American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 327 Allen fights alone against the heroes

The Martian Hunter was burnt to a crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. At least he was not in danger of death. Basically, he could not fight anymore.

It was really despicable, winning by exploiting others' weaknesses.

"Can you let Aunt May go first?"

Spider-Man Peter stepped forward to beg. He was really worried about his only relative.


Alan took out a pair of dentures from a metal box and threw them to the other party. He said helplessly: "I'm sorry, Aunt May only has one pair of dentures left."

"Aunt May!?"

Peter looked at the dentures in disbelief, and suddenly felt sad. Just when he was about to mourn, he suddenly realized that Aunt May didn't have dentures at all.


Unfortunately, it was too late.

The dentures suddenly sucked on Peter's mouth, as if they were firmly attached, and they could not be separated no matter how they were pulled out.

"The old lady's pickled cabbage dentures, boy, you are so beautiful." Alan said proudly.

There is no doubt that it is another shocking hidden weapon.

The effect of the denture hidden weapon can be said to be very vicious.

From the look of agony on Spider-Man's face, it can be seen that he will never forget his current experience.

Allen boasted, "This equipment is called the dentures of old lady Gu Xi. Once it is attached to the target's mouth, it will continue to simulate the sour smell of the old lady's mouth. I just want to ask you if you are afraid."


So evil!

I feel sick just thinking about it.

I would rather fight against a strong enemy and get beaten for 300 rounds than experience such suffering in person. It is simply a psychological shadow for a lifetime.

"Alan, enough."

Tony said righteously, "He is just a child. How can you treat him like this?"


He raised his hand and blasted out with a palm cannon.

It was just attacking Dr. Banner on the side.

For a moment, everyone cast doubtful eyes and didn't understand why Iron Man attacked his own people.

Moreover, Dr. Banner's transformation into the Hulk was an uncontrollable factor, and it felt that the degree of terror was far greater than Allen.

"Nephew, be careful of the Hulk."

Alan smiled and reminded, and no longer paid attention to Tony who was in danger.


With a deafening roar, Dr. Banner's clothes exploded and he turned into the Hulk. He looked at Tony who attacked him for no reason, his eyes full of violent anger.

"Hulk, I can't control the mecha anymore. It must be Allen's doing."

Indeed, Unita took the lead in invading the Iron Man suit system and successfully seized control.

No matter how Tony argued, he could not eliminate Hulk's hostility.

As long as Allen didn't admit it, no matter how much Tony said, it would be useless.

Iron Man took off to avoid, and Hulk jumped up to chase.

At the same time, the anti-Hulk armor stored in the geostationary orbit was secretly transferred. The Iron Man suit alone was not enough for Hulk to tear apart.

"The Justice League and the Avengers are just like this."

Alan put his hands on his waist and said arrogantly: "It's effortless. I have already dealt with four heroes. Hurry up and admit that I am the most handsome villain in the world."


Constantine, who was wearing a windbreaker and had a stubble on his face, lit a cigarette and said, "How about we have a battle in the field of magic to decide the winner?"

"I am dying of laughter."

Alan laughed a little exaggeratedly, and the next moment he returned to normal and asked, "Are you sure you want to challenge the former Supreme Mage."


Constantine put his hands together and recited a difficult spell.

Constantine, who is good at both deception and magic, can only use forbidden spells to decide the winner considering the time is short.


The cigarette in his mouth fell.

The lips felt a burning pain for no reason.


Constantine, who didn't believe in evil, still wanted to complete the spell, but he felt a burning pain in his lips as soon as he moved his lips, and his gums were sore.

"Do you think I am the wild mage who is least afraid of spells?"

Alan's expression was particularly bright, and he secretly performed oral ulcer wisdom tooth hyperplasia, which had a physiological effect of silencing.

Even though he was grimacing in pain and drooling, Constantine refused to give up and was determined to complete the spell.


A big Jebbo dart attacked.

It blocked Constantine's mouth and interrupted the spell.

The magic stick was turned to the super strong gear.

Constantine, who was hated by everyone, rolled on the ground. The high-frequency vibration kept stimulating his mouth ulcers. No one could bear it.

Well, another one was defeated.

However, Allen's legs trembled on the spot, and his hands hurriedly took out one big Jebbo dart after another from his trouser pocket.

Looking at the long silicone tools discarded on the ground, buzzing and squirming, people couldn't help but frown.

Bastard, what do you want to do with so many props in your trouser pocket?

Allen said apologetically: "Sorry, let you see my shameful look."

It's really shameful.

Whose villain has so many sisters' temporary boyfriends hidden on him?

Many superheroes are unwilling to fight, knowing that they will lose miserably if they fight alone. Only the main heroes present may have a chance of winning.

Superman, Thor, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch and others may have hope.

Like Green Arrow, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Batman and the like, they are expected to rush in and fight.

To be honest, the second-line combat power can't withstand Alan's damaging spell.

"I'll meet you."

Thor's eyes burst with thunder, and he actually wanted to join the guy who raised his hammer again and again.

"Moon Worshiper, I think I should borrow your hammer for a head-on battle."

Alan raised his hand, and Thor's hammer actually fell directly into his hand.

This scene, not only Thor was stunned, but everyone else cast a sighing look.

It seemed to be looking at a husband who was cheated on, and the beloved wife resolutely threw herself into the arms of another man.


With a plop, Thor knelt down with lifeless eyes, like a lovelorn man who had nothing to live for.

The same question arose in everyone's mind.

Alan did not look like he had the character that matched the godhood. From the immoral weapon, it can be seen that he was a completely morally corrupt guy.

How could a person with high morals use the big jewel as a dart.


When he questioned for the second time, tears welled up in Thor's eyes.

In fact, Alan really did not have the character that met the standards of godhood. It was completely because the power gem was pressed on Thor's hammer in the previous timeline.

As we all know, Meow Meow Hammer is a very thoughtful hammer with its own ambition.

After all, there is no need to think carefully about which one to choose between driving an electric car and driving a Ferrari.

Of course, Allen is an exception, because he doesn't have a driver's license.

"Master, don't cry."

Allen stepped forward to comfort him, "At most, I won't lift your hammer anymore."

Looking at the Thor's hammer handed to him, Thor took it back with tears in anger and said aggrievedly, "I won't come to Earth again."

Raising Thor's hammer high, the rainbow bridge fell at Thor's position, and in an instant, it returned to the Asgard domain.

Well, another one is angry away.

"Goodbye, come and play often when you have time."

Allen waved his hand towards the sky, touched his chin and thought, "Should I steal his hammer and make a fake to comfort him."

Stop it!

Do you want Asgard to declare war on the human world?

Thor's hammer symbolizes the artifact of Thor, and Odin, the father of the gods, will never allow it to be lost, which will inevitably lead to a conquest of thieves.

Fortunately, Allen is morally corrupt and will not steal weapons from people he knows.

Besides, with Hela's relationship, it would be difficult to end the matter.

When Green Lantern Hal was about to go to battle, Allen reminded him calmly, "I have a strange lantern ring."

"I forgot to charge the lantern ring."

Hal was very tactful and retracted his steps. He remembered a warning circulated in the Green Lantern Corps: stay away from a madman who can devour the spectrum. Although he will not hurt you, he can make you miserable.

It is undoubtedly directed at Allen.

At the same time, Hal made up his mind to go back to OA Star to investigate Allen's background in the universe.

There must be corresponding records of what happened nearly a thousand years ago in the previous timeline.

After all, it is a crisis at the level of the entire universe, and it is impossible for each cosmic civilization not to record it.

Under normal circumstances, who cares about things that happened a thousand years ago, so there is no story about Allen in the current universe, but once his identity is exposed, it will definitely cause a wave.

The three major cosmic empires and the Spartan Empire at least gave Allen face, otherwise they would have been destroyed by the Annihilation Zerg.

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