American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 40 Captain America has not yet become Captain America

"Hello, I'm Howard Stark, in charge of mechanical engineering."

"Hello, I am Abraham Erskine, responsible for biological genetic engineering."

"Hello, I'm Allen, I'm in charge of cleaning."

Allen crossed his left and right hands, holding Howard on the left with his right hand and Dr. Erskine on the right.

The expressions of the two of them were very strange. I heard that an expert with abnormal brain was coming, but I didn't expect that as soon as I opened my mouth, I felt that I couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Wilson pointed his finger and reminded: "He has something wrong here."

The two nodded in agreement.

Being at the top of every field, you still speak with your true abilities.

It's okay for experts and doctors to be a little crazy. They mainly have opinions on the same issues and can benefit each other.

If it's just an appearance, he will eventually be kicked out of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t keep idlers.

"Dr. Allen, we are exploring the human body's extreme strengthening project. I wonder what your opinion is." Dr. Erskine asked casually.

This slovenly old man was the person in charge of developing the super serum.

And Howard could only help on the sidelines, helping to create an instrument that could fuse the serum.

"I'm not strong enough, so I'll get some equipment. I have a bazooka in my left hand and a Gatling gun in my right hand. If I shout "Ula", I won't be afraid of Thanos." Allen said extremely seriously.

"Sorry, I have something to do."

Dr. Erskine's expression changed, and he turned around and headed to his work area.

Not only was he sloppy, he was also eccentric.

Howard comforted: "Dr. Erskine only likes to deal with experts who have a common language."

"It's just the Super Soldier Serum, it won't make anyone the same."

Allen looked disdainful, couldn't help but pinch his armpits, and suddenly a bold idea popped into his heart.

"Do you still know how to develop serum?"

Howard's eyes lit up, thinking about getting a feel for Allen's details.

"Boil it, stew it, and I can cook it."

Alchemist skills do not include potions.

The potion is just the old witch taking a pot and putting spices in it to stew it into a stinky soup.

Allen understands it this way.

Howard frowned and wondered if the other party had misunderstood, and kindly reminded: "In a month, senior military officials will visit. As long as we can produce results, we can get a lot of financial support."

"Isn't that just prepared for me?"

Allen said confidently: "When the time comes, I will show them something awesome."

End the familiarity among colleagues and go to the exclusive work area.

There are a lot of tools on display, and I can help you get them if you need them.

Wilson's eyes suddenly lit up as he looked at the precision micro lathes.

"Allen, the precision lathes provided by SHIELD are more than two levels higher than those of the Soviet Union."

Wilson caressed the machine and couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder America is so stable technically. The experts here not only master theoretical knowledge, but also need corresponding practical capabilities."

However, Allen was not interested at all and sat listlessly in his chair.

"Alan, what to do first?"

Confirming Allen's true ability, Wilson did not dare to try his best, hoping to see more advanced inventions and creations.

"To fish."


Allen said seriously: "If you don't fish when you go to work, is it considered work?"


It makes sense, but I'm speechless.

In an instant, Wilson extinguished his enthusiasm for work, and Allen collapsed on the sofa.

"It's nice to fish at work, isn't it?" Allen asked, baring his front teeth.

"Well, it's great."

Wilson admitted frankly that he had never enjoyed it at his age.

"Asen, it's dinner time, let's take a look at the food in the cafeteria."


Starting from this day, SHIELD has two more idlers.

Go to work on time, drink coffee, and lie on the sofa waiting for dinner.

When Howard asked, Allen responded that he was thinking of new weapons.

Wilson said of course, I am just an assistant, what can I do.

Within three days, Colonel Chester Phillips, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., brought a short, thin young man.

"He's Steve Rogers, my pick for the super soldier."

At the scene, Carter, Howard, Erskine, Allen, Wilson and others looked at the thin and shy Future America.

There was immediate opposition to Colonel Phillips' decision.

Dr. Erskine said seriously: "Colonel, you are kidding with your life. He is so thin and small. He cannot bear the serum at all. It is very likely that his genes will collapse and die."

He is an expert in the biological field, and no one is qualified to give advice.

"I value Steve's personal character. He dares to fight against power and make sacrifices. He is the most suitable candidate." Colonel Phillips said firmly.

Steve never gave up the fight when faced with the tall kid.

Steve protected his teammates by using his own body against grenades, and was willing to make sacrifices.

For these two points alone, Colonel Phillips determined that he was the future Captain America.

"Boss, I support you."

Allen walked up to Steve, shook hands and said, "Hello Lao Deng, where is your Kiba?"


Steve was stunned for a moment and then responded: "You mean Bucky, he is undergoing training in the army."

"Forget it, I don't care about your Kiba, Lao Deng, I promise to make you a hunk with a nice butt."


Steve's shy character made him a little at a loss when facing Allen.

The crowd naturally ignored Allen. They were the founders of SHIELD, and they had already decided in their hearts to give him another month of observation, or to eat and drink before being kicked out.

The scene was noisy.

In the end, Colonel Phillips used his power to determine the candidate for the super soldier.

A lot happened in these three days.

SHIELD began arranging serum enhancement work.

The Soviet agents and Hydra agents lurking in America have secretly contacted Allen.

Allen, who wanted to be a triple spy, happily went to the appointment and brought back a small telegraph machine that could transmit information to the two forces.

Allen directly revealed the serum plan.

Allen, who is surprisingly quiet, is planning a bigger event.

Life is either about living, or preparing to live.

Day four, before the super soldier trials begin.

"Lao Deng, don't be afraid, everyone has a first time."

Allen pointed to the instrument and consoled him: "As soon as you lie down inside, it will malfunction and be cremated."

Steve's originally calm heart immediately became uneasy.

The instrument is like Pharaonic pipes, connected to many circuit lines. I am really worried about leakage or fire. At that time, it is impossible to escape.

Allen pointed at Howard, who was debugging and inspecting equipment, and said, "You have to trust Lao Huo's craftsmanship. If there is a problem, even the people and the machine will be buried. I guarantee that there will be no evidence to prove it."

"Can you put it in a better light?"

Steve was crying and even thought about quitting.

It's a pity that the matter has come to this. Senior military officials and representatives from all walks of life are present to observe, so he cannot go back on his word. Moreover, Colonel Phillips will definitely force him into the instrument.

"At best, if the serum works, it won't be a big problem if the left and right breasts are asymmetrical, and maybe one side is round and the other is flat. I know Dr. Chelsea from the League of Assassins. If I put some silicone on you, you won't be able to tell that it was done. .”

"You are so good at comforting people"


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