American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 31 Joker: Batman save me

"Here on Corning Street, the lunatics from the Clown Gang have too much firepower. We request immediate support."

"General Administration, Wayne Avenue discovered that the clown gang was causing trouble, with more than a hundred people in attendance, and requested to dispatch a mobile unit."

"The Falls Street Patrol Team is requesting backup. We are surrounded by the Clown Gang."

Calls for help came from the walkie-talkies, and Wu Xiaoqiang looked gloomy when he heard them.

Things in the Court of Owls are not over yet, the clown gang is rioting again.

"You leave me alone and go to calm the trouble."

Bruce smelled a hint of conspiracy, but still let them go.

Just because Gotham can't live without the Bat Family, and criminals can't be allowed to do whatever they want.

Everyone immediately rushed to the city, hoping to return quickly.

At this time, Allen went out on his electric bicycle.

Naturally, the doorman at Arkham Asylum would not open the door, and would not follow the usual routine.

When passing through a wilderness, Allen stopped the car and looked at the lush wild flowers.

"It's rude to visit a doctor with empty hands."

Allen got out of the car and pulled some wild flowers as a gift for visiting the sick.

Moreover, I was very considerate and wrapped it in the hamburger wrapping paper I received at the relief point yesterday.

"Director Chen is indeed right, even a piece of toilet paper has its uses."

Along the way, we headed straight to Wayne Manor.

"Butler, open the door."

Allen shouted into the iron gate, but no one responded.

Turning to the doorbell button.

Ding dong!

After waiting for a minute, still no one came.

Ding dong! Ding dong!

"Did A'Ba and Guan JiaXia elope?"

Allen calmly analyzed it, immediately overturned the conjecture, and then concluded: "It's impossible, they must be avoiding me to watch the movie."

Ding ding ding dong!

Ding ding ding ding ding!

Ding ding ding ding ding…

In anger, Allen rang the doorbell frantically and kept poking at the buttons with his fingers, determined to call the person out for questioning.


There was a flash of lightning and a puff of white smoke came out of the doorbell.

Allen retracted his hands at a loss and looked innocently at the broken doorbell.

Looking around, he breathed a sigh of relief when he found that no one was there. He comforted the doorbell: "I'm very sorry for putting you under pressure that you shouldn't bear at this age. I hope you can learn to be sensible next time."

After that, he picked up the electric bicycle and threw it towards the wall, and then Allen climbed over the wall and entered.

"You've come, can I leave on an empty stomach?"

Allen said that flowers are not given for free, at least you have to eat with them, otherwise you will feel exhausted.

Electric trams roam the Wayne Family Castle.

Allen couldn't help but said sourly: "For such a big house, taking a taxi to the toilet is at least the starting price."

You and your car enter the elevator and go straight down to the underground Bat Cave.


"Butler Man, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as the elevator door opened, he saw Ah Fu lying on the ground covered in blood.

Allen hurried forward and said with concern: "Afu, the ground is cold, be careful of catching a cold."

"Alan, hurry up and save the master."

Ah Fu pointed to the distance as he was dying, and there was an entrance that led directly to the ground.

"Aba is so naughty and doesn't listen to advice at all."

Looking in from the edge of the entrance, Allen had a look of hatred on his face. He then picked up the seriously injured Ah Fu and said, "I can only help you die and put him in the same cave."


Crazy, what are you doing?

I asked you to save Bruce, not throw me into a hole.

It's a pity that Ah Fu has a hard time talking now.

In the green Dionysian pool, two corpses lay quietly.

Bruce was wearing soft pajamas, but there were many tears in the clothes, and he was soaked face down in the Dionysian factor.

Next to him is the clown in a purple suit. Even though he is dead, he still has an exaggerated smile on his face.

The Court of Owls informed Batman of his identity, and Arthur carefully planned his actions.

First, let the clown gang cause trouble in Gotham City, drive away the five little gangs, and then attack Wayne Manor alone.

Before entering, ring the doorbell and put down a gift box.

The butler Ah Fu, who didn't understand why, picked up the gift box and opened it. The poisonous gas inside spurted out, making it fall under his control.

Then he found the Batcave and confronted Bruce head-on.

To deal with Batman, you can only make sneak attacks, not fights.

After a confrontation, they both fell into the cave and died.

Even though Bruce's body has not yet recovered, the Joker can only fight to the death.

As if fate was joking, the place where they fell was the Dionysus factor pool.

Suddenly, Arthur's fingers moved, and then he sat up blankly, very confused that he was still alive.

He touched the top of his head in confusion, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"My hair is growing back."

Arthur happily pulled two bunches of hair in front of his eyes and saw the recovered green hair.


Before he could touch his hair, he heard a familiar voice that made his body tremble.

Follow the source of the sound.

In the cave, in the shadow-covered corner, a beam of fire reflected a face with a terrifying smile.


Yes, it was Allen who smiled so hard that his gums turned outward.

"Don't come over here. If you have something to say, please tell me."

Arthur looked at Allen who was walking slowly, and he had a premonition of what was going to happen. At this moment, his laughter syndrome was cured, and there was only an expression of fear on his face.

"Classmate Clown."

Allen spoke righteously and said solemnly: "At your age, you should study crime and fight justice, instead of focusing on fancy things like growing long hair and dyeing it. As the dean of Gotham University, I must Eliminate the evil tendencies that lead you to the path of crime."

"Nervous, you!"

Arthur got up and ran for his life in a panic.

He would rather face Batman than face this crazy guy.

After taking a few steps, Allen had Arthur pressed under him and the lighter in his hand was turned to maximum power.

You ask where the lighter came from.

I took them together with the cigarettes at the relief point.

As the saying goes, I don’t have to smoke, but I must have it.

"Ellen doesn't want it. I'm begging you, don't burn your hair. You can burn your armpit hair, or you can remove it."

Arthur begged with tears, his hands kept scratching, trying to escape Allen's clutches.

"You are a bad student who doesn't commit crimes, but you still want to bargain. When the coercion of my dean is nothing, I will burn off your eyebrows this time."

Allen had already picked up the lighter and lit a head of green hair, making a sizzling sound accompanied by a burning smell.

Arthur yelled in pain and weakness: "No, please stop, Batman, wake up and save me!"

Someone called me?

Sounds like a clown's voice

Bruce woke up leisurely and looked up to see Allen riding on the clown and burning his hair with a lighter.

"I must be dreaming, how could the clown ask me for help."

Bruce smiled bitterly and buried his head in the puddle again.

Feeling the cold temperature of the Dionysian liquid, he suddenly raised his head and realized that he was not dreaming.

"It's not a dream!"

Bruce remembered what happened before, and suddenly realized that it was the Dionysian factor that resurrected him.

Looking at the clown who was asking for help while admitting his mistake, Bruce resolutely chose to stand by and watch.

First of all, he thought he couldn't beat Allen, and secondly, he had no reason to help an enemy. He was even worried that Allen would go crazy and burn his hair together.

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