American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 421: A great victory, the battle is over


A crisp sound.

Under the fierce attack of the four angels, the all-black death sword shattered on the spot.

The violent energy contained in the sword body exploded and tore the void, breaking into countless fragments and being involved in the turbulence of time and space.


The god of symbionts, Nar, screamed wildly.

Without the all-black death sword, his combat power was immediately reduced by half, and he could not be the opponent of the four angels, not to mention that the cherubim beside him kept casting sacred spells to restrain him.

Any life form except the negative energy attribute will have a positive effect when facing sacred spells.

However, it was like a vicious curse when it fell on Nar.


The dark energy beam raised his hand and blasted out.

Unfortunately, the angel's eighteen pairs of light wings on his back were like absolute defense, easily blocking the terrifying energy bombardment.

After a stalemate, the sharp lightsaber carried a layer of holy flames and pierced his body fiercely.

Then, the light power of the zodiac sign was poured into his body fiercely.

With a loud bang, Nar exploded and died.

Wisps of dark mist floated in the void.

"Great Purification."

The Cherubim raised his staff, shining with the power of light, and a pure white flame appeared, burning the black mist.

Obviously, the black mist was the remains of Nar.

With the characteristics of immortality, he can be reborn after a long time.

However, such a serious injury, with only atomic remnants left, may take billions of years to wait.

At least now the trouble is solved.

As for killing them all, Allen can't do it.

After all, Nar's anchor target is annihilated, unless it is killed together, it will eventually be reborn.

"It's vulnerable, I don't even need to do anything."

Watching the fall of the God of Symbiote, Allen finally came out of the light cocoon.

His eyes looked at a place in the void.

It was the place where the Spirit of Existence was stuck.

Allen approached slyly, looked up and down at the Spirit of Existence, and sensed a more refined life force.

Similar to the power of light, but with differences.

Obviously, the power of the spirit of existence actually focuses more on healing and resurrection.

In the light egg, the humanoid life form opened its all-white eyes, as if looking for help.

"Boy, what are you looking at?" Allen asked puzzled.

He reached out with both hands and touched a layer of soft and warm material.

"I'll help you deliver the baby."

He pulled hard and pulled the spirit of existence out of the gap between dimensions.

The moment it descended on the earth, the spirit of existence suddenly turned into a haze of light and disappeared.

The next scene fell on the heroes who were fighting hard.

With the changes that followed, their originally decayed bodies were instantly restored to their pre-life appearance with the help of the spirit of existence.

At the same time, the black light ring on his hand turned into a white light ring.

The white light came to the world.

The black light ended.

"It's time to fight back."

"Everything should be restored to its original state."

"I want to save my loved ones."


Although the White Lantern Corps was temporarily formed, it was enough for them to suppress the Black Lantern Corps and save the innocent people who died unfortunately.

By the way, save the heroes who fell in the last crisis.

"Damn it, my plan failed again."

The Black Death Emperor roared angrily, retreated from the eighteenth-level undead who delayed him, turned into a black light and returned directly to the dead planet.

He knew that the spirit of existence would definitely come forward to stop him, but according to past experience, it would not appear so early.

In fact, it is related to the will to survive of all beings in the universe. Only when a critical point is reached can the spirit of existence break through the shackles of the boundary and successfully descend to the world to save all beings.

This time, the Black Death Emperor calculated very comprehensively, and there is no doubt that it was the last time he succeeded.

It's a pity that a weirdo came out in the middle and released the spirit of existence in advance, resulting in the final failure.

To put it bluntly, if there was no Allen, the harvest would be successful in the end.

If the Black Death Emperor reaches out to other different universes in the same way, he will definitely be promoted to the Origin level.

"Da me! Don't go!"

At this time, Alan suddenly hugged his chest with both hands, trying to stop the power of the universe from leaving.

After completing the mission, the power of the universe, as always, is like a scumbag who refuses to recognize people.

The next moment, a cross star appeared above his head and disappeared suddenly in the vast universe.

"You abandon people every time you finish your work, without giving them a little time to warm up. It's too cruel."

Alan sat slumped in the void, looking like he had suffered a lot of emotional pain.

However, without the blessing of the power of the universe, the five angels' rationality slowly disappeared. They looked at the starry sky reluctantly, as if they wanted to take a good look at the world before their consciousness ended.

Moreover, their bodies were decomposing into wisps of light feathers.

At the last moment, the five angels smiled and looked at Alan, as if they were saying goodbye to him.

"Hmm..., I feel a sense of heartbreak for no reason."

Alan waved to the angel while lying on his side, and said sentimentally: "I am indeed a boy who values ​​feelings."

Before the angel completely disappeared, they suddenly raised their middle fingers to Alan.


Instantly, Alan fell into speechlessness.

At this moment, the Black Death Emperor, who was unwilling to fail, was in front of the central battery.

"I didn't lose, the spirit of existence was all calculated."

"Although I can't get the emotional energy of a universe, it's just as worthwhile to eliminate future troubles."

"Then let my real body come."

Yes, the Black Death Emperor has invaded the human dimension more than once, but in other multiverses, at critical moments, the spirits of existence came to disrupt the situation.

Therefore, before this invasion, he had prepared backup plans specifically to deal with such situations.

The sickle shot out a black light and disappeared into the black light furnace of the central battery.


Suddenly, a dark circle of light spread, forming a symbol in the middle.

The dimension descends the magic circle.

When the Black Death Emperor built the central battery, he had already modified many procedures, one of which was to use up energy and lead the main body to reduce dimensions.

A terrifying aura overflowed from the magic circle.

All parties fighting in space can't help but look to the source.

Only a sickle blade slowly rose from the center of the aperture, and its shape looked exactly like the weapon of the Black Death Emperor.

"The Black Death Emperor is coming."

The White Lanterns looked scared.

If it were to be a clone, there would naturally be no need to worry too much. However, when the original body comes to the world, all living spirits may have to hide and flee.

Not long after, a haggard head appeared through the magic circle.


At some point, Allen suddenly appeared, picked up the supreme child and carried it into his pocket.

For a moment, the Black Death Emperor looked at the person in front of him in confusion.

I always feel strangely familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it.

"you wanna die!"

Bang bang! !

Another slap on the shoe, and Allen said proudly: "Little old man, did you form a group to invade the human world before, and then was beaten back to your hometown by the one-eyed dragon?"

"It's you..., I remember your breath."

Suddenly enlightened, the Black Death Emperor remembered that he had once invaded a human world and was blocked by local forces.

Moreover, through the human barrier, I sensed many good guys who led the forces to stop the dimensional creatures.

One of them is Allen.

It was the experience of Master Allen's timeline.

However, Allen at that time was not strong enough to participate in a dimension lord level battle.

But afterwards, he met Ancient One in the main timeline and learned the unknown secret.

Bang bang bang...

A pair of shining silver Supreme Drag Boys swung the Grand Slam in Allen's hand, and slapped the Black Death Emperor on the face.

The poor Black Death Emperor was unable to fully descend due to the magic circle, which limited his power.

"I will torture you forever, pull out your soul, hang it in the soul lamp and roast it..."

The incompetent and furious Black Death Emperor was beaten and kept saying cruel words.

This scene made the others tremble with fear.

Brother, stop it.

You want to die uneasily, but everyone wants to die happily.

Each blow seemed to land on the heart of everyone.

Such a shame and humiliation, and in full view of the public, how could the Black Death Emperor let them go.

After all, if you publicize it, you can't lose face.

"After the fight, just run away, it's so cool."

call out!

Allen's figure flashed and disappeared into space.

At the scene, the Spectrum Corps, White Lantern Corps, and Black Lantern Corps were all stunned.

You are so happy.

Everyone is in trouble.

The Black Death Emperor will definitely vent his anger on them.

However, when they were about to escape, countless black light zombies blocked the space and were not ready to let anyone go.

Although the White Lantern has the combat power to crush the Black Lantern zombies, the problem is that regardless of the losses and casualties, there is no way out for a while.


At this moment, the rules of the human dimension could not withstand the power of the Black Death Emperor's body, causing void turbulence in the area, making it even more difficult for people to escape.

"The spirit of existence leaves the human world."

All White Lanterns can feel that the spirit of the source of power is uneasy, very agitated, and may escape from the world at any time.

The spirit of existence follows its instinct and eventually invades the universe with the Black Lantern Ring, but it is also afraid of death.

"End all, death is eternal."

The Black Death Emperor was a hundred feet tall, raising the sickle in his hand to cut down and harvest the lives of the people walking around.

The artifact in his hand contains the power of death. It has been nourished by the death power of the Black Death Emperor for many years, but it is far beyond the all-black death sword.

The scythe raised high erupted with a shining black light of death, and was about to be chopped down.

A huge portal formed in the sky.

A billowing breath made the Black Death Emperor stop what he was doing.


A dragon roar penetrated the entire universe.

Suddenly, the Black Death Emperor's expression became solemn, and he couldn't help but whisper: "What kind of existence is it?"

Yes, he could feel a presence on the other side of the portal that was no weaker than him.

The next moment, a huge dragon head poked out.

"Chaos breath!"

A giant dragon that had never been seen before passed through the portal. It may not be smaller than the opponent in stature, and it exuded a wild and ancient aura.


"This is a god. The space around him is collapsing as he walks."

"It's simply unreasonable that there are such powerful creatures in the world."


The leader of the Lantern Ring is knowledgeable and naturally knows many secrets in the universe.

Existing like a dimension lord, he should ascend to another dimension and leave the human world, otherwise it will cause unimaginable disasters.

Indeed, every move of the Chaos Ancestral Dragon carries the power of destruction. If it is placed on a planet, it is estimated that if it lies still, the collapse caused by space repulsion will crush the entire planet.


Once the Chaos Ancestral Dragon passed through the portal, it charged head-on.

In the blink of an eye, the dead planet shattered into countless meteorite fragments.

The two forces beyond the human world fought each other so fiercely that the entire area formed a violent space-time turbulence.

"Yoho..., I'm back."

Alan removed his invisibility and looked at the battlefield.

The dragon roar, the roar, and the power of chaos and the power of death intertwined, presenting a scene like the end of the universe.

In short, if the Chaos Ancestral Dragon had not been controlling the battlefield, it would have continued to expand, causing the space collapse to become more and more serious, causing a chain reaction, and eventually leading to the destruction of the entire universe.

"Sir, is the one who came to help your ally?" Bruce, who turned into a white lantern, asked anxiously.

Now with the Chaos Ancestral Dragon guarding the scene, the spirit of existence became quiet and seemed to be in a wait-and-see attitude.

Eighty percent of them slipped away when they saw that the situation was not good.

"Wangcai is my pet, I let him bite whoever I want him to bite." Alan said coolly.


When these words fell into the ears of everyone, they would definitely not believe them and regarded them as nonsense.

How could such a terrifying creature obey the orders of a human? On the contrary, Alan is more like a pedicure slave of the Chaos Dragon.

The uncontrollable battlefield expanded, but fortunately it was kept at a slow speed.

The Lanterns watching the battle kept moving outward, worried that the residual power would affect themselves.

"I'm free."

The central battery that maintained the magic circle could no longer provide energy, and the lamp furnace it carried suddenly exploded, and the imprisoned anti-monitor took the opportunity to escape.

The excitement lasted less than three seconds, and two terrifying auras made his face stunned.

However, fortunately, the aura belonging to the Black Death Emperor was fading.

It was not because of his defeat, but because there was no support from the magic circle. He was leaving the human world and returning to the multi-dimensional realm above the human world.

The Chaos Ancestral Dragon did not have similar problems.

It originally grew up in the human world, and as long as the resources did not ascend, it would not be rejected by the human world.

It also faced a problem. The Chaos Ancestral Dragon was exhausted and could not find energy elements of the same level in the human world to restore. Unless it descended to a higher level world, it would not only last longer, but also have a more significant increase in combat power.

The Anti-Monitor looked at the Chaos Dragon in front of him and immediately said, "Sir, we are not enemies, but allies. The Black Death Emperor and I will fight to the death."

Indeed, the Black Death Emperor plotted against him and used him as the core of the central battery. This vengeance will definitely not be let go.

Moreover, before the Anti-Monitor came to the human world, he probably dispersed most of his power so that he could adapt to the human environment.

If he was at his peak, he might not be weaker than the Black Death Emperor.

The Chaos Dragon disdained to look at him and ran towards Allen's position.

Seeing this scene, the Anti-Monitor couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. His body decomposed by itself and resurrected in his own multi-dimensional domain.

"Well done, I'll arrange a new home for you."

Allen saw the problem.

It's not that the Chaos Dragon couldn't kill the Black Death Emperor. Because of the promotion in the human environment, he didn't get the baptism of high-dimensional energy and couldn't show his true combat power.

Of course, it's not a big deal to place the undead army in the human world. It will cause trouble sooner or later.

Alan suddenly had an idea and said in a mean way, "I thought of a place that would be perfect for this."

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