American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 417: The X-Lantern Ring shows its power for the first time

When the Black Light came to the world, Hal, the Green Lantern, saw that the situation was not good and immediately went to the OA star to rescue troops.

However, the guardian was moved by the appearance of the Black Lantern Ring.

They had seen related language in the Book of OA.

This magical book, inherited within the OA planet, has a prophecy effect and is strictly prohibited for Green Lanterns to read. It contains many horrific contents.

Once it spreads in the world, it will definitely cause panic like waves.

Aware of the seriousness of the matter, Spencer, the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, personally went to the planets where the Spectral Corps was stationed and invited all parties to take action.

In fact, the seriousness of the Black Lantern Corps matter is not something to be easily underestimated.

Relying on the recording function of Hal's Green Lantern Ring, the video images were used as evidence, and he successfully received help from various legions.

An army dominated by the dead will inevitably bring death with it.

Moreover, appearing in the form of a Black Lantern Ring, he is bound to eventually face off against the Seven Lantern Corps.

If the Black Lantern Corps cannot be suppressed in time, it will be basically impossible to suppress and eliminate the Black Lantern zombies that will spread throughout the universe in the future.

For a moment, the seven-color spectrum army headed straight for the human world.

"Is the human world ahead?"

Orange Lantern Agent La Freeze held the Orange Lantern Stove and stared greedily at the blue planet in front of him.

"I sense a strong aura of death." Saint Walker's expression was solemn.

He is the leader of the blue lantern, and the blue lantern ring represents hope. As long as death is full of despair, he is particularly sensitive to the breath of death.

Of course, the ability of the Blue Lantern Ring is biased toward auxiliary purposes. Only when it is present in each legion can it fully exert its true effect.

"There's a situation!"

Suddenly, Sinestro looked at the surrounding void warily.

A group of lanterns observed the cosmic environment and could not see any danger at all.

"Light of will."

Hal held the green light ring high, and a bright green light burst out, reflecting in the void of the universe.

In an instant, they were horrified to see the void moving.

"Oops, this is a trap."

Sinestro materialized a giant sword and attempted to lead the Yellow Lantern Ring out of the encirclement.

With a bang, the squirming thing showed its true appearance. It was the black blood of the black lantern zombies, weaving into a huge overwhelming net, gradually closing in to catch all the Seven Lantern Corps.

"Hey hey hey..."

Bruce, who had transformed into a black light zombie, glanced at all the lanterns with greedy eyes, and said impatiently: "It's really delicious food."

Yes, the emotional energy contained in the Seven Lantern Corps of the Emotional Spectrum is simply the ultimate tonic for Black Lantern Zombies.

One Lantern is enough to eat tens of thousands of humans.

"Prepare for battle."

Spencer shouted, and when he saw the former heroes of the Zhenglian and Avengers turned into black light zombies, he realized that the matter was very serious.

Boom boom boom...

In outer space, an unprecedented war broke out between the Seven Lantern Corps and the Black Lantern Corps.

And within the human world, after so many days, the number of humans has declined rapidly.

The only remaining ones are The Flash, Cyborg, Iron Man, Hulk, and the strongest reinforcement, Thor.

They were very desperate, thinking that if Asgard could intervene in this matter, it turned out to be Thor alone.

Odin, the father of the gods, insisted on his own opinion and sat in Asgard to guard against potential enemies.

In fact, Asgard guards the nine worlds and cannot leave Asgard easily, otherwise the dark elves and fire giants will take the opportunity to launch a war sneak attack.

What's more, enemies from the universe also need to be careful.

In Odin's eyes, the destruction of the world is only insignificant, and the most important thing is to protect Asgard.

How can man compare with God in terms of importance?

The surviving humans established refuges and habitats away from urban areas.

The current number of human beings in Western countries can simply be described as nothing in a hundred.

The only thing that is unclear is the situation of the ancient eastern country, which is too mysterious and powerful.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

The Alliance, hiding in a military base deep underground, watched in panic as the surveillance videos went out one after another.

"Damn it, we've been exposed." Tony said angrily.

This incident resulted in the death of his wife and daughter, and he wanted to kill them all and eliminate the Black Lantern Corps.

It's a pity that his abilities are limited, so he can't take revenge.

"Where else can we escape?" Cyborg said solemnly.

The human defense fortresses and shelters housing civilians have been breached one by one, as if the outcome has been determined.


A spark suddenly appeared.

A portal is then formed.

"Evacuate quickly."

The fat mage king waved from the other side of the portal.

Kama Taj, the base camp of the mage.

This scene seemed to bring them hope.

The Supreme Master has been away from the world for a long time for unknown reasons. Not only are they unable to contact him, but even Karma Taj is unable to do anything.

Now the Mage King has inherited the throne and leads the remaining mages to deal with the crisis.

The earthquake became more and more intense, and everyone quickly evacuated along the portal.

At this moment, Karma Taj has raised a defensive magic circle. The complicated and profound runes composed of orange flowing light form a wall of light surrounding it, blocking the black light zombies that constantly attack the magic circle.

The magic weapons lined up on the city wall, activated by the mage, burst out large-scale magic attacks again and again, trying to weaken the offensive of the black light zombies through consumption.

On the Alliance Hero side, upon entering Kama Taj, they saw an unexpected figure.

Black Panther, King of Wakanda.

"It's a bad situation."

T'Challa said bluntly: "The Black Lantern Corps desecrated the royal body."

Indeed, when the black light ring came, many black light zombies were resurrected in Wakanda, including the old king.

"Is Wakanda unable to provide any support?" Tony asked sadly.

"Paying a heavy price has equalized domestic problems."

T'Challa suggested: "I think moving the survivors to Wakanda, then raising the energy shield, and creating an isolated shelter with energy reserves that can last for hundreds of years."

Obviously, the Black Panther and the Mage King reached an agreement and only came to invite Zhenglian and Avengers to make decisions.

After all, the whole of America has fallen into anarchy, especially when all countries are basically in chaos, and the few superhero groups stick to their shelters.

Small countries like those in Europe were destroyed immediately.

Of course, the power that can be gathered should not be underestimated. The mutant group, Doctor Doom, and the Fantastic Four are still resisting tenaciously. They may be able to coordinate together to complete the final comeback.

"I think it's okay." Cyborg agreed.

"I can only agree." Tony nodded.

It is impossible to give up, you can only keep fighting until you die.

Tap tap tap...

On the streets of New York, a sound of metal touching echoed through the dead city.

On both sides of the street, you can see rotting corpses that have escaped from the heart from time to time.

Countless people have died at the hands of black light zombies.

These corpses can be regarded as the reserves of the Black Lantern Corps.

Just issue the light ring again and it will immediately transform into a black light zombie.

However, the outbreak of black lantern zombies is not limited to the human world. Planets that only require intelligent life are the source of troops for the Black Death Emperor to form the Black Lantern Corps.

"Hey...who cares about a fresh beating heart?"

Allen wore the Supreme Drag Boy made of Tenth Metal and walked aimlessly in the city.

After a trip to Chernobyl, I unfortunately found that The Flash and Cyborg were nowhere to be found.

call out!

Suddenly, a batarang struck.

Passed by Allen and shot diagonally on the ground.

The next second, the batarang turned into a pool of squirming black blood.

Then a figure fell in front of Allen.

"Dami, let uncle give you a hug."

As soon as he saw Damian, who looked like a rotting zombie in front of him, Allen opened his arms enthusiastically.

However, Damian's expression was stunned. He felt that there was something wrong with this person's brain. How could he take the initiative to die, but he was very happy to give him food.


Allen, who has no martial ethics, kicked Damian down with the forty-one-yard supreme drag boy.

He was kicked hard and fell to the ground, Damian looked confused.

You must be sick.

The fall out came unexpectedly.

"Young man, I've wanted to beat you for a long time."

Allen walked quickly to the black light zombie, kicked it wildly with his feet, and smiled very happily on his face.

Black blood flew everywhere.

Damian was kicked so hard that he couldn't get up.

He clearly felt that there was a mysterious force suppressing him, and even the power of the black light ring became dull.

While Allen was beating him mercilessly, many figures were watching him from the roof of the building.

Black Canary, Hawkeye, Batgirl, Black Widow, Falcon, Spider-Man, Peacekeeper..., without exception, they are all black light zombies.

"Oh..., I'm surrounded."

At this time, Allen noticed that the enemy blocked the entire street, and hundreds of black light zombies cast bloodthirsty glances.

Allen raised his hands and asked weakly: "Can I surrender and join you."

"What do you think?"

Damian, who finally no longer faced the beating, stood up and said viciously: "I'm going to tear you apart."


The fly swatter swatted Damian away as he stood up.

Allen raised the hand wearing the X light ring and said in a low and slightly bubbly tone deliberately: "I have always wanted to hide my true identity and be an approachable male protagonist. Why do you have to force me."

"Fork Lantern Transformation."

In an instant, the brilliant silver light shone like a star.

Many black light zombies subconsciously covered their eyes, feeling that the light of the tenth metal was very dazzling.

"Transformation is complete, you are finished."

Allen put his hands on his waist and showed off very proudly: "Did you see that the white stripes on my hospital gown have turned into sparkling silver? It's so handsome."


There's something wrong with this guy's brain.

You shouldn't become stupid if you eat his heart.

"I'll give you a chance to repent. There will be no room for negotiation when I take action."

As he spoke, a silver guitar materialized in Allen's hand.

"Do you want to use music to influence us?"

Black Widow flipped her hair coquettishly, and her lychee eyes couldn't help but cast a flirtatious look.

It may be that the Black Lantern Ring reads its memory and behaves in line with the host's daily style.

But the problem is that the skin is ulcerated, a piece of flesh is missing on the face, and the back molars can be seen. It is hard to realize the sexy and charming appearance in life.

"It turns out that she is a widow, but she still understands me."

Allen put the guitar in front of him and said proudly: "I am the best music producer who has practiced for two and a half years."

"A heartbroken song, where can I find a close friend in the world?"


Fluctuating tone strings.

Musical notes seem to have mysterious magic power that can reach people's hearts directly.

In fact, Allen did not use the shaman skills at all, but simply used the power of the tenth metal.

"Mifa Somi Rui, Xifa Somi Do..."

Well, I have to admit that Allen's singing skills are very uncertain.

However, the black light zombies, who were originally waiting to see what tricks they were playing, suddenly held their heads and screamed heartbreakingly.

The devil's sound entered the ears and hit the heart directly.

It was as if the shackles shrouded in the subconscious were washed over and over again, trying to awaken the true meaning.

That's right, one of the effects of the tenth metal is to awaken the true self.

Since the black light ring can resurrect corpses into zombies, Allen simply awakened the true consciousness of the heroes to get rid of the control of the Black Death Emperor.

In fact, only when the White Day ends and the Black Death Emperor ends, the black light zombies can unlock the host's consciousness to control the light ring ability.


It's like the shackles in the depths of consciousness are broken.

'The black light program has unlocked the host's mind. '

The black light zombies heard a prompt sound.

From this moment on, they are no longer restricted by the bloodthirsty zombies of the Black Death Emperor and regain their self-consciousness, but they are still zombies after all. Only the White Lantern Ring can truly revive the dead.

"No..., what have I done!?"

Damian knelt on the ground in pain, retching out clumps of black blood from his mouth, but the black blood has spirituality and returns to the body on its own.

The heroes' consciousness returned, and they naturally inherited what the Black Lantern zombies have done in recent days.

Killing innocent people, eating fresh hearts, and the evil scenes are vivid in my mind, and it is even more painful to kill them.

"The song is over and the people are gone. The Fork Lantern is offline."

The silver light retracted back into the lantern ring. Allen looked at the heroes who were collectively vomiting and shouted: "It's time to fight back."

Parker suppressed his nausea and asked: "Who are you?"

"I am the Ultimate Iron Man, the lead singer of the East City Guard Band. My duty is to travel through various time and space to maintain the order of the heavens. You can call me the prince, I can bear it." Allen shook his hair and said coolly.


"Prince, are you here to help the world solve the crisis?"

Black Widow hurriedly asked: "How many people are there from the East City Guard?"

"I'm the only one." Allen said leisurely.

"Sorry." Black Widow said awkwardly.

Unexpectedly, Allen said angrily: "They signed up for the 'Happy Boys' talent show behind my back and debuted."


Brother, are we talking about the same thing?

Is it really a band?


No, this guy is mentally ill.

"Don't worry, I'm here, no matter what crisis, just sprinkle water."


As soon as the voice fell, Allen looked in horror at the direction of the sound source in the sky.

A figure covered by an orange-yellow stream of light fell through the atmosphere and fell straight into the city.


A middle-aged man with pink to purple skin, wearing a golden battle suit, fell heavily to the ground and smashed a deep pit.

"Could he be Zilong, the Libra Gold Saint who once raped Athena!?"

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