American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 29 Bruce’s middle-aged rebellion

"I'm back, I'm so tired of saving the world."

Once Allen returned to the Batcave, he walked straight to Bruce's hospital bed.

Bruce, who is now weak, has not recovered his physical strength and needs to rest for a day or two.

With excellent physical fitness and top-notch medical equipment, there are basically no serious physical problems.

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, Allen sat unceremoniously on the bed, leaned next to Bruce, put a hand on his shoulder, and said in an old-fashioned way: "Ba, listen to my advice, the flowers will bloom again after they fade." , she left due to premature ejaculation, we must learn to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.”


Bruce asked weakly: "Alan, you should have discovered something, right?"

"Of course." Allen said proudly: "Who am I? I am the incarnation of justice, responsible for comedy, and even my daddy is fragrant."

Without forgetting his words, he added sincerely: "Sooner or later this world will end without me."

When everyone heard this, their faces turned dark.

This world would seem a little normal without you.


Allen cleared his throat, moved to a chair, crossed his fingers to support his chin, and said seriously: "I found not only owl judges in the nest, but also owl priests who live hidden underground."

"Owl Priest?"

Bruce gave him a confused look.

This is what Judge Owl looks like. He has seen it before when he was trapped in the lair. He was all wearing a mask and couldn't see his true appearance clearly, and his voice had been specially processed.

Therefore, he cannot rashly attack the wealthy people of Gotham to avoid being exposed, and the other party will take advantage of the public opinion offensive and become passive.

"The Owl Priests are a humanoid race with very terrifying looks. They are followers of Barbatos."

As he spoke, Allen compared his hands to pliers, placed them on both sides of his mouth, and described: "It looks like a Predator, with four fangs up and down in his mouth, but he is not as capable of fighting as a Predator."


The more Bruce listened, the more confused he became. It was all nonsense.

"I've never heard of the Predator. It's an alien hunter civilization. It specializes in hunting powerful creatures to complete trials. Its technological level is as high as four or five floors. It especially likes to hunt aliens." Allen said more and more enthusiastically: " Does the alien know that it first hatches the facehugger from the egg, then finds the creature hugging the face, injects the embryo from the mouth to parasitize, and then the mature alien breaks out from the chest in the body, which is very exciting."

"Now maybe you can find it in Wieland Company, or you can go under the ice in Antarctica and find the pyramid where the Alien Queen is imprisoned."

Where are you talking about the script?

Bruce and Wu Xiaoqiang didn't take a word seriously.

Can you believe it if you are mentally ill?

However, the name of Wieland Company has been heard of. Wayne Group, one of the world's leading biopharmaceutical companies, is far behind.

"Alan is digressing," Bruce reminded.

"Back to business."

Allen recounted with joy: "Speaking of a group of people who are well fed and have endless money to spend, they meet a group of cultists. Let me remind you, this is not the wave we encountered in Silent Hill, door-to-door sales of immortality projects.

I have a path in the dark multiverse. The risk is a bit high, but the profit is very high. It is said that wealth and wealth can be found in risks. If you have the guts, I will give you three when it is done.

When this group of people heard this, they thought this project was so wasteful that I, Wang Duoyu, invested in it.

Project planning is much simpler. I will induce you to come into contact with five metals.

Amber gold, Dionysus factor, promethium metal, N metal, and bat gold..."

Bruce asked in confusion: "Why me?"

Bruce felt angry and aggrieved when metal was stuffed into his body when he provoked anyone.

"It's a very in-depth question." Allen thought for a moment and replied: "Who makes you popular? Only by developing a plot around you can we have sales."


Allen blinked and asked, "Where did I say it?"

"Bat gold."

"Well, roasted gluten." Allen continued: "Aba, when you eat roasted gluten, it is equivalent to turning into a space-time anchor.

The green-winged bat king Wei Yixiao was able to successfully invade our world and took the lead in sending the advance team the Dark Knights. The superheroes won through a desperate fight.

Then the big boss appears, and the problem becomes serious.

Fortunately, I found the rice cooker that sealed Demon King Piccolo, took out the Tenth Metal inside, defeated the boss, and released the princess Perpetua imprisoned in the Wall of Origin. "

Everyone looked at each other, seemingly not understanding.

But one thing is certain, the problem is serious.

While they were digesting the information, Allen suddenly stood up and said with a solemn expression: "Oh no, things are far worse than imagined."

Allen stepped forward and grabbed Bruce's shoulders and warned: "Abat, now you have three metals, you must not touch Hawkman's weapons, Doctor Destiny's helmet, and Deathstroke's equipment, they are all things containing N metal. "

"Why do I think your real intention is to let me steal their equipment?"

The target and items were clearly stated, and Bruce couldn't help but suspect that Allen was telling the truth.

"They have it over there."

Allen turned his head away shyly.

You blush Gil.

Bruce asked, "Since when did I have three metals?"

He has never seen so-called special metals from beginning to end, and he has come into contact with three types of them inexplicably. It's terrifying to think about it.

Moreover, how did Allen know so clearly.

There are a lot of questions.

"Did you drink the water from the spring pool in the lair maze?"

Faced with Allen's questioning, Bruce admitted that he had been trapped in the maze for several days without eating or drinking. It was normal to drink water to quench his thirst when he saw the spring pool.

"That's amber gold, I deliberately induced you to drink it."

Allen further pointed out: "There is a pure pool of Dionysus factor hidden in the underground river of the Batcave. The claw warrior equipment brought back by Dick and Jason may have a layer of promethium metal coating on the surface. There are three kinds of it."

If the owl judges were present, they would definitely call him good guys.

They think they have reached the first step, but in fact they have already completed the third step.

"It's so late, I'm going back to the spring."

Allen glanced at the non-existent watch on his wrist, then adjusted the non-existent monocle in his right eye socket, and said with profound meaning: "Any gift from fate has a price tag secretly marked on it."

Unstoppable and get home on time.

Watching Allen leave, the Batcave fell into silence.

"Dick, show me the Claw Warrior's weapons." Bruce gestured.

"Alan said you have no contact." Dick hesitated.

"Do you believe a mentally ill person?"


Bruce looked at the exquisitely crafted sword and found no difference, so he ordered: "Dig down the Bat Cave to see if there is Dionysian factor."

Reality often proceeds according to the original trajectory.

In the original work, Bruce ignored the obstruction of everyone in Zhenglian and insisted on researching five special metals in an attempt to find a solution to Barbatos' invasion of reality, which led to the disaster.

To briefly summarize.

The Bruce bone grows from the neck to the tailbone, solving problems and creating them at the same time.

Belongs to middle-aged rebellion.

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