American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 384 Allen makes heart-shaped grass serum

“Thank you, but it’s not necessary.”

The female warrior declined the offer with a serious face.

Okoye passed on the message: “Sir, the queen agrees to your request.”

“Ah?” Allen said in a daze.

“Sir, with the queen and princess in charge of the country, we can ensure that the sea tribe will not be attacked.” Okoye explained again.


“But I hope you will ensure that His Majesty can return smoothly.”


Looking at Allen’s confused face, and constantly saying ‘ah ah’ like an idiot, Okoye shook his head slightly, and then reminded T’Challa: “Your Majesty, don’t go back to Wakanda for the time being. The tribes are a little restless. In addition, a large number of fighter planes are searching. Please leave Africa for refuge for the time being.”


Alan held the fish in his mouth and quietly came to his side, still speaking in a silly and cute voice.

Okoye couldn’t help but roll his eyes, thinking that he was really acting.

"I understand."

T'Challa nodded carefully and said, "Please protect my mother and sister. I will definitely come back to take back the throne."

"This is my duty."

As he spoke, Okoye took out another metal box, pulled out the lid to reveal a purple plant, and said, "Princess Shuri asked me to give it to you, saying that it might be useful."

There is no doubt that it is the heart-shaped grass controlled by the core of the royal family.

However, as the leopard Eric completed the ceremony, his body was strengthened and all the heart-shaped grass was destroyed.

In the end, Shuri regained the weakened version of the heart-shaped grass juice through synthesis.

After the matter was explained, a group of female warriors returned home to report.

T'Challa put on the necklace and looked at the heart-shaped grass and fell into deep thought.

The strengthening of the heart-shaped grass has only one effect, so the second time is to repair the healing function.

But there is a prerequisite, the heart-shaped grass must be strengthened for the second time to have a healing effect.

So, in the movie, T'Challa can recover with the help of the heart-shaped grass.

And Eric obviously does not meet the healing conditions.

"Morning flower."

Alan pinched the heart-shaped grass and observed it, saying disdainfully: "Men who take medicine are really despicable."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across T'Challa's face.

After all, he had taken the heart-shaped grass.

However, he was not worried that Alan would be tempted by the money, mainly because he had healing spells, and his own terrifying combat power did not need the effects of the heart-shaped grass at all.

"Alan, thank you so much."

Suddenly, Namor stood up and thanked him.

"Why are you thanking me?"

Immediately, Allen said proudly: "Are you thanking me for my cooking skills?"


Suddenly, Namor asked in disbelief: "You didn't seriously injure Eric and rescue T'Challa just to help me."


Alan answered sincerely: "I was worried that the Wakanda army would hunt us down, so I kicked the leopard to delay time. Saving Captain Black Cat was a matter of convenience, and I also pulled a helper to prevent the enemy from being too powerful."

For a moment, T'Challa was in a state of confusion and asked: "How did my mother say that she understood what you meant?"

"I saw that the queen was still charming, and I couldn't help but take a second look. What's the problem?" Allen said.


It's messy, all messy.

How can you over-interpret the thoughts of a mentally ill person.

It turns out that it's all wishful thinking.

Alan really just looked at Ramanda a little more, just because he has always been nervous, and his eyes always give people intriguing meanings.

"It's just a lucky coincidence."

Although Ramanda misunderstood, it had the desired effect, so Namor didn't have much to say.

And T'Challa was a little embarrassed, as if it was all for nothing.

"Don't worry, Captain Black Cat, I'll study the heart-shaped grass for you and make a super-powerful serum."

Alan said without any modesty: "During World War II, Captain America's serum was improved by me. I guarantee that you will become a tough guy after taking drugs. What a golden leopard, I beat him into a golden cat."


T'Challa suddenly felt unreliable.

Anyway, it sounded like a scam.

"Don't worry, this is true."

Namor chimed in: "Alan's research ability is unquestionable."

When the tribe migrated, Alan tinkered with a lot of equipment.

"While there is time, I will make you serum right away."

Alan led everyone back to Arkham Fortress.

Now they can't stay in the African continent, and the Wakanda army is searching for them.

Who made Alan kick the king of Wakanda over? It is naturally a very embarrassing thing not to bring the murderer to justice.

"Grandpa, where is this place?"

Morgan looked around the fortress with wide eyes, as if he had discovered a new world.

"This is my base."

Alan said seriously, "As a superhero, it is very reasonable for me to have a super base."

"Welcome back, Commander." Unita immediately showed up and greeted him.


As soon as he saw Unita in high heels and black stockings, Alan couldn't control himself and pounced on her.


He fell heavily to the ground.

Alan didn't feel embarrassed at all, lying on his side in a seductive sleeping posture, and asked, "Sensen, why is it a projection again? I like your cold and hard touch."

"Sorry Commander, my body is upgrading and evolving, and it will take some time for the overall system to optimize." Unita smiled gently.

In an instant, Alan became energetic and asked excitedly, "Sensen, is there a pregnancy function?"


Unita's expression gradually turned cold.

The core of artificial intelligence is the Mind Gem. Unita has self-awareness from the beginning, but the original setting is to follow the principle of Alan's first priority.

"What a pity."

Alan comforted: "I will definitely help you realize it, Sen Sen, I promise."

Thank you, I really don't need it.

Unita smiled far-fetchedly: "Thank you, Commander."

Arrange everyone to rest, Alan prepared materials to develop serum.

A complete set of professional tools, as well as many rare materials found in the warehouse, the core is a purple heart-shaped plant.


At this time, Sanhua, who had not been seen for a long time, came back to the base from nowhere, rubbing Alan with his head, as if begging for a touch.

"Go away, cat, busy."

The next second, Sanhua threw out of the laboratory.


Morgan, who was fiddling with various weapon models, immediately gave up the toys in his hands when he saw Sanhua.

In fact, the model is a real weapon, but it is shrunk by Pym particles for easy storage.

At this moment, Morgan changed his six-year-old system again and played with Sanhua.

The two had met more than once, and Sanhua was very sensible and did not resist.

Cats have always been very docile to human cubs.

Namor and T'Challa hid at the door of the laboratory and peeked at Allen's drug-making process.

"One drop of mystery, three drops of alchemy, four drops of materials..."

Watching Allen skillfully handle unknown materials, it looked like a witch brewing poison.

As time passed by.

Wait for an hour.


A cloud of purple smoke rose.

Allen walked out holding a test tube filled with dark green liquid and announced: "Pop, pop, pump the macho potion three thousand times, and it's done!"


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