed, and the Angel of the Last Days hid in the Box of Time again.

The power beyond the upper limit of the universe is causing the order to collapse. If it is not withdrawn quickly, the entire Warhammer universe will be destroyed.


At the front of a mothership, the Chaos Four Hawkers were tied.

"The quantum accelerator is in place."

"The time lock barrier has been activated."

"The fleets have been arranged."


After hearing the reports, Allen pressed the button of the golden toilet, and with the sound of water pumping, he took out a piece of paper towel and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Crash the cosmic barrier at full speed."

Give an order.

The fleet moved forward at full speed.

Allen came up with a wonderful idea to blast open the cosmic crystal wall system at the expense of the four vendors, and then led the fleet into the multiverse.

Wall of Origin.

Papetua, hanging high on the wall, looked at the two visitors with a horrified expression.

"Daddy, pull her down and stuff her head into the wall."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Final Angel beside Allen turned into a ray of light, and with one hand he pulled down one of the masterminds embedded in the Wall of Origin.


The next second, Pappetua's head was deeply embedded in the wall, leaving his butt raised high.

Allen smiled knowingly and took out a rotating machine with a full palm.

"Killing you will cause the Wall of Origin to collapse, so count yourself lucky."

Bang bang bang...

The machine spun, palms flapping like hot wheels.

In short, the damage is zero and the insult is full.

"Let's get together again."

Agatha, who was studying magic while wearing reading glasses, was stunned. At some point, Allen entered the principal's office.

With Supreme Mage-level combat power, it makes perfect sense for Agatha to open a women's magic academy.

"Alan, my old bones can't stand the torture." Agatha looked confused.

"No, I want to ride a horse."

Faced with Allen's coquettishness, Agatha agreed awkwardly, and even more shamefully had to play on the playground.

In the school, the female mages were shocked to see the principal running happily into the sunset with a big boy on his back.

However, a surprising scene happened, and the old principal's face gradually regained its youthfulness.

"Returning to youth is my gift to you. Goodbye."

When Agatha turned around, she could no longer see Allen, and she couldn't help but feel empty inside.

"I'm ready to sacrifice."

The Ancient One is above the human world, stopping the invading dimension lord Dormammu.

"Mei Yao, step back."

Allen appeared quietly and looked at Dormammu, who was as big as a mountain.

With one finger of one hand, he was locked into the box of time and thrown into the long river of time.

Allen took a deep breath and shouted in the direction of the multidimensional realm: "The devil is forbidden to enter the world ahead."

From this moment on, the interdimensional lord who had spied on the human world hid in his own domain and shivered.

Allen walked up to Gu Yi, lifted up a piece of long hair, and said coquettishly: "Mei Yao, you smell so good, hehe..."

There is no need to complete the system copy. Allen's only pleasure is to harm time and female heroes.

Natasha, Diana, Jean Grey, Illyana...

By the way, help the clown successfully run for president.

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