American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 380: Battle for the Throne of Wakanda

"What are you doing, little black man?"

Alan held down the automated farm implement that was about to get up.

The black man responded in awe: "The king is calling his people, something big must be happening."

"Join in the fun, great!"

When he heard something was going to happen, Alan carried Morgan on his back and ran to the city of Wakanda.

And along the way, countless Wakanda people rushed in one direction.

The clothes they wore were similar to the traditional clothes of the African Maasai.

In short, it was like a piece of colorful cloth wrapped around the body.

Alan and Morgan, who had mixed into the crowd, looked like they were not surprised.

It was obvious that they knew the world outside Wakanda, but they adopted a closed national management. Except for people with special identities, ordinary people who went out privately were equivalent to giving up their nationality.

Besides, they might not be willing to give up their current lives. In the stereotype, the outside world was barren and their country was a highly developed country that was high above.

From the scene he saw when he entered Wakanda, Alan had already understood the country's nature.

It was essentially the same as the dictatorship of African monarchs.

If the American comic universe was not set up arbitrarily by comic book editors, there would be no country like Wakanda.

Contradictions can be seen everywhere.

Follow the flow and walk to the cliff waterfall.

The wide cliff is full of black people looking at the platform under the waterfall.

And on the surface of the cliff, there is a carving of a black panther.

It is Bast, the panther god of Wakanda.

Not only the royal family members are present, but also the leaders of other tribes gather in the stands.

The platform full of water is actually an arena for the battle of the new kingdom.

Everyone quietly waits for the protagonist to appear, patiently waiting for the birth of the new king.

In fact, civilians don’t care who the king is, and come to watch out of curiosity.

After all, royal family members rarely have the opportunity to contact royal family members, and at most know the king’s information from propaganda.

"Have you heard that the challenger is Eric, the son of Prince N'Jobu."

"I haven't heard that the royal family has any information about Eric."

"He has been living in the outside world and is back now."

"According to royal tradition, Eric is indeed qualified to challenge the throne."

"Have you ever considered a problem? The king has taken the heart-shaped grass, how could Eric win?"


Alan listened to the people around him talking and roughly understood what was going on.

According to the plot of the movie, Black Panther T'Challa is destined to lose and fall off the cliff.

Then, enter the cool plot of rebirth and regain the throne.

"Grandpa, who is Eric?"

Morgan looked around curiously, as if everything was full of novelty.

Alan touched his chin and said, "Eric is a blade warrior who specializes in hunting vampires. Now he has changed his appearance and become a golden leopard."

"So that's how it is." Morgan nodded as if he understood.

There are too many people with the same name in the world, especially in the Western society, who are not good at naming. If you shout "Jack" on the street, everyone from children in diapers to homeless people sleeping on the roadside will probably look back.

Of course, in Allen's eyes, Blade and Golden Leopard are similar.

They are both black, both melee heroes, and have the same name.

However, Allen observed many different things.

His mage skill, omniscience, can see completely different elements.

In the stands, the royal member Shuri in the middle, who is also Black Panther's sister, was actually surrounded by a layer of black light.

Black Panther's mother, who was sitting in the main seat, did not have this, only Shuri.

"Blessing from the Leopard God?"

Allen saw the truth at a glance.

Obviously, the real royal blood can be favored by Buster, and thus is different from ordinary people in some aspects.

And Shuri is the chief scientist of Wakanda, and his IQ should be optimized.

Suddenly, the Quinjet landed on the platform.

Six female warriors escorted Namor to Queen Ramanda.

When Namor appeared, everyone was shocked.

The sea tribe led by Namor was in a hostile state with Wakanda, and they captured the enemy leader silently.

Ordinary people were more worried about a full-scale war.

The main reason was that Wakanda was near the sea, and the sea tribe could cause them heavy losses by driving a tsunami.

"Queen, two spies broke into our country." Okoye reported.

Spies! ?

Hearing this, the people on the cliff looked at each other, and then their eyes gathered on Allen and Morgan.

They were the only ones with different skin colors, so they were naturally regarded as spies.

"What are you looking at? You can tell it's Captain America from my uniform."

Looking at Allen's shameless appearance, everyone couldn't think of any accusations for a while.

If he was really a spy, he shouldn't hide. It's not normal for a normal person to come out and join in the fun.

At this time, Allen's legs were slightly bent.

Then, he jumped from the cliff to Namor's side.

For a moment, the female warrior raised her spear vigilantly, and the guards on the stand showed their weapons and were on alert.

"One more time, one more time."

Morgan shouted excitedly, and he really liked the feeling of jumping from a high place.

"Only once."

Alan warned seriously: "Respect the elderly."

"Well..., just once."

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Alan carried Morgan on his back and jumped onto the cliff like a cannonball and then jumped back to the platform.

It has already stunned everyone.

Jumping 20 to 30 meters high is simply unbelievable.

"She is Morgan."

Suri, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up and asked for confirmation: "Is she Morgan, the daughter of Iron Man Tony?"

"Yes." Allen replied indifferently.

"Auntie Suri."

Morgan waved the toilet plunger to greet her.

Black Panther is a member of the Avengers. Suri must have had technical exchanges with Tony. It is very reasonable for her to know Morgan.

"Who are you?"

Suri turned to look at Allen, completely treating him as a kidnapper.

She didn't remember that there were Oriental superheroes in the Avengers.

Alan put Morgan down, took off the mask and put on the mask on Captain America's uniform again, and said with his hands on his waist: "I am Tony's uncle, Morgan's grandfather, Steve's father, the second Supreme Sorcerer of Kamar-Taj, Gotham's funny bat, and now the protagonist of Captain America, Alan."


Although Shuri was confused, it did not prevent him from collecting relevant information about Alan through the Internet.

The information projected by the watch made Shuri's expression change constantly.

In fact, the things about Alan were too incredible. At the same time, he was feeling sad about so many things happening in the outside world.

The misunderstanding was resolved and the intention was revealed.

Suri gave a response to the armistice proposed by Namor for a while, but looked at his mother, Queen Ramanda.


Ramanda said with a heavy face: "Sir Namor, I can't give you an answer for the time being."

Facing the battle for the throne, Black Panther may not be able to keep his status as king, and the promise now may not be abided by.

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