American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 351 Beating up Annabell

In the Warrens' home, there is a storage room dedicated to supernatural items.

Many supernatural enthusiasts come to visit the collection of the exorcist duo.

Ed and Rowling gave birth to a daughter, Judy, who inherited her mother's psychic ability at birth, and was influenced by her mother's supernatural phenomena, and was far more calm than ordinary people.

After learning that her parents could not rush home due to something, Judy invited friends in the same community to stay at home.

"Judy, can we take a look at the supernatural items in your home?"

A girl boldly proposed the idea.

After all, in the same community, most families are skeptical about exorcism.

No decent person will encounter ghosts for no reason, and ordinary people may not encounter supernatural events in their lifetime.

Mainly because most of the dead are like air, they cannot appear in front of the world, and they will dissipate into the world as time goes by.

"Of course it's okay."

Judy warned, "But you can't touch anything, there will be unexpected dangers. My parents are not at home, and no one can handle it."

"Okay, we'll just take a look."

"Don't worry, we know our limits."

"You'll be watching the whole time, there won't be any problems."

You and I said one after another, and the two girls made solemn promises. Judy no longer refused and led her friends to the storage room on the second floor.

She found the key to the house from the carpet.

Pushing the door open, she saw all kinds of items.

Medieval iron armor, warrior armor from the Chrysanthemum Kingdom, pocket watches of a long time, ordinary table lamps..., especially the doll locked in the glass cabinet.

"Is this Annabelle?"


The unremarkable doll looked cheap in the eyes of the girls, and they didn't even want to play with it. It was completely like a doll discarded on the roadside in the slums.

"Annabelle is a carrier of demonic possession. Many people died in her hands. She must be locked in a glass cabinet blessed by a priest." Judy did not forget to explain.

Every supernatural item, commonly known as a relic of bad luck, will bring bad luck once someone touches it.

"Don't touch it!"

Judy saw her friend reaching out to touch a crystal table lamp and immediately stopped her.

The sudden stop made the girl turn around at a loss and accidentally knocked off the latch on the glass cabinet.

"This is a nightmare table lamp. Those who touch it will have nightmares all the time."

Judy pulled her friend out of the storage room and said, "If you put it at the head of the bed, you will always fall into nightmares and can't wake up."

They left the storage room, and Annabelle in the glass cabinet slowly turned her head and looked at the door.

And in the shadow corner, a dark demon suddenly appeared.

"It's getting late, we should wash up and go to bed."

Waiting for the washing to be finished, go out of the bathroom.

The three girls stood still and saw Annabell lying on the sofa.

They were together all the time and had no time to play pranks.

The only explanation was that the doll came out of the storage room by itself.

"Don't be afraid."

Judy bravely stepped forward, picked up Annabelle, and pretended to be calm: "Just put it back in the cabinet and it will be fine."

The two girls who encountered the supernatural event for the first time were already scared and dared not move.

At this moment, the lights in the house flickered.


"There is a monster behind the sofa!"

The next moment, the two girls fled to the room, thinking of hiding in the quilt to avoid the invasion of the devil.

Judy was about to move her legs, but under the trance light, a pair of dark hands tightly grasped her legs.

For a while, fear eroded Judy's reason.

She was just a little girl in junior high school. When she really faced the supernatural events, she could not be as calm and calm as the Warrens.

On weekdays, her parents were at home, so she was naturally not afraid of supernatural events. After all, in the eyes of children, parents are as great as gods.

"I got you."

The eerie voice echoed in her ears, as if someone was blowing in her ears.

Judy's breathing became rapid, and she could not hide the horror on her face.


Suddenly, the door was violently kicked open.

Judy and the demon looked at the door together.

Only three figures broke into the house and started violent acts without explanation.

"Get him!"

An extremely arrogant shout.

Before Judy could react, three strange adult men surrounded the demon and kicked it hard, like bad boys bullying homeless people on the street.

The visitors were Allen and his three men.

It was a coincidence that they encountered the demon doing evil. Allen gave Bruce and Barry the priest skills, and the punches and kicks that could not hurt them were real damage.

As the lights were restored, the three continued to attack the demon crazily.


Alan raised his hand, and Bruce and Barry stopped with an unsatisfied look.

The demon was lying on the ground, dying, breathing more than breathing out, and even looked lost.

He finally escaped from the confinement and was about to take revenge on the Warrens.

As a result, three strange men appeared and beat him up unreasonably.

Alan looked at the little girl and asked casually, "Are you okay, Judy?"

"Who are you?"

Judy regained her composure and asked vigilantly, "Do you know me?"

"We are the three exorcists. Your parents asked us to take away the supernatural items. Fortunately, we arrived in time."

Alan lied without changing his face or heart.

Going straight to the Warrens' house, they naturally emptied the supernatural items and prepared to build equipment to deal with demons.

"So that's how it is."

Judy said with a look of realization: "Uncle, I'll take you to the storage room."

To be honest, supernatural items are not valuable, and no one wants to collect them for fear of bringing bad luck.

Many supernatural items are sent by others on purpose, hoping that the Warrens will deal with them.

When Allen proposed to take away the supernatural items, Judy had no doubts at all.

Take out the urea nylon bag prepared in advance.

Take Annabelle into the bag first.

Led by Judy, the three of them successfully entered the storage room.

"Take everything away, leave nothing behind."

Hearing Allen's order, Bruce and Barry put everything into the nylon bag.

"This book is my father's notebook."

"This lamp is really just a lamp."

"The chair is not a supernatural item."

"Please put down the picture frame, it's just a picture frame."


Looking at the three people's robber-like behavior, Judy immediately pointed out the things that were not supernatural items.

Soon, the six urea snakeskin bags were full, and the three people left contentedly.


In less than a minute, the phone at home rang.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Judy, this is Mom. I just felt that you were in danger, so I called to ask."

"Mom, I'm fine. Fortunately, the three uncles you invited helped."

"Three uncles?"

"Yes, they also took away the supernatural items in the house."


After some communication, Judy realized that she had been fooled. When she chased out, she had already disappeared.

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