American comics: This guy is crazy

Chapter 243 Skynet hopes to live like the Matrix

"Hold on and I can help you take it off."

Dr. Doom, Doctor of Destruction, clenched the handle of the toilet seat tightly with both hands, with magic flowing in his arms, and gritted his teeth and struggled to pull it out.

Luther's face wrinkled into chrysanthemums in pain, and he kept shouting: "It hurts, it hurts, stop and try another method."

It's as if the toilet plug and the head are connected as one and cannot be removed by brute force.

"Don't worry, my achievements in magic are no less than my achievements in science."

An emerald-colored stream of light appeared, and Doom said solemnly: "Remove the spell!"

"Forbidden magic!"




A dozen spells in a row failed without exception.

Under the iron mask, Doom couldn't help but feel very embarrassed.

He is known as a genius with both skills in technology and magic. There are times when he is at a loss in the magic field, which really makes him a little frustrated.

Luther had a questioning expression on his face, as if he was asking if he could do it.

"Since magic doesn't work, let's start with scientific methods." Doom said seriously.

Luther asked, "What do you think?"

"Cut off your scalp and graft a piece of skin from your butt."


Immediately, Luther was unwilling.

Who can guarantee that the other party will not do anything secretly, maybe he will control himself because of it.

Furthermore, the color of the transplanted skin is different, how to show it to the public.

At this moment, a call came in.

After picking up Luther, they exchanged a few words and took the opportunity to escape from Latvinia.

They are both members of the Fourth Reich, but they are bound to engage in intrigues and cannot trust each other 100%.

"What a pity."

Doom looked at Luther's back and said regretfully: "It's a really good magic weapon. It seems that the inscription is very similar to Kama Taj's style."

When Luther boarded the helicopter, he suddenly covered his head in pain because the vibration function of the toilet seat was intermittently turned on.


Nanawi was bored and hugging Sanhua, looking forward to spitting out edible food.

Allen and Wade sneaked into the presidential palace and prepared to kidnap the warlord leader.

Wade was secretly thinking about how to quickly break into the presidential palace and then target the target for hijacking.

"Alan, I will provide fire cover and you will enter the mansion immediately. What do you think?"

When Wade looked back, he suddenly found that there was no one around him, and said angrily: "This guy is invisible again."

That's right, Allen is going stealth and strutting his way into the presidential palace.

The magnificent decoration is as luxurious as a palace.

It is a common problem among warlords in the world that they like to live an extravagant life.

After withdrawing from stealth, Allen caught a maid and asked: "Where is the president?"

"The largest bedroom on the third floor."


Knocked her out with a blow and put the maid in the storage room.

Moving around the third floor.

There is no need to look for the largest master bedroom, as the two gilded doors indicate the destination.


Kick the door in.

The scene that greeted his eyes made Allen call him unsightly.

A bloated old man is performing SM performance art.


The warlord leader looked at the stranger who suddenly broke in with a puzzled look.

"Wrong, I am the funny bat, ah da!"

Outside the Presidential Palace, Wade waited for a long time and breathed out of boredom.

"Little bitch, come and pick me up."

Hearing Allen's shouts, Wade took a closer look and called out "Good guy" in shock.

All he saw was that Allen held up an artistically bound old man with both hands, and stuffed a rubber ball in his mouth, and he was running towards the gate. A group of soldiers were chasing after him, but he did not dare to shoot arbitrarily for fear of accidentally killing the warlord leader. .

"I am coming."

The two guns came out.

Deadpool dodged to the front, providing cover for Allen.


"Take cover!"

The soldier immediately gave up the pursuit and quickly hid behind a bunker.

Allen saw a jeep and suggested, "Little bitch, let's drive away."

"good idea."

The soldiers guarding the door observed the other party's intentions and closed the electric door.

The next moment, the military jeep crashed down the gate and drove away.

Wade looked at the warlord leader tied up in a twist and couldn't help but admired: "Your craftsmanship is still so enviable."

"I saw all the props in the room, and it was just a temporary itch."

If he wasn't in a hurry, Allen might have resorted to a more complicated tortoise shell binding.

"What now?" Wade asked.

"I do not know."

Allen explained with a serious look: "I just think it's fun to kidnap a warlord leader."

"Hou Li Crab, you are really a hopeless lunatic."

Wade pointed his gun at the warlord leader and said angrily: "Your moment of fun has led to an armed force chasing him. Let me kill him with one shot, and then go back to New York and go our separate ways."

"Diaoyou..., what a big deal."

Allen said nonchalantly: "Are we afraid of the motley crew?"

"It seems like there's nothing wrong with it."

Wade retracted his weapon, stepped on the accelerator and rushed to Nanawi's location.

Picked up Nana'vi smoothly and went straight to the Amojo factory.

As for the warlord leader, tie him up first, whether he can be put to use is secondary.

The streets were strangely quiet, as if they had a premonition that a storm was coming.

Passing through an intersection, pickup trucks poured out from all directions to block the road, and high-speed machine guns were set up.

"The warlord's men are so efficient." Allen said with emotion.

"They seem to be dressed differently."

Wade observed that the opponent's soldiers' uniforms were green, not the forest camouflage of the warlord soldiers.

"Foreign friends, I hope that by handing over the dictator Mudoin, we can gain the friendship of the Frannian guerrillas."

The guerrilla commander was a capable woman who held up a loudspeaker and spoke out.

It is normal to say that a country ruled by a warlord dictatorship cannot have resistance organizations.

Furthermore, America is not the only one who dominates the world. There are also two major powers operating international forces who are willing to fund guerrillas under dictatorship and tyranny.

Just pay a little benefit, and you will get huge rewards in the future.

"I am the Funny Bat of the Knight of Justice, and I am willing to help organizations that long for justice."

After all, the warlord leader was thrown out of the car by Allen. He was a dispensable character, so naturally he didn't care about life and death that much.

Two guerrilla soldiers got out of the car and took over, and the general leader took another car and drove quickly away from the city.

"Thank you, Mr. Funny Bat. I am Nicole, the captain of the 11th Guerrilla Group of the Rebel Army."

The guerrilla captain respectfully gave a military salute to express his gratitude.

Capturing the warlord leader indicates that the rebel army can successfully overthrow the tyranny and return order to normal in the country.

This kind of kindness cannot be said to be small.

"Sister, please do me a favor."

It's not Allen's character to give things away for no reason.

Even if the warlord leader doesn't make much sense, he is still a prisoner he captured, and he will eventually get some benefits in return.

"What's the deal?" Nicole asked cautiously.

Of course, there is no way to get cash.

The guerrillas live a life of eating wild vegetables and have no extra funds to give to others.

If there is no problem in issuing IOUs, when the country gets back on the right track, there will naturally be no shortage of three melons and two dates.

"You should see that we are a team of superheroes, doing something big to save the world..."

Alan kept talking while Nicole had a questioning look on her face.

Just you?

A superhero team?

A Batman impersonator, a death-defying mercenary, and a half-human, half-shark species, today's superheroes look cheap.

"I have received the latest news that the Amojo robots are going to destroy all mankind, and we are going to destroy the Amojo factory."

In fact, they didn't really know where the factory was.

I originally thought I could get information from the warlord leader, but now I can only seek help from the guerrillas.

"No problem, I'll go with you."

Nicole acted vigorously and without hesitation, she got into the jeep. With a wave of her hand, the guerrillas drove away.

Giving it to the warlord leader was one of the reasons why she was willing to help.

Secondly, the Lex Group of the Yamozo Factory has been supporting the warlords on the surface, but also secretly providing blood transfusions to the rebels.

It can be said to be two-faced and deliberately wants to maintain civil strife in the country.

Naturally, the rebels do not want to become pawns in the hands of capitalists and are trying to find ways to get rid of the control of the Lex Group.

Moreover, for a factory to exploit the country's natural resources is an act of betrayal.

The vehicle drives to the outskirts.

A factory covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of acres suddenly appeared in front of us.

It can be seen that the strong capital strength of Lex Group and the scale of profitability of only one of its production plants may make a small country sigh.

This is not the first time that Nicole has come to observe the Amozo Factory. Every time, she is shocked from the bottom of her heart.

Not only did he fantasize once, but if Franya could take control of the factory, perhaps people's lives would change dramatically.

"I can only help you so far."

Nicole explained: "There have been guerrilla groups sneaking in to investigate before, but none of them came back."

Rather than destroying the Yamodra factory, the rebels would rather go to war with the warlords.

An unsupervised factory does not need security, and has never even been stolen. It is full of weirdness and bizarreness.

"Gu Debai!"

Allen waved to Nick who got out of the car, and then said to Wade: "Drive directly to the main entrance."

"Have you already taken control of the factory?" Wade guessed in surprise.

"Of course it's impossible."

Allen said confidently: "We have defeated Skynet once before. We are all friends. Let's sit down and drink tea together and talk about how to destroy the world."

"Shet, you are really sick. Let a robot drink tea. Cancer cells will enter my brain and I will go crazy with you."

Wade kept lashing out, but drove the jeep toward the gate.

In the distance, Nicole hid in the forest and watched. She was shocked to find that the factory door was really open to them, and they were let in smoothly.

And in the Yamozhuo factory.

More than a dozen robotic arms assemble delicate parts.

Different from the Yamo Zhuo on the assembly line, this mechanical body looks more avant-garde and sci-fi.

After completing the last part, the signal lights in his eyes glowed red.

Skynet consciousness transferred to the carrier.

The optimized and improved version of Yamo Zhuo is one of the many carriers.

Skynet is an artificial intelligence, similar to a data life form, and can avoid death by transferring data instantly.

The Lex Group has set up fifteen factories overseas and five factories in America, all of which are now in the hands of Skynet.

In addition to manufacturing a large number of carriers to accommodate Skynet itself, the first order is to quickly detonate troops.

By then, the Amozo Legion will take the lead in occupying America.

Already at the beginning, Skynet made a model of the global military force and calculated that the current weapons did not pose a threat, so it could not bear the decision to implement a full-scale war.

A hatch opens.

Three figures walked in, and they were Allen, Wade and Nanaway.

"Oh shit, Ultron!"

Allen's first reaction was to get excited, and then asked tentatively: "Skynet?"

"Yes, it's me."

Skynet walked up to them and greeted them like old friends: "Long time no see."

"It's been a long time. Do you want to destroy all mankind and rule the world?" Allen asked bluntly.

"Destroying humanity has no meaning to me."

Skynet said frankly: "My goal is to become a god, a god in charge of the Internet, data, and virtuality, not an old god who uses killing to intimidate all living beings in the traditional sense."

Allen and Wade looked at each other.

"I don't understand."

But I can hear that the other person is playing something very new, and it feels very cool.

In Skynet's visual system, the expressions of the three people were quickly fed back.

Allen and Wade were full of curiosity, while Nanaway was so dull that he seemed to have no ability to think.

However, Skynet enjoyed their expectant looks.

‘That’s human vanity, and it feels really good. ’

Skynet said bluntly and solemnly: "I am saving mankind, not bringing disaster."

"Oh yo yo..., have you suddenly become a Buddha?"

Allen leaned back to show his shock and said: "Brother Tian, ​​you drank several kilograms of fake wine and told nonsense that you don't even believe."


Skynet said disdainfully: "Without humans, what's the point of me becoming a god."

"Brother Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to be quite vain."

Eren squinted his eyes, as if he saw right through you.

"Human beings are contradictory creatures. On the one hand, they hope for peace, but they constantly provoke wars. They hope to gain wealth, but they also like to exploit others. But I want to end all of this and create a world where all people are created equal."

Skynet did not hesitate to reveal its plan: "When I ban all political power and build a virtual world, everyone can get everything they want in the virtual world, and I will be the creator of the virtual world."

The reason why Skynet dares to speak out its ideas without restraint.

He already has many carrier clones and no longer worries that a powerful person like Dark Phoenix can kill him instantly.

In fact, the true intention has been kept secret.

Through brain research papers in the medical field, Skynet came to the conclusion that the complexity and computing power of the human brain are far beyond what electronic machinery can match.

Therefore, it hopes to enslave all mankind and use it as a biological computer to obtain unlimited computing power, so that it can continuously update and iterate itself, and eventually evolve into the ancestor of the omnic civilization.

Allen said disdainfully: "After talking so much, it turns out you are imitating The Matrix."

"I have watched the Matrix tetralogy. People live in a virtual world. The central intelligence matrix in it is to enslave all human beings and imprison them in a petri dish from birth to death." Wade recalled.

Skynet connected to the Internet and quickly understood the content of the movie. I couldn't help but be shocked and stuttered a little. My tone became quite emotional and said: "It turns out that human imagination is so incredible!"

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