American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 433 Allen and the Doctor Save the World

[Character]: Allen (8/10)

[Profession]: lv0 Taoist


Healing lv0: Adds healing glow to the target, with a healing effect of 0.3% every 5 seconds. As the skill level increases, the healing time and effect increase.

Curse lv0: Adds a curse to the target, with purple, red, and blue appearing randomly, corresponding to defense, life, and magic devouring effects. Different curses can be superimposed. As the skill level increases, the curse time and effect increase.

[Location]: Time War

[Requirement]: The current profession is at lv120 and can return to the original timeline.

"I am often troubled by the high degree of freedom in the dungeon."

Alan walked on the deserted street, staring at people.

As soon as he came through, he suddenly found that he seemed to be the only one.


"Task loading..."

"Task content: Who stole all mankind."

Alan flicked his hair and said confidently: "I am already a mature traverser and have learned to issue tasks to myself."

In the silent city.

It was terrifyingly silent.

Intact shops and cars parked randomly on the roadside, as if all human beings disappeared in an instant.

In short, there was weirdness and incomprehension everywhere.

However, Allen walked with big strides, not noticing that the angel statues on the roof turned their heads and looked at him, revealing hideous and terrifying faces.

Someone? !

Of course, in the deserted city, Allen was not sure if the person he met was a human.

Not far away, a man in a suit was staring at the angel statue.

The suit style was very similar to the slim fit of a British gentleman.

On the contrary, loose and comfortable types were popular in America.

"Oh ha!"


Allen quietly touched the man's side and suddenly made a damn noise, which scared the man and turned his head.

"Oh no!"

The man suddenly turned his head and looked at the angel statue again, not forgetting to ask: "Who are you? At this time, there should be no human beings in the world."

"I am the hero of this book, Allen. I just came here and don't know the situation. Can you tell me?"

Alan looked at the man sincerely, and the man looked at the angel statue with a vigilant face.

"I am the Time Lord Doctor. I am investigating the invasion of the Weeping Angels on the earth. I hope to save all mankind..."

"Wait a minute."

Alan interrupted the other party, looked at him carefully, and said in shock: "The Americans are really uncultured. They caught the Japanese Empire and stole it. No wonder the Koreans who like to eat kimchi like to plagiarize and apply for world heritage. They all learned it from their adoptive father."


The Doctor Who TV series has been around for decades. It can be said that it has been enduring in the Japanese Empire and is a cultural symbol.

Naturally, it cannot be considered as the scope of American comics. The only conclusion is...

"The stupid author can't think of a plot, and Doctor Who is integrated into it." Allen raised his middle finger to the sky with a look of contempt.

The doctor was very helpless and took the TARDIS to the future. He was horrified to find that the Weeping Angels occupied the entire planet, and he was being targeted and couldn't get away.

"The situation is very urgent, I need your help."


Before the doctor could explain the request, Allen decisively refused.

"You want me to help you keep an eye on the Weeping Angels, and then slip away by yourself, I won't be fooled."

As soon as the voice fell, Allen walked aside.

"Come back, help me, I will drive the TARDIS back to pick you up." The doctor shouted urgently.

Unfortunately, Allen was not moved at all.


There was only the sound of glass breaking.

The doctor was very curious and wanted to see what Allen was doing.

But the Weeping Angel in front of him seemed to be warning him all the time that as long as he left his sight, he would be killed immediately.

"Oh..., I'm back."

In a moment, a long mirror was placed in front of the doctor, and the mirror was facing the Weeping Angel.

Allen said proudly, "Don't praise me, I'll be shy."

"Hurry up!"

The doctor, who didn't want to fool around, pulled Allen and ran in one direction, not forgetting to explain, "The mirror can only temporarily make the Weeping Angels crash, and they will catch up soon."

The Weeping Angels are high-dimensional life forms, and their existence itself follows the rules.

Once there is a gaze, they will be still like a statue.

Of course, as long as the vision is interrupted, they will quickly approach and exile the target to the time dimension, extracting and stripping the time energy contained in the individual to promote their own longer survival.

However, Allen doesn't care so much.

At this moment, he looked shy, with one hand smiling happily, and the other hand letting the doctor lead him to run wildly, his legs jumping happily, and he said shyly, "Doctor, I feel like a bride who was robbed of her marriage for being unruly, eloping with her lover, and leaving the groom sad."

"I don't discriminate against homosexuals."

The doctor responded casually, took out the sonic screwdriver in his arms and pointed forward.

Suddenly, a police booth loomed.

The time machine TARDIS is a spaceship that travels through the universe and time, built with the time technology mastered by the Time Lords.

Judging from his clothes and appearance, Alan met the Tenth Doctor.

The two broke into the TARDIS and immediately closed the entrance.

Outside, many Weeping Angels formed a circle, but the TARDIS with souls did not allow danger to enter.

"I already know when they came from, and now I will send them back home."

After a series of operations, the doctor locked the time coordinates and started the time shuttle.

Alan looked at the inside of the TARDIS strangely. During the process of time retracing, he did not feel any changes.

"Doctor, are there more TARDIS?"

In the universe of Doctor Who, time technology is a technology that can be mastered by level 6 civilizations.

However, there are seven levels of civilization. Except for the level 7 creation civilization, there are only a few level 6 civilizations.

Moreover, the time lord civilization no longer exists. As expected, only the doctor and the wizard are left.

Hearing this, the doctor fell silent.

As the TARDIS shook.

The two pushed the door out and came to the inside of a spaceship.

"The source of everything is an old TV. As long as you find and unplug the power supply, you can solve all the troubles." The doctor explained.

An old TV?

Alan observed the decoration of the spaceship again and felt it was very abrupt.

But in fact, the universe of Doctor Who is unreasonable.

The cheaper it looks when encountering an enemy, the higher the degree of danger.

On the contrary, the technologically advanced enemy played a minor role in an episode.

Without waiting for Alan to ask clearly, the doctor hurriedly searched.

"Why is there no one in the spaceship?"

Alan walked in the huge spaceship, still abnormally silent.

Passing through the hatches, carefully looking for any items that looked like a TV.

After a walk, he finally met the doctor.

He looked at a surveillance screen with a serious face, but the picture showed an empty room.

"It's too late." The doctor said desperately.

"You can use the TARDIS." Alan suggested.

"I can't figure it out."

The doctor briefly explained the principle and rules of time travel.

The time nodes that the TARDIS has visited are not allowed to differ by one year, otherwise the two time nodes will entangle with each other at the same anchor point, forming a singularity that constantly devours matter, and eventually lead to the destruction of the universe.

The above is a normal situation.

Now Alan and the Doctor are in the wrong time position. If they travel back in time, not only will the energy increase exponentially, but they will also be unable to lock the spaceship's position. The energy of the TARDIS is not enough to travel the universe to find their destination. They can only drift in the universe for their whole life. Maybe they will be lucky enough to encounter a time crack to replenish their energy.

This probability is equivalent to being killed by a meteor while walking on the street.

"The final destination of the spaceship is the human world. We must stop the Weeping Angels from escaping."

The Doctor said very seriously: "The Weeping Angels imprisoned in the time cage are now at their weakest..."

After being imprisoned in the time cage for a long time, the Weeping Angels urgently need to recover their time energy, which is the life span of the creature.

Moreover, the time cracks for escape need to be closed with equivalent time energy, otherwise they will continue to exist and swallow the universe to a certain extent, and basically cannot be closed.

The final result is still the destruction of the universe.

And the human world is a planet of life nearby, so the Weeping Angels naturally regard it as the first choice for replenishing time energy.

"Captain Timo is on standby at any time, Doctor, please tell Daji."

Alan raised his head and chest, looking like he was sacrificing his life for his country.

The doctor glanced at it with a strange look, and took out the sonic screwdriver from his arms to explore.


With a sound of deflation, the hidden hatch opened.

What came into view was a dense forest scene.

However, the forest was full of Weeping Angels that looked like charred corpses, all looking at the central room together.

In the depths of the forest, there was a white light crack, and the edge was slowly twisting and collapsing.

"This is the oxygen circulation system of the spacecraft. The white light is the time crack. The crew should have been thrown into it by the Weeping Angels to slow down the expansion of the crack. The only thing we can do is to go to the end of the oxygen cabin, open a gap, and create a vacuum pressure difference, causing the Weeping Angels to be rolled up when the airflow is discharged. Since the time cracks autonomously capture targets with time energy, the time energy on the Weeping Angels can fill the cracks and prevent the crisis from happening."

The doctor looked at him seriously, and Allen looked at him blankly.

A bunch of overly rigorous content was said, and Allen didn't understand a word.

After all, you can't expect a mental patient who is being studied to understand something too complicated.

"Doctor, just tell me what to do."

Alan looked calm and composed, trying his best to hide the fact that he was an idiot.

The doctor pointed at the button and said, "As long as you feel a huge suction force, just press the button immediately. You don't need to do anything else."

"What are you doing?"

Alan said proudly, "Things without challenges cannot highlight my importance."

"I'll rush over and open a gap."

While speaking, the doctor had walked to the entrance of the oxygen chamber, took a deep breath to calm down, and it was not difficult to see that he was risking his life.

At this moment, a hand was pressed on his shoulder.

The doctor turned his head and saw that Alan said calmly, "Let professionals take care of the pretentious things."

Once the gap was broken, the subsequent pressure relief would surely drag the doctor into space.

As soon as the voice fell, Alan rushed into the oxygen chamber without hesitation.

Not giving the doctor time to stop him at all, he had no choice but to walk to the button and wait, thinking to himself, "I will definitely pick you up."

If the doctor was responsible for breaking the wall, he might be able to hold on until the TARDIS came to rescue.

The question is whether he can survive that long in a vacuum.

However, if it were Allen, the doctor would be confident that he would be able to rescue him in time.


With a loud noise, a terrifying suction force was formed.

The Weeping Angel, who was originally watching the Doctor, rose from the ground and flew backwards uncontrollably, inevitably passing through the time rift.

In just a blink of an eye, the Weeping Angels disappeared into the time rift and returned to the time cage where they were imprisoned.

At the same time, the doctor slammed the button.

As soon as the hatch is closed, the suction in the central room disappears.

The Doctor has no hesitation in rushing to the TARDIS to save people. One second longer in the outer space environment can lead to death.


As a result, when he turned around, he saw Allen alive in front of him.

"What are you doing?!"

The doctor looked at the closed hatch in disbelief, then stared at Allen with wide eyes, silent for a long time.

"How come I'm back?"

Allen patted his shoulder proudly and explained: "It's just a trivial magic. You have to believe in science."


Well, the Doctor is a man who has seen strong winds and waves.

There are countless strange and weird existences in the universe. He is an example, so why bother with the other party's problems.

Besides, it would be abnormal to meet in the future world.

"Time is about to be corrected. Let's leave quickly."

The two men ran towards the TARDIS' location.

London is always cloudy.

An old-fashioned police box that is out of place in modern times quietly changes from fantasy to reality.

Pedestrians seemed to subconsciously ignore its appearance out of thin air.

"Saved the world again."

The doctor looked at the normal human world and shouted excitedly.

Preventing alien invasion and preventing the destruction of the human world is the doctor's daily work. By the way, he can take his friends to experience time and space adventure travel.

"Doctor, do you people here wear hearing aids in their ears?"

Allen tilted his head and looked at the pedestrians with things like hearing aids hanging on their ears.

"Hearing aid?"

The doctor suddenly realized the problem, and his excitement suddenly disappeared, and his expression became solemn: "What kind of technological products are they wearing?"

Scan with the sonic screwdriver to get item information.

"People generally use mobile phones, how can they cross over to a neurotechnical communication device?"

“Human beings don’t have the ability to fully grasp and implement the application level.”

"Did time and space deviate?"

Thinking to himself, the doctor suddenly pointed a sonic screwdriver at Allen, his face suddenly changed, and he said in horror: "You are not a human in this universe, and you have terrifying time energy in your body."

hold head high…

Allen admitted in response, without any intention of hiding anything.

"How many times have you traveled through time and interfered to change history."

As a time lord, the doctor naturally has a very deep understanding of the time dimension, and thus has insight into the key to the problem.

"Five times."

Allen's golden finger traveled through the timeline for the first five times, and wandered around the multiverse from the sixth time.

After hearing the definite answer, the doctor's face turned even darker.

"According to the principle of time correction, if any excess matter intervenes, the result will be the birth of a parallel world, and we may not be able to return to the original world for the time being."

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