American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 337 I, Alan, the God of Bottles

"Ah..., go slower, I'm scared."

Kathy hugged Alan's neck and closed her eyes in fear.

"Okay, faster."

Alan grinned with excitement, his hands moved faster and faster, and the wheelchair seemed to be falling apart.

At this moment, they had already left the battlefield and headed straight for the city.

And the supervisor Ellie was more concerned about Mr. Glass and others. After all, this was a criminal gang. She was confident that she could easily catch Alan, mainly because she didn't look very smart.


As expected, the car flipped over smoothly.

The wheelchair rushed straight into the ditch beside the road.

And when it flipped over, Alan decisively picked up Kevin and abandoned the car to save the girl.

"Can you put me down?"

Kevin was a little embarrassed and didn't dare to look at each other.

After a day of thrilling and exciting, he was kidnapped by criminals first, and then inexplicably rescued by a mental patient. It was so outrageous in dreams.

"This time, I won't let go again." Alan stared affectionately.

"But I don't know you."

Kevin suspected that the other party had recognized the wrong person. She was just a high school girl and had never been in contact with or dated a boy.



Alan threw the person into the ditch without hesitation, and said sadly and melancholy: "You are indeed a cold-blooded woman."

After that, Alan was about to turn around and leave.

Kevin, who was sitting in the ditch, shouted: "What's your name?"

"We are both wanderers in the world, so why do we have to know each other when we meet? Just treat me as a mental patient who no one cares about, forget it, woo woo woo..."

Alan covered his face and cried and ran towards the city.

Looking at his back, Kevin's heart trembled, as if something important was missed because of it.

The depression was hard to let go for a long time.

Following the road, it took less than half an hour to enter the city.

Alan looked around and felt strange and familiar.

Strange is that it has never been here before, and familiar is that all high-rise buildings are similar.

"Ah Bat?"

Suddenly, three figures pulled into the alley.

Allen narrowed his eyes slightly, making sure that he was not mistaken. It was Bruce Wayne, the isotope of the universe, but he looked like a teenager.

"Bruce, you are responsible for staying in the car to meet him."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man took out the car keys and handed them to Bruce, who was in his twenties.

However, Bruce, wearing a leather jacket, looked unruly and said reluctantly: "Why do we have to rob banks? I think we should engage in legitimate industries."


His mother Martha slapped him mercilessly and taught him a lesson in a tone of regret: "The Wayne family has been robbers for generations, and they are proud of robbing banks. How can the family inheritance be broken?"

"Bruce, recite the family motto again." Thomas said in a deep voice.

Bruce, covering his face, was angry and aggrieved. He looked at his father's eyes, which were brewing with anger, and recited honestly: "Wayne family members would rather starve to death than beg for food. Prison is the final destination of every Wayne family member."

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Thomas nodded with satisfaction, and walked out of the alley with his wife Martha.

Bruce was left alone, holding the car keys tightly, and he was helpless and unwilling to calm down.

Soon, the whole family left.

Alan, who was hiding in the corner, saw all the criminal acts of the Wayne family.

"It's a sin."

Alan couldn't help but sigh: "The parents of the Bat in this world are healthy, but the result is a criminal family."

"However, seeing that Bat still has a conscience, I decided to help him."

Looking at the wine bottle next to the trash can, Alan already had an idea.

At this moment, Bruce drove the only expensive car in the family and slowly drove towards the target bank.

He only needed to meet at the door, and he didn't need to rob in person.

The main thing was to show resistance. Thomas and Martha did not force Bruce to participate too much. He was just responsible for driving.

Of course, Bruce's driving skills were outstanding and helped them get rid of the police pursuit many times.

Beep beep beep beep...

As the police car sped past.

Bruce's eyes suddenly shrank and realized that something was wrong.

The next moment, he regained his composure and deliberately slowed down the car.

"I'm sorry, I can't watch you make mistakes again and again."

At this moment, Bruce made an important decision not to pick up his parents, hoping that they could clear their crimes in prison.

Sure enough, the police car stopped at the First Republic Bank.

Many fully armed police officers were tasked with arresting robbers.

Bruce deliberately stopped aside and pretended to be an unknown bystander.

Within a quarter of an hour, the police successfully captured the criminals, and a middle-aged couple was taken into the police car.

Watching his parents being arrested.

Bruce was in a very complicated mood.

The sense of guilt for betraying his parents was more of an unprecedented relief.

Without stopping to watch, he returned to the car and drove away from the crime scene, imagining his new life.

Little did he know that he was not the only one in the car, and there was a bottle of wine in the back seat.

He did not dare to stop for a moment and headed west to other cities.

Bruce decided to live in another city.

"Why is there a bottle of wine?"

Driving on a deserted road, Bruce accidentally found a bottle of wine in the corner of the back seat.

He stopped the car on the side of the road and decided to deal with it first.

If the patrolman finds the bottle, he may treat it as drunk driving and will have to investigate. If he is wanted, he will be thrown into jail at a young age.

He threw it into the bushes in the distance.

"What's going on!"

Bruce was about to return to the car when he suddenly saw a bottle under his feet. He felt a chill on his back and an indescribable weirdness.

He saw the bottle thrown into the bushes with his own eyes, and how did it return to his feet in a turn.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Allen put it down secretly in stealth mode.

Picking up the bottle and confirming that it was the same brand, Bruce looked around vigilantly, wondering if someone was maliciously playing a trick on him.

The endless wilderness showed a sense of desolation.

"Did you see a ghost?"

Bruce's neck shrank, and an uneasy mood spread in his heart.


He took a deep breath and comforted himself: "I am a materialist. There have never been ghosts and gods in the world."

Then, Bruce looked at the bottle in his hand and said firmly: "A broken bottle can't scare me."


As soon as the words fell, it was smashed resolutely.

"Mortal, thank you for releasing me."

Suddenly, a stranger's voice sounded behind him, and Bruce's relaxed mood became tense again. He turned his neck stiffly and suddenly saw a stranger in a hospital gown, with his hands clasped, tiptoeing, pretending to float.

"You, who are you?"

Bruce's heart was in his throat.

After confirming that there was no one around, how could a person suddenly appear? It was completely unexplainable by science.

"I am the bottle god trapped in the bottle."

Alan said seriously: "In return for the release, you need to fulfill three of my wishes."


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