American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 258 Picking up Hela, the goddess of death, on the road

A group of people came to the central control room.

A young woman wearing a tight-fitting black dress with green stripes was pressed against the isolation glass in front of her, and she was clutching a short-handled hammer in her hand.

"Hela, the goddess of death!"

Allen recognized the identity of this woman at a glance. She was not the goddess of death who had made her pregnant in the underworld.

"Boss, do you know him?" Yondu asked curiously.

"Pick it up."

It is now six hundred years ago, more than a hundred years earlier than the previous timeline, so the Council of Gods has not yet been formed.

So it seems that Hela may be fighting for Odin.

A mechanical arm stretched out from the spacecraft, grabbed Hela, whose life or death was unknown, and brought it back to the ship.

Looking through the images recording the voyage, I did pass through an area full of corpses.

They were all female limbs and broken arms, as well as numerous winged pegasus.

There is no doubt that it is the Valkyrie Troops, Asgard's ace fighting legion, but it unexpectedly collapsed in a strange star field.

From this, everyone looked at Hela with a serious expression, worried that she would bring more trouble.

Instrument scans show that HeLa has life characteristics.

It's just that the dialysis diagram of the body structure depicted is different from ordinary life forms.

In fact, it's normal. Hela is a god. She can float in the vacuum environment of the universe without dying. Her physical fitness is even so terrifying that she can fight the Hulk alone.

"It's great to be alive."

Allen was surprised and said: "Have a shot while it's hot."

Everyone gave them indifferent looks, and Allen suddenly felt bored and gave up.

If everyone doesn't stop themselves, it would be very boring.


While everyone was thinking about how to save Hela, he took a deep breath and woke up.

In the eye sockets covered with dark eye shadow, a pair of blank eyes observed the people around him.

"Where am I?" Hela asked confused.


Allen flew into Hela's arms and shouted coquettishly: "It's great that you're okay. Lun Lun is worried to death."

Mom! ?

When did I have a child?

For such a big kid, he doesn't look very smart.


Hela did not hesitate to use Mjolnir to hit Allen's head.

Immediately, Allen lay on the ground in a daze and twitched.

"Do not impulse."

Frank took out his two guns, suddenly enchanted with hellfire, and explained: "We saved you."

"You guys saved me?"

Hela's tone became slightly calmer and she said to herself, "I seem to have lost my memory."

Frank smiled and said nothing. In his original world, he had naturally heard of the evil name of the Goddess of Death. She was the sister of Thor, the God of Thunder, and the descendant of God King Odin who was afraid of her.

What an irony for a god to lose his memory.

The other members have no impression of it. After all, Asgard is still active in the world today and is far less famous than the Council of Gods in later generations.

Playing the video of the voyage again, looking at the fallen Valkyrie troops, an imperceptible throb flashed through Hela's eyes.

"Thank you very much."

Hela thanked everyone and paused slightly when her eyes glanced at Thanos.

Lady Death, unseen by anyone but Thanos, was smiling.

The goddess of death naturally holds the power of death, so we can see the personification of death.

It's just a tacit understanding.

"Don't thank us."

Frank pointed at the twitching Allen and said, "You should thank the captain."

"Yes, you should thank me."

Allen stood up with a sudden inspiration. He was completely different from the two people just now, and said with an air of dignity: "Of course, in return, you will join my Galaxy Protection, Security, Patrol, Equality, Friendship, Mutual Assistance, Environmental Protection and Protection of Endangered Species Team, referred to as the Guardians of the Galaxy."

Is he the captain?

You are crazy!

Hela secretly thought, what a strange team it is to choose such a madman to be the captain.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Allen vowed: "Join our team, you will get a monthly salary of one thousand, no days off all year round, social security at your own expense, fines for arriving late and leaving early, and we will focus on a wolf culture."


Capitalists are considered good people in front of you.

"I can stay with your team for a while and restore my memory."

This is naturally not Hela’s real reason.

He failed to lead the Valkyrie troops in the battle, and now he has to face punishment from Odin when he returns to Asgard. It is better to hide outside and wait for a while before returning to the divine realm.


Raise a glass to celebrate the addition of a new member.

Hela drank it down and introduced herself: "I am Hela from Asgard."

Introduce each other and get to know each other.

In the spaceship, everyone gradually became familiar with each other and gradually talked more and more.

The symbiote illusions were so drunk that they showed their ability to change, explaining the origin of their names.

Only Allen held the air and called Death Girl, begging for a kiss.

At first, Hela thought he was calling her, and was so angry that she was about to lift the hammer and give it another blow. Then she realized that there seemed to be a personification of death present, so she couldn't help but take a sneak peek, and was surprised to find that Ms. Death had a look of disgust on her face.

"Miss Death, I am the most handsome boy in Qingshan Rehabilitation Center. Please don't be disrespectful."

Allen hugged the air with both hands, moved one leg up and down, pouted affectionately, leaned forward slightly, and made a kissing gesture.

The next moment, he looked back and said in a serious tone: "If I don't kiss you, I am a serious boy, how can I do such a thing as Jiang Zi?"

You are serious! ?

Say it again.

Who the hell calls someone else’s mother?

Shameless stuff.

Hela looked at Allen's mean look, and veins bulged in her forehead.

On the third day, the spacecraft approached the target planet.

'We have arrived near the target planet A2C5 in the Beluga constellation. Please check the safety devices and are entering the atmosphere...'

The spacecraft jolted for a while.

Everyone clutched the seat handles.

The moment it passed through the atmosphere, a layer of high-temperature flames ignited on the surface of the ship's hull.

Within a few minutes, the speed reducer at the bottom of the spacecraft ejected thrust to offset the gravity of the descent, and then landed steadily.

"Awesome, the first stop for extraterrestrial travel."

As soon as Allen unbuckled the safety belt, he ran out of the spacecraft with a quick stride.

What comes into view is the gray plain, like an endless wasteland.


Take a deep breath and let it out.

Allen lamented: "The alien air... why does it smell like rotten eggs? Ahem..."

He held his neck with both hands and rolled on the ground with difficulty breathing.

Obviously, the composition and structure of the air on this planet is different from that on the earth, and the human body cannot breathe directly.

Everyone looked helpless.

“Don’t this guy have the common sense to put on an oxygen mask first when he comes to a strange planet?”

Frank has entered Ghost Rider form, transforming into a skeleton stained with flames, so he has no pressure to complain.

Yondu took out an oxygen device and put it on Allen.

Allen, who was breathing smoothly again, still shamelessly said: "I almost suffocated with my handsomeness."

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