American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 404 Allen meets Uncle Fa again

Gunshots, blood splatter, wailing, roaring...

After a while, the deafening gunshots finally stopped.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and a hint of blood.

Alan watched everything quietly.

I still couldn't figure out why the two sides fought for no reason.

After all, the killers had the advantage in numbers, and all the hotel people died tragically at the muzzle of the gun.

The surviving killers were more or less injured.

They didn't stay any longer and helped each other out of the hotel.

After all, there were cleaners, repairmen, chefs and other staff in the Continental Hotel. They were undoubtedly all killers who changed their careers. Once they were chased out, they would have no time to survive.

Puff puff puff...

As soon as they walked out of the door, one after another was shot in the head and died.

All of a sudden, I remembered that there was a sniper hiding outside the hotel.

At this moment, on the rooftop opposite the Continental Hotel.

A mature and strong man held a sniper rifle and locked the door of the hotel through the scope.


The sturdy man spit out the cigar in his mouth and said disdainfully: "Criminals should die, not be protected by the law."

"Tsk..., Uncle Fa, why are you so unhygienic and spitting cigarette butts everywhere."

Suddenly, the sturdy man reached for his waist and pulled out a pistol, aiming in the direction of the sound beside him.

I don't know when, Allen has already reached the rooftop.

As a result, he found that he met an acquaintance.

In the moonlight, he saw the white skull pattern on the chest of the sturdy man, but it was Uncle Fa, the Punisher.

Of course, Allen knew the Ghost Rider version of the Punisher in his own universe, and Frank in front of him was still a mortal.

However, the anti-hero who claims to be a mortal body and comparable to gods must have extraordinary qualities.

"Who are you?" Frank asked in a deep voice.

He was very sure that he didn't know the person in front of him, and he appeared beside him silently, which really shocked him to the point of sweating on his back.

"I'm Alan, we met in other universes."

Alan asked in a mean way: "What are you playing?"

"Don't get close, or I'll shoot."

Frank doesn't believe in the nonsense from other universes.

The other party can approach silently, so he must have extraordinary abilities. When dealing with such people, you must be 100% vigilant, for example, he hunts down mutant criminals and pays absolutely ruthless and decisive.

"I bet there are no bullets in your gun." Alan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Frank was shocked and wondered if it was some kind of mutant ability. Just when he wanted to lower his head to check the gun, he saw an extra palm in the gunshot.

Suddenly looking up, Alan appeared in front of him like a ghost.

"I surrender."

Unexpectedly, the other party did not launch further attacks, but raised his hands and stepped back.

When waiting to raise the pistol again, he was shocked to find that the gun body had been twisted and deformed.

Such a lot of strength.

Frank didn't dare to try to pinch the stainless steel one-piece stamping and casting gun body out of shape.

Besides, the other party's expression was always relaxed, not like he was using any strength.

For a moment, he roughly estimated the gap between the two sides in his mind.

In short, it would be like crushing him to death like an ant.

"What do you want to do?"

Sweat oozed from Frank's forehead. The more he couldn't figure out the other party's intentions, the more he felt uncertain.

Allen helplessly spread his hands to show that he was not carrying any weapons and there was no danger: "Uncle Fa, I'm not a bad guy, there's no need to be afraid."

I don't think you look like a good person either.

Of course, it's not Frank's character to give up resistance. His hand has already touched the dagger, ready to fight to the death.

"Uncle Fa, why do you want to headshot the hotel owner?"

In Allen's impression, Winston is almost the hotel owner.

"None of them deserves sympathy. They are all killers who deserve to die." Frank said bluntly.

The Punisher believes in the principle of fighting violence with violence. It is impossible to be lenient to criminals. The only way to completely wipe out criminals from the world is to be a truly effective solution.

Judging from the perspective of the movie, Winston can be regarded as a positive character. After all, he helps the protagonist escape from danger.

From a realistic perspective, everyone, including the protagonist, should be tried.

"Is there no chance to reform?" Allen asked seriously, tilting his head.

"Can you give innocent victims a chance?" Frank asked back.

Indeed, the killer's unscrupulous assassination of the target is inevitable to sacrifice innocent people. Although no one will remember their names, there are real blood debts.

Because of this, the Punisher avenges the innocent masses and adopts the form of killing to stop killing, which makes many viewers like it from the bottom of their hearts.

Frank investigated the High Table Council in advance, and took the opportunity to hunt down John and deliberately laid out a plan here, with the purpose of letting them kill each other.

"Uncle Punisher, you are too extreme."

As soon as the voice fell, Allen turned and said with a mean face: "But I like it very much."


Feeling a chill, Frank's back hair suddenly stood up.

What if the other party is a damn pervert and he can't resist.

What should I do?

I couldn't help but glance at the rooftop below, which was at least more than ten floors high.

If I jump, I will definitely be crushed to pieces.

If they don't even let go of the corpses...

When he thought of this, Frank couldn't help but shudder.

"Uncle Fa, did you catch a cold?" Allen asked with concern.

"I didn't, don't come over."

Frank took a step back and pulled out the tactical dagger from his waist, with an expression that he would never obey.

"Let's talk business."

Alan proposed righteously: "Do you want to team up to punish evil?"

As a newcomer, he has no one to rely on, and he must find a long-term meal ticket.

Originally, I considered John, the star of fate, but now it seems that Frank is more suitable.

After all, the experience of upgrading is getting bigger and bigger, and it is estimated that an ordinary killer can only contribute a negligible amount of experience.

On the contrary, the punisher may have a lot of information.

"Not interested."

Frank resolutely refused. He is not a person who compromises easily, and the image of a tough guy is not a false decoration.

All of a sudden, Alan was not happy, his expression was no longer so kind, and he asked: "Did you shoot me in the head just now?"

It's too soft, but he has to be hard, so he has to dig up the old account.

If it weren't for hitting the top hat, Alan would probably be COSing Melo Zong and going to the underworld to find Hela to act like a spoiled child.

Frank admitted that it was indeed his mistake and misjudged the position of the top of the head, otherwise his brain would be splattered.

"If you don't agree to the team request, I will..."

As he spoke, the sly smile on Allen's face became more and more intense, and his shoulders moved up and down with the laughter, which was as perverted as it could be.

"Stop talking."

Frank raised his hand and agreed: "I agree."

He didn't want to face his wife and daughter in the underworld, so he could only compromise and keep his chastity.

Of course, it was all Frank's misunderstanding.

People who are familiar with Allen know that he has always been a bit nervous.

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