American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 332 Allen's Horror Baby Bus

"We are locusts, we are locusts..."

Allen sang loudly on Lilith's back.

This scene is really too shameful.

The vampires who followed them covered their faces to reduce their sense of shame.

Directly ahead, five angels cleared the way, encountering dark monsters and biochemical warriors and killing them decisively.

"We are pests, we are pests..."

Listening to Allen's increasing emotional involvement, Lilith couldn't help but reconsider. She would flee back to the continent of Europa when the matter was over, determined not to be embarrassed by being mixed with mental illness.

As for the missing parts that were supposed to be taken back, she had decided not to want them.

Mainly considering Allen's ability to restrain the vampires, there is no possibility of taking it back.

On the rooftop, Green Arrow and Hawkeye cooperated with each other, supporting the other heroes with arrows. The special arrows they equipped did have a good effect.

It's just that it has little effect when encountering biochemical warriors.

"Is that Alan?"

Eagle Eye pointed in the distance, walking blatantly on the street, attracting the attention of the enemy without any scruples. Especially, the five angels defeated the enemy like a majestic beast, which is really incredible.

In fact, Allen usually doesn't like to use real combat power. He relies on targeting weaknesses and weird props to defeat his opponents, naturally treating his own combat power as average.

Nowadays, I am lucky enough to see the true combat power, which is really unbelievable.

Oliver affirmed: "It's him."

It is estimated that only Allen can do the thing of riding on a woman's back without caring about other people's eyes.

The two looked at each other and decided to join his team.

"Who is coming?"

Green Arrow and Hawkeye quickly approached the team, alerting the pure-blood nobles.

"It's one of our own."

Allen raised his hand to let me go, and said proudly: "At the critical moment, I still need my protagonist to come to the rescue. You guys will be my backup team for the time being."


The two of them had no objection. After all, they were very tired after fighting for so long.

Many heroes were rescued along the way, and as the number of people continued to increase, they naturally attracted many enemies.

By the way, I found Bruce who was dueling with the biochemical warriors.

In the big scenes, Batman really can't help much.

Especially, without preparation in advance, he had no time to prepare high-tech weapons.

"Alan, it's too late to save people all over the streets. Many people are in a state of fatigue. Is there any way to concentrate and annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop?" Bruce asked.

"Don't ask too much."

With a flash of inspiration, Allen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a green light shot out to materialize a big bus.

Everyone looked at the green bus in confusion, not sure what the trick was going to be.

"Get on the bus, the baby bus is going to Qingqing Grassland."

Allen sat in the driver's seat and waved to the people outside the window.

The car door opened, and the heroes and vampires poured into the car. There were three levels of space, which was enough for them to ride.

"The baby bus is on!"

With a kick of the accelerator, the big bus drove in a rampant manner, running over the dark monsters and biochemical warriors that were trying to stop it along the way.

Although it won't cause fatal damage, it will ensure unimpeded access.

Nameless angels fly on both sides of the bus, clearing away enemies trying to climb.

"Drifting around corners."

Allen had an exaggerated expression, flicked his tongue, and turned the steering wheel crazily.

Bang bang bang...

Because the speed was too fast and the car was turning sharply, the passenger was caught off guard and pressed his face against the glass.

Waiting for the car to stabilize, the fearful passengers fled back to their seats and fastened their seat belts for fear of being thrown away again.

Bruce adjusted his crooked mask, stepped forward and said, "Alan, how about I drive."

"Aba, I am the champion of the Supreme Racing Cup organized by Gao Tianzun. My motto is that there are never meaty cars, only meaty people."

As he spoke, Allen kept his foot pressed down on the accelerator, without any intention of letting go.

The brakes are just for decoration.

Bruce held onto the railing with both hands, hoping not to be thrown out of the bus.

He crashed through a dark monster and came to a sudden stop.

Many people suddenly felt the sense of motion sickness they had not seen for a long time. If it weren't for the monsters outside, they would have jumped out of the car and escaped.

"Pokémon, get in the car."

After picking up Diana, the bus drove violently again.

Lateral drift.

Spin in the air.

Start by grinding tires.

Rear drive drift.


After a series of fatal driving skills, someone finally couldn't help but stick his head out of the car window and vomited.

There seems to be a chain reaction, one after another releasing the rainbow in the stomach.

From far away, you can see a three-story bus, with heads sticking out and spraying filth, and even pure-blood nobles spitting blood.

"Start wall climbing mode."

What should I do if there is no road ahead?

Driving along the wall, the main purpose is to take an off-the-beaten path.

"Enable airplane mode."

The walls are gone, so you can only fly in the sky.

After all, it is something embodied by the lamp ring and cannot be treated with common sense.

Heroes picked up the bus one by one, and the bus was packed to the brim. Except for the heroes who had been in contact with each other, Allen paid special attention to them, and everyone else was crowded together.

"Who else hasn't gotten on the bus?" Allen looked back and asked.



The bus crashed straight through a building.

Allen looked at Bruce suspiciously and asked, "What are you careful about?"

"It's okay." Bruce said awkwardly.

"Who else wants to save?" Allen asked again.

Diana named several heroes: "Iron Man, Superman, Hulk..."

"Forget it, leave them alone."

Alan lifted half of his hood and said excitedly: "Execute the plan of destroying both sides."

What! ?

Destroy both sides!

Isn't this the meaning of dying together?

"Are you crazy?"

Bruce widened his eyes in horror.

"Bat, I've never been normal, okay?" Allen said sincerely.


It seems that this is really not the case.

"I want to get off the bus, I don't want to die!"

"The door can't be opened, the window is locked."

"Hurry up and grab the steering wheel."


Suddenly, the car was in chaos.

Many people, including Bruce, rushed to the driver's seat and fought for the steering wheel of the bus.


Alan, who was so crowded that he couldn't move, laughed sinisterly and said gloomily and crazily: "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"I can't control the direction."

No matter how Bruce controlled the steering wheel, he couldn't make the bus change its trajectory.

Green Lantern Hal explained: "It's over. This is the embodiment of his lantern ring, which is controlled by will."

"You woke up too late."

Alan smiled evilly: "I want to make the world no longer have superheroes, everything is over."


The angry Bruce grabbed Alan's collar and shook it, trying to stop his crazy behavior.

Suddenly, the bus stopped in the middle of the empty square.

And dark monsters and biochemical warriors chased from all directions.

The heroes looked at themselves about to be drowned in the enemy tide, and their emotions became more and more unstable, smashing windows and kicking doors.

"This book..."

Alan said lightly: "The whole play is over."

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