American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 435 Iron Man and Batman in a parallel world

A humble base in the New York sewers.

Allen and the doctor looked very confused under the gaze of all the teenagers.

However, Alan was shocked to discover a horrifying fact.

The daughter of Iron Man, the daughter of Hawkeye, the son of Batman, the son of Superman...

The descendants of Zhenglian and Fulian gathered together.

In particular, Clark's twins are both in the Human League, and it is worth mentioning that Superman's second son, Jonathan, and his boyfriend were both present.

That’s right, the Son of Superman cannot escape political correctness.

There are not many conflicts between the two sides, and they agree that the external enemy is the Cybermen.

"The Lumik Group has been secretly arresting homeless people and has organized an army of Cybermen. What you just did was very dangerous," Morgan explained.

Perhaps due to fate, this group of second-generation superheroes, all whose parents were persecuted by the Lumik Group, gathered together to fight for all mankind.

"How many of you are there?" asked the doctor.

"There are already thousands of people scattered all over the place." Damian explained.

In fact, nowadays, humans are using the Lumik Group’s smart devices and are unwilling to believe in conspiracy.

Moreover, the Internet has been controlled, blocking the channels through which they want to spread their news.

It has to be said that they are hitting an egg with an egg.

It is impossible for a mortal human body to defeat a Cyberman with a metal body.

Furthermore, current firearms cannot harm Cybermen unless large-scale weapons are used.

But one thing to remember is that Cybermen are all made of mechanical parts and can be transported back to the modification factory for repair.

Therefore, the only way is to solve the source.

"Don't be afraid, children."

Allen drew out the weapon he carried and said, "Uncle Allen will definitely support you."


However, the other party's focus was on the doctor.

Quan Yin passed the inspection and was an alien, and the sonic screwdriver confiscated was found to contain incomprehensible technology.

"We can't waste any more time. We must solve the source as soon as possible and keep preparing and waiting."

The doctor said confidently: "As long as I can find the source, I can end everything. As a Time Lord, I guarantee it."


However, the faces of the young people are full of questions.

What is a Time Lord?

As the doctor pretended to be a spy, Allen came to Morgan's side and suggested seriously: "Morgan, would you like a breast enlargement potion? It is a vicious potion developed by the Goblin mage. It can expand to Z cup, the side effect is that it will return to its original shape after more than a day.”

Sure enough, it's vicious enough.

Nothing but joy.


Morgan's calm expression was like that of a weathered soldier.

Indeed, the chest is smooth.

"When you grow up, you're not cute at all." Allen curled his lips disdainfully.

"Can you give me one?"

Um? !

Allen looked at the slightly shy little Jonathan with a look of fear.

The setting of Superman's second son is a genuine homosexual. It is common sense to want to give your boyfriend a different experience.

When everyone was finalizing the plan, Allen was bored and thought it would be better to strike first.

"I'm leaving."

As soon as he finished speaking, Allen walked through the portal and returned to the gate of Lumik Group.

Seeing an incredible scene, everyone couldn't wrap their heads around it.


science and technology?

However, at this moment, the security guard at the door of the building immediately discovered that an outsider had broken in.

"Don't move, put your hands up."

Listening to the warning, Allen dodged and took the lead in attacking.

Within a moment, burly security guards were lying all over the place.

The front desk lady was shivering and hiding under the counter.

"Girl, open an elevator door for me and take me directly to the security room. Thank you." Allen posed in a pose that he thought was handsome.


Naturally, the receptionist didn't dare to disobey. A migrant worker couldn't risk his life for a salary of several thousand dollars.

The work card opens the elevator.


Before closing the door, Allen blew a kiss to thank him.

As the elevator rises rapidly.


Open the door.

Suddenly, rows of transformed Cybermen were waiting.

"Transformation conditions detected, execution of deletion procedure."

The Cybermen emitted electronic synthesized sounds in unison, giving the illusion of being very cute.

The seemingly clumsy appearance actually hides the murderous nature.

In the Cyberman setting, you can continuously update collectively to repair your own weaknesses.


[Kill the first-generation Cybermen, experience +150]

The fly swatter hit a Cyberman and it fell apart in the air.

There is no doubt that the reason is that the raw materials of the whole body are made of human substances, and the defense strength is far less than the technological level of the invasion level in the universe.

The remaining Cybermen raised their hands and fired energy rays.

"I am a man like the wind, no one can lock me."

Rolling, jumping, without closing eyes...

There was a ruckus...

After a random killing spree, the Cybermen turned into a pile of broken parts.

[Character]: Allen (8/10)

[Occupation]: lv8 Taoist priest


Healing lv0: Bless the target with healing glow, with a healing effect of 0.3% every 5 seconds. As the skill level increases, the treatment time and effect increase.

Curse lv0: cast a curse on the target, and purple, red, and blue will appear randomly, corresponding to the defense, life, and magic devouring effects. Different curses can be superimposed. As the skill level increases, the curse time and effect increase.

Mental Power Combat lv0: Strengthen 3% mental strength, defense, recovery and other effects, and increase with the level.

Soul Talisman lv0: Mental power gathers into talismans to attack, or casts subsequent awakening skills, and the attack power and skill effects are enhanced as the level increases.

Summon Skeleton lv0: Summon a skeleton soldier to assist in combat.

[Location]: Time War

Stretch out your hand.

A talisman shot out from between your fingers and unfolded in the air, and suddenly a skeleton soldier descended like a different dimension.

The thin and pure white skeleton soldier, with an axe for chopping wood in his hand, does not look lethal at all, but looks easy to bully.

"Are the skills a bit repetitive?"

Alan wondered: "Among my necromancer skills, there is the ability to summon the undead, and it can be advanced and grown."

The only difference is that summoning the undead requires a corpse, while summoning skeletons does not require it at all.

"It doesn't seem to be the case."

Alan called up the attributes of the skeleton soldiers, which were set according to 10% of their own.

It turned out to be similar to the skill of summoning angels.

"There are so many summoning skills, I am almost embarrassed to choose."

Indeed, there are five heads of summoned angels at a time, and it is not clear what the subsequent effects of the skeleton soldiers are.

At this time, the Cybermen gathered another team.

When running, the metal armor on their bodies made a crisp sound.

Seeing this, Alan put away his weapon and stabbed his neck behind his back, raising his hands like a pistol.


A talisman shot out from his fingers and hit the Cybermen in the front row.


The fire flashed and the Cybermen collapsed.

"Instant kill, I'm so cool."

In fact, it is not difficult to understand that the Cyberman's external armor can resist physical and energy attacks, and it is equivalent to zero when facing soul attacks.

What's more, how much resistance can a human brain have.

With the current mental strength of Allen, if the bald professor dares to invade his mind again, he will definitely die on the spot.

Avoiding the laser beam, Allen raised his hand and blasted the soul symbol.

The skeleton soldier opened his upper and lower jaws, as if shouting silently, and rushed towards the enemy with an axe.


A beam of energy broke into a pile of bones.

"Tsk..., the skeleton baby is useless, and a big sword guard is urgently needed to practice with him."

In less than a minute, the Cyberman was cleared.

Alan rushed to the monitoring room and looked at the monitoring screens on the wall.

For a moment, his eyes condensed.


"Bruce, for all mankind, I'll go first."

"Okay Tony, I'll help you load the independent program."

The two middle-aged men with unshaven beards looked at each other and nodded carefully, indicating that they believed in each other.

Tony pulled open the isolation curtain, and in front of him were a dazzling array of mechanical parts.

He took off his suit and walked onto the assembly table.

"Man, I feel like I've done similar things many times, and I'm surprisingly calm."

Tony looked at Bruce who was busy inputting the program.

"I feel the same way. I feel like I was born to know how to make exoskeleton mechas." Bruce responded without even raising his head.

"Isn't that right, Iron Man, Batman."

A strange voice suddenly sounded.

Alan watched the two acquaintances debugging the mecha with interest, and couldn't help but complain: "The stupid author has nothing to write, and plagiarized the plot of Iron Man."

However, the person responsible for writing the program in the movie was the unlucky scientist.

"Who are you!?"

The two were shocked.

Tony couldn't react because he was fixed on the assembly table, and Bruce quickly raised the energy gun made of parts.

"One of us."

Alan pretended to be deep and said, "Morgan and Rice asked me to save you."

Hearing this, Bruce put down his weapon and sighed, "They still refuse to give up."

"For the sake of the children, we can't fail, otherwise we will be sorry for our sacrificed wives." Tony said sadly.

"My nephew, Bat, don't be sentimental. I just came from the monitoring room and saw a large number of Cybermen rushing over."

Alan looked through the surveillance and didn't find the source, but was surprised to find two old friends.

Tony and Bruce saw that the other party was human, put down their guard and continued to be busy.

In this parallel world, they are deadly scientists and good friends who have known each other for many years.

Therefore, Lumik hired them at a high price to study Cyberman improvement technology.

At first, in the name of mechanical immortality, they didn't take it seriously.

After all, the rich in the world are afraid of death and invest in immortality exploration in various fields.

Consciousness digitization, mechanical body, drug delay aging, brain replacement surgery..., countless secret research.

Especially, it is no longer a secret among the rich in America, and they are even eager to invest.

The so-called welcoming of immigrants and accepting a large number of illegal immigrants actually means treating them as consumables.

America is a paradise for the rich and a hell for the rich.

"Mark Mech, Hell Mech."

Alan looked at the two unfinished mechs, which looked like the equipment of two superheroes.

Of course, there is no red and gold combination and bat logo.

It is normal to say that they are not Iron Man and Batman. If they had not encountered the Lumic conspiracy, they might have spent the rest of their lives in peace.

Suddenly, a little red light appeared on the metal gate.

"The Cybermen are coming."

Bruce said nervously: "They are using heat rays to cut the door."

However, the program is loading slowly at 1%, and it is estimated that Tony may not be able to gain control of the mecha when the door is broken.

"Oh, here comes another experience."

Alan shuttled through the portal and came to the outside of the laboratory.

The Cybermen gathered at the door turned around collectively, and only one remained to continue cutting.

"It does not meet the upgrade requirements, and the defective products need to be deleted!"

The Cybermen approached step by step, raising their hands and launching attacks at any time.

"Who are you talking about? I am the most handsome man of the year selected by our Qingshan Rehabilitation Center."

Alan was very angry, very angry.

Defective products are not the same as ugly.

Alan, who has always boasted of his fairy-like appearance, can deny that he is not handsome, but he will never allow others to say that he is ugly.


Kicked over the Cybermen who were close to him.

"Hiss..., it hurts..."

The next second, Allen knew he was wrong.

The Cyberman's external armor is too hard. Even if his physical fitness is dozens of times higher, he is still a flesh and blood body, not like the unreasonable fantasy protagonist who can resist nuclear bombs with his body.

As for why the fly swatter can break up the Cyberman, it is because the material is rare element metal.

"Damn it, you actually used conspiracy and trickery to induce my jade foot to be injured. None of you can escape."


Do you listen to your own words?

You want to kick it yourself, how can you blame us.

"Biu, biu, biu..."

The finger poked at the air, and soul symbols popped out one after another.

Bang bang bang...

The Cybermen were paralyzed in rows like leeks being harvested.

Brain thinking naturally leads to cessation of operation.

The mechanism of the human brain is not comparable to the computing and processing speed of artificial intelligence.

However, the technology of brain-computer combination instead of artificial intelligence is too black technology.

Allen has only seen Dr. Zola's consciousness upload.

Of course, there are too many unreasonable places in the universe of Doctor Who.

It is incredible that the pepper-pot-like Dalek war race can run rampant in the universe.

Strictly speaking, the Dalek civilization crushes the Cyberman civilization.

One Dalek can defeat a Cyberman army.

After all, the Dalek is one of the few civilizations that master time technology. The surface of the body is protected by a time lock, which can be immune to 99% of physical and energy attacks.

"See who dares to question my appearance."

Allen looked at the Cyberman who was solved with disdain.


The gate opened.

A shining humanoid mecha appeared.

"Did you solve them all?" Tony asked in disbelief.

Allen raised his eyebrows and said proudly: "Isn't it obvious."


Tony participated in the core part of the development of Cyberman. He was very clear about the horror of it, but he was easily dealt with, which made him wonder whether it was meaningful to make mecha.

Return to the laboratory.

Bruce is waiting for the mecha program to be loaded.

The design concepts of the two are completely different.

Tony prefers long-range firepower output, while Bruce prefers mobile close combat.

Therefore, the Mark Mech is equipped with a weapon that can kill Cyberman with one shot, while the Hell Mech has a pair of swords that can cut through Cyberman's outer armor.

"We must hurry up, Lumik may start the transformation at any time. By then, all factories around the world will be in operation, and the number of Cybermen will be transformed in no time..."

After completing the mech equipment, Tony and Bruce told the previously formulated plan.

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