American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 361 Allen goes directly to the door to find the evil spirit

Allen, Kevin, the Ghost Bride, and thirteen righteous gods sat together to discuss the attack on the Ghost City.

"Don't go crazy. There are evil ghosts in the ghost city, but they are very scary. You can crush the evil spirits to death with just a move of your fingers."

The ghost bride held her head and looked at Allen with fear, her eyes full of pleading, hoping that he would be kind and let her go.

"I'm afraid of Qiu."

The King of Quantum Mechanics took out a wine bottle and said disdainfully: "I, a quantum superposition chicken, will teach him how to behave."

The ghost bride shrank her neck and avoided looking at her. She was completely unable to reason with a group of gangsters.

"Sister, you know that I can't control the brothers who started a business together. Heaven is in the stage of development and must conquer the mountain. Either become friends or enemies."

As he spoke, Allen paused and threatened: "There is no need for the enemy to live."

Under verbal coercion, the ghost bride reluctantly agreed to serve as the leader.

Find a sightseeing bus in the ghost community and take everyone to the ghost city.

The ghost bride started driving the bus depressedly, because products similar to vehicles in the spiritual realm must be driven by resentment.

The living people who accidentally entered it, or like Allen and Zhengshen, had no resentment to drive the vehicle.

Of course, the main reason is that you have to pay a transit fee to enter the ghost city, and the currency in circulation is naturally resentment.

Kevin said nothing and held onto Alan's arm tightly, fearing that he would be captured by the evil spirit again.

"Women, don't be sentimental. I am a wild and unrestrained person and will never be locked into one woman."

Allen raised his head so arrogantly that he looked like a scumbag who just pulls up his pants and becomes a stranger.

Kevin couldn't help but roll his eyes with his big eyes.

To be honest, if it weren't for fear, she wouldn't be willing to hold her arm.

Moreover, I somewhat guessed a little bit of Allen's character.

If you ignore him, he will be like a dog-skin plaster. Once you ignore him, you will immediately put on your airs and drag him to the sky.

"When you leave the spiritual realm, you can find whoever you want." Kevin replied calmly.

"The true face is revealed."

Allen said seriously: "I saw it right, you are a cruel and heartless woman, and you are just greedy for my body."


Kevin looked up and down, smiling and remaining silent.

"What's your look?"

This time, Allen was not calm.

The undisguised contempt deeply hurt the fragile soul, as if he was talking about being a naughty dog.

Often a look is worth a thousand words.

Suddenly, the big bus stopped.

There is only one viaduct leading to the ghost city, which can absorb the grievances of evil spirits.

"Gonna die."

The next moment, the Ghost Bride became lethargic, and her sense of spookiness was reduced.

It was obvious that extracting the resentment from her body was the result.

Except for her, no one else in the bus felt any strange way.

The entrance and exit of the ghost city is only for the undead. It is impossible for human souls who accidentally enter the spiritual realm to approach the ghost city alive. ,

Once in and out, the damage to the evil spirits is extremely serious, and it takes a long time to recover. Therefore, it is rare for the undead to leave the city, or they generally stay for a long time after entering the city.

As the big bus slowly drove towards the city.

Through the glass, you can see the sparkling black river, like crude oil flowing out from underneath.

Within a few minutes, we entered the city.

There are many high-rise buildings and it is lifeless.

The undead wandering the streets were like zombies, with their arms drooping and their heads drooping, looking exhausted and weak.

"The life of the undead is so indulgent, and they all look like they are overindulging."

Allen's face was pressed against the glass, his eyes rolling.

"The undead living in the city have to pay grievances to the evil spirits..."

Through the explanation of the ghost bride, I immediately realized the cruelty of the ghost city.

The undead living at the bottom must provide their own grievances to the evil spirits, just like a walking cash machine.

Therefore, the undead remain in a low state of resentment from beginning to end, which makes it insufficient to pay the cost of resentment for leaving the city. Once they forcefully break in, the only result is that their souls will be scattered on the spot.

The evil spirit groups all over the city also need to pay their grievances to the evil spirits and maintain the rule of the pyramid structure.


Several figures appeared in a flash, blocking the bus.

The leader of the evil spirit asked the ghost bride: "You came from the countryside, can you deliver the goods?"

In fact, the undead are like living creatures in the spiritual realm, and evil spirits are often captured outside the city and sold to the ghost city.

Often evil spirit groups compete to purchase undead souls to gain more grievances and strive to one day reach the level of evil ghost power.

Once you become a fierce ghost, you are truly successful.

The ghost bride looked at Allen awkwardly.

She didn't feel that a car full of lunatics was like cargo. Instead, the evil spirit outside the car felt like it was seeking death.


The car door opens.

Very restorative with a deflating sound.

More than a dozen evil spirits were unaware of the approaching danger, with their arms folded around each other, as if they were waiting for a bargain.

"Kill them."

"Surround them from both sides, don't let anyone go."

“Give them a taste of the power of knowledge.”


Inside the big bus, more than a dozen guys who looked exactly the same swarmed out, only the weapons in their hands were different.


Before he could recover, the evil spirit headed towards him smashed a wine bottle in his face.

Just like a dragon crossing a river, thirteen righteous gods are attacking with their faces, holding down an evil spirit and beating it to death.

Within a few seconds, the clamoring evil spirit group was wiped out.

The undead wandering on the street looked at her with lifeless eyes, and then continued to wander around idly.

"They have not been nourished by resentment for a long time, and their rationality has degenerated."

The ghost bride sighed: "Even if they know they are free, they will not resist and wait for new evil spirit groups to take over and enslave them."

It is common for evil spirit groups to fight and plunder the resources of the undead.

She once lived in the ghost city for a period of time, and she was very clear about the dangers in it. She was worried that she would end up being enslaved, so she looked for an opportunity to escape outside the city.

Most of the evil spirits living in the ghost community outside the city could not make it in the city and fled the city to avoid their enemies. Very few of them sympathized with the weak and were unwilling to go along with them.

"Sister, is there any way to quickly summon the evil spirits?"

The ghost city is so big, and wandering aimlessly is really a waste of time. Allen doesn't have the time to find them one by one and kill them.

"Only evil spirits can summon evil spirits in the area."

Suddenly, the ghost bride asked in horror: "Are you going to attack the evil spirits?"

"Then find an evil spirit and have a heart-to-heart talk with it." Allen decided.


It's easy to find evil spirits. Basically, you can use the iconic buildings in your territory as your palace to call on and manage the evil spirit groups under your name.

The bus drove straight into the underground parking garage of a building.

Just as I was about to take the elevator upstairs, I suddenly found that the elevator was descending.


Then there was a crisp prompt sound.

The elevator door opened, and the evil spirits in the elevator cast malicious eyes.

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