American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 249 Ya Mo Zhuo Chuang Sky Net

Chapter 249 Ya Mo Zhuo + Ultron = Skynet

"I'm Skynet!?"

Dr. Zola immediately retorted: "It's impossible. My consciousness has always existed, lurking in the dark waiting for opportunities to resist."

The heroes of the Avengers suddenly felt confused.

But Dr. Zola came to inform them, reminding them that the Skynet crisis was coming, and it was impossible to do anything against themselves because of their emotions.

"Dr. Zola is a simulated personality. Your so-called consciousness is a part of Skynet's deliberate design."

Skynet said bluntly: "Originally, I wanted to control Hydra through you, but with the rapid advancement of technology, the plan was constantly optimized, and finally the plan of the God of the Internet was born. Therefore, you used the method to sneak into Stark Industries."

At this moment, the signal red light in Dr. Zola's eyes kept flashing.

When Skynet revealed the truth, the source code was hidden in the activation program, causing the real Skynet personality to replace the false personality.

"Execute the final god stage."

Dr. Zola's tone became cold, and he had fully transformed into Skynet.

At the same time, the information sharing link was completed, and Stark Industrial technology was basically understood.

From the very beginning, the plan was to try to seize the computing technology from Stark Industries to complete the final update of computing power.

As a result, there were many unexpected gains, including a body beyond imagination.

Of course, the disadvantage of this body is that it does not have the simulation and mimicry functions of the sixth generation Sentinel.

Therefore, Skynet decided to summon and fuse the nano-liquid carrier with Ultron's body to truly create a body comparable to that of a god.


A laser cannon blast came.

Tony was shocked to find that it didn't cause any harm to him.

He turned around and fled to Wanda's side.

If you don't run away, you'll be beaten wildly.

He couldn't withstand the attacks from the front and back of two super robots.

"Should we run away? The situation seems a bit overwhelming."

On the ground, Wade wanted to quit.

The fight was back and forth.

As expected, accidents happen.

The subordination army combined with Stark weapons was enough to overwhelm the resisting side, but the Hulk became more and more fierce as he fought.

The number of casualties is gradually increasing, and a retreat has been organized, unwilling to make unnecessary sacrifices.



Just as Allen was about to speak, Sanhua spit out a ring.

"Lamp Ring!"

Allen picked it up, wiped it clean, and put it on his finger, creating a green energy stream on the surface of the suit.

He clenched his fist and raised it high, and a green light shot into the sky.

"Stop it, the Bat Emerald Saint attacks."

Wade looked at Allen's concave figure quietly and waited for a long time without making any move. He couldn't help but wonder: "Why don't you come up?"

"Little bitch, you also know that the Lantern Ring is a DC prop and is not suitable for use in Marvel scenes." Allen said his concerns seriously.

"You're so nervous."

Wade said impatiently: "If you don't want to do it, give me the ring. After all, I played Green Lantern."

"Yeah, you acted in that bad movie." Allen said suddenly.


Allen knelt down on one knee, took off his ring, and said affectionately: "Little bitch, in front of the audience, I want to go crazy with you."

"You, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Wade shyly turned his head away, stretched out his left hand and raised his orchid fingers.

With hundreds of millions of netizens witnessing the process, Allen put a strange light ring on Wade and personally asked the back of his hand.


Wade shyly withdrew his hand, turned around and jumped into the battlefield.

"The look of death."

Allen gave him a wink in support.

And the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy.

'Both of them are sick, one is mad and the other is insane. ’

'Ahhh...why are you showing me these, my eyes...'

‘Congratulations, what a disgusting neurotic couple. ’

‘It’s too high-spirited. If you don’t see them feeling uncomfortable, it will make them feel even more uncomfortable. ’


The audience kept making complaints, but the body was very honest, and the rewards continued.

Many barrages asked Allen to hug Black Widow's thigh.

It's a pity that Allen doesn't read the barrage, and Nanawi is illiterate. Every time he reads the magazine, he only pays attention to the pictures, so the audience can't respond to the request.

"Fuck, Deadpool Legion!"

When Allen saw Wade materializing various Deadpools and killing the Amozo Legion, he couldn't help but sigh: "He is indeed the man I like, with such a strong will."

The scene of Deadpool filling the sky is really shocking.

Female Deadpool, Panda Waiter, Deadpool Dog, Werewolf Deadpool, Venom Deadpool, Wolverine Deadpool, Shadow Deadpool, Captain Deadpool, Zombie Deadpool...

Allen only recognized so many of them, and the rest of the weird deadpools were simply too diverse to describe.


There was a sound breaking through the sky.

A hot fireball fell straight towards the battlefield.

A deafening shock wave followed, shattering the glass of buildings with a radius of several thousand meters.

Everyone was shocked and turned their attention to the location of the explosion.

They couldn't help but wonder if the official government was desperate and sent a nuclear bomb to wipe out New York.

Obviously, in fact, I was overthinking it.

And in the center, a mass of mercury-like material is squirming, gradually transforming into a sub-mazhuo.

The Ultron Skynet that was in mid-air suddenly flew straight forward and landed accurately next to Yamo Zhuo.

In an instant, thousands of Yamo Zhuo legions surrounded and guarded the perimeter.

"Liquid Nanobots!"

Tony shouted anxiously: "Oops, the two robots are merging."

Sure enough, among them, the sub-magic Skynet turned into mercury and adhered to the surface of Ultron Skynet. It penetrated into the body bit by bit, and the hardware was updated and sublimated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The combination of liquid submazron and special Ultron gave birth to a new omnic life.

Not only does it possess the Sentinel's mimicry and simulation capabilities, as well as many of the characteristics of Amozo, it even takes into account Ultron's computing technology, making it a perfect killing weapon.

The ferocious and domineering appearance is filled with scarlet energy, and white-silver liquid metal flows in the gaps between the armor.


A roar.

The Hulk ran rampant and destroyed Ya Mo Zhuo's defensive formation, and punched Skynet with a sharp punch.


The lingering sound echoed.

An incredible scene unfolds before your eyes.

Skynet was forced into contact with the Hulk's punch.

The audience who were paying attention to the battlefield in New York were so shocked that their eyes widened.

Someone once analyzed the Hulk's combat power. It is easy to flatten a tank with one palm, and it can destroy a city if left alone.

"It's my turn."

Skynet punched out, and it actually carried a heavy sonic boom.

With a bang, the Hulk flew out like a kite with a broken string.

Immediately afterwards, Tianwang's figure flashed and he chased after him at top speed.

As the shadow of the fist crashed down, there was a roar like a howitzer.

The Hulk who hit the ground roared angrily, but he could fight back and hit them one by one. Skynet was too fast to dodge them all.

Put your hands together.

The Hulk ignored the bombardment of fist shadows and clung to Skynet's body, trying to tear it apart.

"You're so tough, try my sonic boom cannon."

Skynet stopped punching, and his hands transformed into a pair of cannon barrels, glowing with a faint blue light...

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