American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 411: Allen fucks Bruce

In the past, the bustling metropolis of New York.

At this moment, it has become extremely dead silent.

Not long ago, a sudden disaster caused the entire America to fall into panic.

In the past, the dead heroes they admired and admired crawled out of the grave for some reason, like a demon resurrected from hell and killed ordinary people.

Punisher Frank took the lead in notifying S.H.I.E.L.D., so that the news was immediately informed to the living heroes.

However, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Eye of Heaven, the two major organizations, immediately responded after learning the crisis level of the situation, completely ignoring the official obstruction and fully telling the truth to the public.

But the actual result is really chilling.

Through television and the Internet, there are still a large number of people who choose not to believe and stubbornly live in the city.

Obviously, the conspiracy theory has been hyped for many years, waiting for the American official to come forward and get a boomerang.

Relatively speaking, the living heroes can't cope with the nationwide disaster at all, and the black light zombies are too powerful.


On the lonely street, a little girl holding a pink bunny stuffed toy timidly went out to look for her relatives.

Now the whole city is paralyzed.

The first group of people who realized the bad situation drove to the wilderness.

However, some people who were unwilling to believe or unwilling to give up their industries failed to evacuate in time.

So, if you want to survive, you must go out to find food.

As a result, more and more people never come back after going out.

The little girl walked aimlessly on the street, and fear and hunger were tormenting her young heart all the time.


Suddenly, a well-packaged Snickers bar fell in front of her.

The little girl, who couldn't bear the hunger, squatted down to pick up the food, and looked around nervously, wanting to see who gave her the food.

Looking around, she didn't see anyone, and hunger made her not think so much.

Tear open the packaging bag with teeth, revealing the shell wrapped in chocolate.

I can't wait to bite it.

Instantly, the sweet and satisfying taste filled my mouth.


The little girl was eating the energy bar with relish, and a muffled sound came from behind her.


Huoran looked back and saw a terrifying scene.

A head with messy hair, looking at her with a pair of lifeless eyes.

Moreover, the little girl found that it was her mother who had not returned from going out.


The screams stopped.

The little girl looked at the heart with difficulty, and a bloody hand appeared, holding a fresh and beating heart.

Clark, who had already turned into a black light zombie, looked at the food rich in emotional energy with satisfaction.

He pulled back his hand, stuffed the still beating heart into his mouth and chewed it, with an expression of indescribable satisfaction on his face.

Similar hunting feasts are constantly being staged throughout New York and even the whole of America.

Star City.

Star Laboratory.

Alan looked up and looked at the dilapidated scene of the entrance of the first floor lobby with broken glass. He touched his chin and guessed: "The black light crisis developed so quickly, and the Americans collapsed so quickly."

It was just a few days, and it was a scene of the end of the world.

"Finding the Mother Box is important."

Before coming to the Star Lab, I visited Atlantis and found that Steppenwolf was the first one.

With a fly swatter in his collar, Hou Bo walked into the lab with big strides.

I glanced at the sign at the door and confirmed that the laboratory was on the third floor.

I took the elevator to go there smoothly.

Basically, there was no one in the Star Lab.


When he heard the noise, Allen pulled out the fly swatter and saw a dying black scientist lying at the end of the corridor.

"It's unscientific. Black people are not rigorous in science."

Alan did not forget to complain and extended his life with a healing light.

Of course, it is impossible to completely recover from treatment without any relatives.

"Old Black, I'm looking for a metal box that contains very terrifying energy."

Seeing the black scientist recover, Allen asked bluntly.

"Are you looking for the Mother Box?"

The black scientist sighed and said, "I came a step late. A non-human suddenly appeared and injured me and took away the Mother Box."

"So what are you doing?" Allen asked curiously.

"I'm researching weapons to fight zombies and stop the destruction of the world."

In a few days, the death toll is difficult to estimate. Those monsters who are never full want to eat all humans.


Alan suddenly slapped the fly swatter in his hand like a conditioned reflex.

Then the golden lightning faded, and the Flash Barry cast an innocent expression.

Yes, the guy who claims to be the restart switch has appeared.

However, Barry did not know Allen in this world.


Alan took back the fly swatter embarrassedly, but Barry's mouth was covered with horizontal and vertical red marks.

The extraordinary perception ability, like the sixth sense, made Allen feel that someone was approaching, so he took action.

As we all know, the Flash can't rely on other abilities except running fast.

"Are you a living person?"

"No, I'm the male protagonist of the novel."


Well, as long as it's not a black light zombie, it's fine.

Barry witnessed the disaster spreading at an unprecedented speed, and he had no ability to rescue it.

Moreover, many of the Black Lantern zombies were his companions in life and knew his weaknesses very well, and they almost died and did not survive.

"Dr. Silas, I'm here to take you out."

Barry picked up the black scientist on the ground and didn't give him any chance to refuse.

Nowadays, the authorities have gathered the remaining experts in various fields, hoping to develop ways to deal with the crisis.

After all, the army entered the city and had little food left in one day.

Using ordinary people and hot weapons, it has no effect at all. On the contrary, it is delivering food to the black light zombies.

"Is he Cyborg's old father?"

Alan suddenly remembered that the DC version of Iron Man is black, and the character obviously has political correctness factors.

It can't be blown, and the component of hard blowing is very high.


Barry looked at Alan and invited: "We are going to the shelter, do you want to come with us?"


"What are you doing?"

Barry turned his head and looked at the strange man lying on his back like an octopus.

Alan said seriously: "Hitch a ride."


With the Flash present, Alan has no reason to chase on his own two legs.

The problem is that he can't catch up with Barry who has entered the speed force.

In less than a minute.

The three had moved to a shelter deep underground.

What appeared before them was an elite force, but without exception, their eyes were full of fear.


The weak Dr. Silas saw his son, who was half a mechanical body, operating several computers to contact the survivors scattered around.

"Father, I'm busy." Victor responded without turning his head.

Looking at the images flashing on the screen.

Allen saw that not only America, but many countries had fallen into the same predicament.

"Any progress?" Barry asked casually.

His face looked very pessimistic.

It was really the main force of the Black Lantern Corps, all former superheroes, and many victims of the last crisis.

It was destined to be a tragic ending.

"The Avengers are gathering all their forces, and our Green Lantern has gone to OA Star to ask for reinforcements. I believe they can survive this incident safely."

Steel's tone was not so firm.

This crisis almost endangered all mankind.

The world can't stand the tossing, and there are fewer and fewer heroes who can protect mankind.

For example, to this day, the only remaining members of the Avengers are Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk, and the Justice League only has Flash, Green Lantern, and Cyborg. The rest of the heroes alone can't contain a black lantern zombie.

"I have a question."

Suddenly, Allen raised his hand and asked, "Did the Justice League intervene in the construction of this shelter?"

"This was designed by Bruce." Barry said bluntly.


Suddenly, Allen's eyes widened, and he paused for a moment and said, "Let's run quickly."

Raised his hand, a portal was formed.

Boom boom boom...

At the same time, waves of attacks came from the alloy gate at the entrance of the shelter.

The black lantern ring can read the memory of the corpse.

And in it, Bruce has become a black lantern zombie.

They are hiding in the shelter, not just waiting to die.

Time is urgent, Allen raised his hands, and many portals appeared out of thin air, passing through everyone present, and all were transferred outside the shelter.


"Food in fear tastes the best."

Bruce, the black light zombie, ran to the inside of the shelter, with a teasing smile on his face, and said proudly: "It's a happy thing for me to enjoy so much food alone."

From this, it can be seen that the black light zombie wants to eat alone.


At the corner, the fly swatter hit him on the head.

It hit Bruce in the face and made him look confused.

Snap, snap, snap...

Ten consecutive draws are given when you go online.

The pale face was deeply sunken by the extreme blow of the fly swatter.

Alan was satisfied and slipped away immediately.

The black light zombie was left alone with a confused face.


"Who is this guy?"


Bruce roared in anger, and his black blood was boiling like boiling water.

Not having a meal, and being beaten for no reason, anyone would be angry to the point of exploding.

At this moment, everyone who was hiding in the shelter moved to the Star Laboratory collectively.

After all, Allen couldn't send people to Paradise Island.

After all, men were forbidden to go to the island.

Of course, Allen's gender was flexible.

"It's not safe here. There are many black light zombies who can smell the smell of living people." Cyborg reminded.

He collected a lot of data on black light zombies and summarized a lot of information.

"Where else can we go?" Barry said with a gloomy expression.

Bruce became a black light zombie, so he must be able to find a hidden shelter, like a cold storage for storing food.


Suddenly, a lot of eyes looked at Allen.

This completely unfamiliar human actually mastered magic, which was really unexpected.

Moreover, they regarded the life-saving grace just now as the backbone.

"Why is it there?" Cyborg asked puzzledly.

The only major nuclear accident in human history caused the area to become an uninhabited area, and even the terrible thing of biological mutation occurred.

After decades, it is still a restricted area with excessive radioactivity.

"First, deal with Steppenwolf, then deal with Black Death Emperor."

Alan's words were incomprehensible.

Steppenwolf and Black Death Emperor were not within their scope of cognition.

After all, Steppenwolf had never come to the world before, and the Black Death Emperor who made the Black Lantern Ring made his first appearance, which made them feel unfamiliar.

"Play the image of Chernobyl, and I'll open a portal."

Alan spoke incoherently and couldn't connect with the conversation at all.

Cyborg projected the picture.

After getting the exact location, the portal successfully completed the passage.

A group of people hurried to the no-man's land.

In fact, why didn't Alan fight against the Black Lantern Zombie? The main concern was that the damaged corpse could not be resurrected.

On the contrary, Steppenwolf must have made a big move in Chernobyl, summoning a demon-like army, and was bound to take back the remaining mother boxes.

Although the mother box in Alan's hand no longer exists, as long as the tenth metal is brought back, Apocalypse will have the hope of making another one.


In the last century, it was a key industrial city of the Red Empire.

As a result of this accident, it became a restricted area for humans.

The urban building complex symbolizes the prosperity of the past.

In an abandoned nuclear power plant.

Steppenwolf picked up the Mother Box and touched it gently with his hand, as if triggering a certain mechanism.

The Mother Box was originally a sacred object of Apocalypse. On the surface, the metal box looked ordinary, but in fact, it contained many technologies beyond human cognition.

In an instant, the Mother Box absorbed the scattered radiation energy and quickly condensed irregular black crystals.

It grew wildly and wildly, like a terrifying giant tree rising from the ground.

The black crystal extended and expanded, quickly forming a dome, with dark red energy flowing on the surface.

Then, Steppenwolf inserted the second Mother Box into the crystal column, prompting the second range expansion.


Waiting for everything to end.

The crystal column burst out an energy wave, as if starting a certain mechanism.

In an instant, the crystal dome broke through the limitations of space and completed the connection between the human world and Apocalypse.

Tens of thousands of demons descended like a rainstorm.

"Find this person at all costs."

As he spoke, Steppenwolf transmitted the image of Alan to each demon.

In the technology of Apocalypse, the field of thoughts has made remarkable achievements.

Although the silver-white armor on Steppenwolf looks cool, it actually contains many black technologies that are beyond the reach of human civilization.

"Are you looking for me?"

A sudden voice sounded.

Steppenwolf looked in the direction of the sound source and saw a guy who wanted to be torn into pieces.

Since the other party dared to come alone, there was no need to waste time looking for him.

With the help of Steel Bone to retrieve the image of the power plant, Allen saved himself from thinking.

"Hand over the mother box." Steppenwolf said in a deep voice.

"Da ba."

With the fly swatter hidden behind him, Allen said seriously: "I can't give you my new weapon because I'm not tired of it yet."


Don't you understand what people say?

Who wants your fly swatter.

"Kill him for me."

Steppenwolf gave a gloomy order, thinking that he was playing a trick on himself.

The demon-like demon, which was as ferocious as a demon, was not only wrapped in armor, but also equipped with a pair of cicada wings on his back, taking into account the ability of land and air combat.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Oh do…

Ah da…


[Kill the demon, experience +420]

[Kill the demon, experience +420]

[Kill the demon, experience +420]

However, Allen swung the fly swatter and frightened the approaching demon to death.

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